July 01, 2019 - congestive) heart failure
I130 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney
disease with heart failure and stage … 1
through stage 4 chronic kidney disease,
or unspecified chronic kidney disease
I5043 Acute on … )
heart failure
I132 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney
disease with heart failure and with stage … 5 chronic kidney disease, or end stage
renal disease
I509 Heart failure, unspecified
I501 Left … failure
I5083 High output heart failure
I5032 Chronic diastolic (congestive) heart
I5084 End stage
July 01, 2021 - congestive) heart failure
I130 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney
disease with heart failure and stage … 1
through stage 4 chronic kidney disease,
or unspecified chronic kidney disease
I5043 Acute on … )
heart failure
I132 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney
disease with heart failure and with stage … 5 chronic kidney disease, or end stage
renal disease
I50810 Right heart failure, unspecified
I501 … failure
I5083 High output heart failure
I5031 Acute diastolic (congestive) heart failure I5084 End stage
October 01, 2014 - In Stage 1, every original ICD-9 code was mapped to ICD-10-CM equivalences (in
red). … This stage is most useful for a first
review of ICD codes.
4. … Stage 2 takes the ICD-10 codes found in Stage 1 and uses them to identify additional
ICD-9 codes that … Only the new ICD-9-
CM code (in blue) that was not displayed in Stage 1 is shown. … Stage 3 takes the ICD-9 codes found in Stage 2 and uses them to identify additional
ICD-10 codes that
September 30, 2020 - I through stage IV, orunspecified
kidney disease stage I through stage IV, orunspecified
403.10 … I through stage IV, orunspecified
kidney disease stage I through stage IV, orunspecified
404.00 … I through stage IV,or
heart failure and with chronic kidney disease stage I through stage IV,or … I through stage
without heart failure and with chronic kidney disease stage I through stage
IV, … I through stage IV,or
heart failure and with chronic kidney disease stage I through stage IV,or
September 30, 2021 - kidney
disease stage I through stage IV, or unspecified
403.90 Hypertensive chronic kidney disease … without
heart failure and with chronic kidney disease stage I through stage IV, or
unspecified … , with
heart failure and with chronic kidney disease stage V or end stage renal
404.11 … with heart
failure and chronic kidney disease stage V or end stage renal disease
404.91 Hypertensive … , with
heart failure and chronic kidney disease stage V or end stage renal disease
V4.0 February
January 01, 2015 - indicator now limited post-operative acute renal failure
Chronic kidney failure exclusion restricted to Stage … V or End Stage
Observed rate increased
Key Measure Changes: PSI
PSI 11: Postoperative Respiratory … Measure Changes: PQI
PQI 10: Dehydration Admission Rate
Restricted kidney failure POA exclusion to Stage … V or End Stage
Increase in observed rate
Key Measure Changes: PDI
PDI Composite weights updated
July 01, 2016 - defect
I1310 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney
disease without heart failure, with stage 1 … through stage 4 chronic kidney disease, or
unspecified chronic kidney disease
Q212 Atrioventricular … septal defect
I1311 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney
disease without heart failure, with stage … heart and chronic kidney
disease with heart failure and with stage 5
chronic kidney disease, or … end stage renal
Q214 Aortopulmonary septal defect
I2601 Septic pulmonary embolism with
November 01, 2013 - kidney disease, benign, with chronic kidney disease stage V or end stage renal disease D82.0 Wiskott-Aldrich … syndrome
403.91 Hypertensive chronic kidney disease, unspecified, with chronic kidney disease stage … disease, malignant, without heart failure and with chronic kidney disease stage V or end stage renal … chronic kidney disease, benign, with heart failure and chronic kidney disease stage V or end stage renal … V D83.2 Common variable immunodeficiency with autoantibodies to B- or T-cells
585.6 End stage renal
December 19, 2014 - Notes on the AHRQ QI ICD-10-CM (Enhanced) alpha software:
Prepared by Truven Health Analytics, Reviewed by Stanford University
December 19, 2014
The Alpha ICD-10-CM QI Software is in the first stages of development. This version of software includes three programs per QI module (CONTROL.SAS, FORMAT and SAS1). These wil…
December 09, 2015 - This software – currently in the Alpha stage – was developed to help organizations convert to the use
January 01, 2016 - The tool applies the GEM in a two-stage process using both the forward and backward maps in conjunction
March 01, 2015 - ICD-10 Software (Alpha version) ® , Version 4.5a
The Alpha ICD-10-CM QI Software is in the first stages of development. It is intended as an initial look for users wishing to begin preliminary preparations for applying the AHRQ QI software to ICD-10 data,
but definitions of the QI and structure of the software may …
August 01, 2011 - WinQI) and
PDI #2: Modified inclusion logic to remove exclusion
of pressure ulcer in stage … I or II to capture diagnosis
of stage III or IV ulcers.
January 25, 2010 - Microsoft PowerPoint - AHRQ_QI_Version_41_Details_Final_2010-01-25.ppt [Compatibility Mode]
AHRQ Quality Indicator SoftwareAHRQ Quality Indicator Softwareyy
Version 4.1 Version 4.1 –– Additional DetailAdditional Detail
Jeffrey Geppert, Jeffrey Geppert, EdMEdM, JD, Battelle Memorial Institute, JD, Battelle Memorial I…
January 01, 2005 - Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS), 1998-2000
CDC-NCHS National Nursing Home Survey (NNHS), 1999
CMS, End-Stage
January 01, 2012 - This can be
examined empirically during a later stage of measure development.
14 … One noted that there were likely very few
admissions where the primary diagnosis is a stage 1 or 2 pressure … He suggested examining the
data empirically to assess rates of admission by stage. … and a specification of stage.
January 01, 2020 - For
►DECUBEXD: Pressure ulcer stage diagnosis codes (new distinct denominator
exclusion … For
Pressure ulcer stage diagnosis codes (new distinct
January 27, 2010 - Microsoft PowerPoint - AHRQ QI_Version 41_Overview_Final.ppt [Compatibility Mode]
AHRQ Q lit I di t S ftAHRQ Q lit I di t S ftAHRQ Quality Indicator SoftwareAHRQ Quality Indicator Software
Version 4.1 Version 4.1 -- OverviewOverview
Jeffrey Geppert, EdM, JD, Battelle Memorial Institute
John Bott, MSSW, MBA, Contract…
January 27, 2010 - NEWS from 2009
December 29 2009 – Webinar on Quality Indicators Version 4.1 Changes
December 18 2009 – Release of AHRQ Quality Indicators for SAS ® Version 4.1
September 30 2009 – Update: Release of AHRQ Quality Indicators for SAS Beta Version 4.0a
September 4 2009 – Release of AHRQ Quality Indicator Beta Ve…
October 05, 2016 - PSI 09
Acute renal failure
requiring dialysis
Development of acute kidney injury/failure (stage