August 03, 2017 - July 5, 2017
Meaningful Use stage 2 e-prescribing threshold and adverse drug events in
May 04, 2012 - Impact of health information technology on detection of potential adverse drug events at the ordering stage
December 21, 2017 - December 21, 2017
Guidance for health care leaders during the recovery stage of the COVID
January 23, 2017 - WebM&M Cases
Overdose of Gabapentin and Oxycodone in a Patient with End-Stage
August 18, 2010 - WebM&M Cases
Overdose of Gabapentin and Oxycodone in a Patient with End-Stage
December 14, 2016 - October 19, 2016
Guidance for health care leaders during the recovery stage of the COVID
October 17, 2011 - August 3, 2022
Guidance for health care leaders during the recovery stage of the COVID
December 31, 2014 - WebM&M Cases
Overdose of Gabapentin and Oxycodone in a Patient with End-Stage
November 04, 2015 - July 5, 2017
Meaningful Use stage 2 e-prescribing threshold and adverse drug events in
July 27, 2011 - May 27, 2015
High Quality Care for All: NHS Next Stage Review Final Report.
July 30, 2014 - Impact of health information technology on detection of potential adverse drug events at the ordering stage
March 16, 2016 - March 20, 2019
Guidance for health care leaders during the recovery stage of the COVID
January 23, 2017 - Provider risk factors for medication administration error
alerts: analyses of a large-scale closed-loop medication
administration system using RFID and barcode.
January 23, 2017
Hwang Y, Yoon D, Ahn EK, et al. Provider risk factors for medication administration error alerts: analyses
of a large-scale closed-loop m…
February 01, 2006 - Failure to Reach Correct Diagnosis
Pre-turnover stage
Clinicians content with diagnosis of urinary … Failure to Reach Correct Diagnosis
Meeting stage
It was unclear who was responsible for follow-up and
March 01, 2007 - definitions for CIAKI.( 2 ) Some examples include the RIFLE criteria (Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, End-stage … systematic review found that these definitions do not differ significantly in their ability to diagnose and stage … genuinely at risk of CIAKI if they have an eGFR less than 45 mL/min/1.73 m2 (i.e., chronic kidney disease stage
May 08, 2017 - November 20, 2019
Guidance for health care leaders during the recovery stage of the COVID
July 10, 2008 - Impact of health information technology on detection of potential adverse drug events at the ordering stage
February 18, 2011 - Impact of health information technology on detection of potential adverse drug events at the ordering stage
May 05, 2010 - February 23, 2022
Guidance for health care leaders during the recovery stage of the COVID
February 15, 2012 - Impact of health information technology on detection of potential adverse drug events at the ordering stage