
Total Results: 1,126 records

Showing results for "stage".

    July 24, 2024 - WebM&M Cases Overdose of Gabapentin and Oxycodone in a Patient with End-Stage
  2. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    October 31, 2014 - Characterising the complexity of medication safety using a human factors approach: an observational study in two intensive care units. October 31, 2014 Carayon P, Wetterneck TB, Cartmill R, et al. Characterising the complexity of medication safety using a human factors approach: an observational study in two inten…
  3. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    April 28, 2021 - When kidney damage becomes severe enough, patients may be diagnosed with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD … and ongoing communication between the patient and the care team.7  Mitigating Safety Risks in End-Stage … the Medical Director for Satellite Health Care and as a member of the Medical Advisory Board for Nx Stage
    March 13, 2024 - Machine learning in health care is in the early stage of application.
  5. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    May 01, 2011 - (iv) enduring the inquisition, (v) obtaining emotional first aid, and (vi) moving on.(18) The sixth stage … The Table illustrates the six-stage recovery trajectory as well as stage characteristics and recommended … participants then offered their recommendations regarding desired or ideal institutional support for each stage
  6. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    March 01, 2017 - properly mobilize the operating room team to participate in a timeout or signout at the appropriate stage
  7. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    August 12, 2015 - proprietary names, this announcement describes near misses with the drugs at the prescribing and dispensing stage
  8. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    April 19, 2017 - measuring-harm-and-informing-quality-improvement-welsh-nhs-longitudinal- welsh-national This publication compared the use of the Global Trigger Tool with a two-stage
  9. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    February 01, 2004 - Upon evaluation by a gynecologic-oncologist, she was found to be Stage IIB cancer. … of more rapidly progressive disease have been reported, here it appears that this woman's advanced stage … system also contributed to the failure to detect this woman's disease in an earlier, more curable stage … Determinants of late stage diagnosis of breast and cervical cancer: the impact of age, race, social
  10. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    December 23, 2008 - The authors also present data on the stage at which an ADE occurred, consequences of the preventable
    July 28, 2010 - Impact of health information technology on detection of potential adverse drug events at the ordering stage
    January 30, 2008 - Tools/Toolkit A morning briefing: setting the stage for a clinically and operationally
  13. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    July 08, 2009 - The authors discuss the types of errors that may occur at each stage of radiotherapy and recommend error
  14. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    August 20, 2008 - Most reported errors occurred at the prescribing stage (e.g., prescribing an incorrect dose), and nearly
    September 01, 2008 - about a third to a half of serious medication errors are committed during the physician prescribing stage … setting, but those strategies can only go so far when the reliability is already at the 95% to 99% stage … the field that if an error is committed early in the medication use process during the order-writing stage … ( 2 ) Research has shown that most medication errors are made by providers during the prescribing stage … trials evaluating the impact of this technology on reducing medication errors at the administration stage
  16. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    September 01, 2016 - provider order entry (CPOE) hold promise for reducing medication errors at the prescribing and dispensing stage
  17. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    December 14, 2011 - anticoagulant- related ADEs were attributable to medication errors, usually at the medication administration stage
    September 29, 2017 - This publication raises awareness of safety in end-stage renal disease care, explores factors specific
    February 18, 2009 - September 10, 2014 High Quality Care for All: NHS Next Stage Review Final Report.
  20. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    January 19, 2011 - The prescribing stage was responsible for nearly 95% of the errors in the former category but only 60%

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