July 01, 1999 - The 1996 MEPS NHC sample was selected using a
two-stage stratified probability design. … In the first stage,
facilities were selected; in the second stage, facility
residents were sampled, selecting
December 01, 2004 - The sample was selected using a two-stage
stratified probability design, with facility … selection in
the first stage. … The second stage of selection consisted of
a sample of residents as of January 1,
December 01, 2004 - The sample was selected using a two-stage
stratified probability design, with facility … selection in
the first stage. … The second stage of selection consisted of
a sample of residents as of January 1,
September 01, 1998 - The 1996 MEPS NHC sample was selected using a
two-stage stratified probability design. … In the first stage,
facilities were selected; in the second stage, facility
residents were sampled, selecting … residents in the last stage. … Sample Selection
A stratified two-stage systematic sample was
adopted, where stage 1 reflected the selection … of facilities
(in two phases) and stage 2 reflected the selection of
persons in these facilities.
August 01, 1997 - The 1996 MEPS NHC sample was selected using a
two-stage stratified probability design. … In the first stage,
facilities were selected; in the second stage, facility
residents were sampled, selecting … care coverage plays in ensuring that
children obtain the medical care appropriate to their
specific stage … plan for the elderly, persons receiving Social Security
disability payments, and most persons with end-stage
September 01, 1998 - and Wolters, 1993; Bethel, Ward, and Kalton, 1993),
and work conducted during the pretest
stage … has a multistage stratified probability
design, with facilities selected in the first stage … and residents
in the last stage. … Sample Selection
A stratified two-stage systematic sample was adopted,
where stage 1 … reflected the selection of facilities (in two phases)
and stage 2 reflected the selection
January 01, 2002 - The redesigned MEPS reflects the first stage of
implementation of the Department of Health … In the two targeted quarters of 1995, these PSUs included 1,675
sample segments (second-stage … The expected
yield at each stage of data collection for each new MEPS sample linked
January 01, 2002 - The redesigned MEPS reflects the first stage of
implementation of the Department of Health … In the two targeted quarters of 1995, these PSUs included 1,675
sample segments (second-stage … The expected
yield at each stage of data collection for each new MEPS sample linked
January 01, 2002 - The redesigned MEPS reflects the first stage of
implementation of the Department of Health … In the two targeted quarters of 1995, these PSUs included 1,675
sample segments (second-stage … The expected
yield at each stage of data collection for each new MEPS sample linked
January 01, 2019 - The first stage of sample selection was an area sample of Primary
Sampling Units (PSUs), with each … At the second stage of sampling, the entire area within each selected PSU was partitioned into
segments … These segments served
as the Second Stage Units (SSUs). … Design
As for earlier NHIS sample designs, the 2006−2015 NHIS design was based on a stratified multi-
stage … factors that relate to design specifications including the stratification, clustering, and multi-stage
January 01, 2019 - The first stage of sample selection was an area sample of Primary Sampling Units (PSUs), with each PSU … At the second stage of sampling, the entire area within each selected PSU was partitioned into segments … These segments served as the Second Stage Units (SSUs). … Design
As for earlier NHIS sample designs, the 2006–2015 NHIS design was based on a stratified multi-stage … other factors that relate to design specifications including the stratification, clustering, and multi-stage
June 01, 2000 - The 1996 MEPS NHC sample was selected using a
two-stage stratified probability design. … In the first stage,
facilities were selected; in the second stage, facility
residents were sampled, selecting
February 01, 2002 - The 1996 MEPS NHC sample was selected using a
two-stage stratified probability design. … In the first stage,
facilities were selected; in the second stage, facility
residents were sampled, selecting … In the first stage, the NMES
population was projected from 1987 to 1996 using
population data from more … In
the second stage, the aged 1996 NMES population was
projected to each year after 1996 up to 2005 based
November 01, 2006 - In the first stage the ZIOP model is used to generate predicted probabilities for
different numbers … occupation category, and whether the individual works in
a firm with a retirement plan to the first stage … model in order to strengthen identification in the
second stage estimation of the reduced form.5 … is adjusted using
the formulae derived by Wooldridge (2002, pp.354-56) to account for the first-stage … recipients, and Medicaid recipients on each segment of the pricing schedule in Table 1 using a
July 20, 2017 - confirmed that patient demographic data are stored in separate
fields, consistent with Meaningful Use Stage … Should this Preliminary Study proceed to the Feasibility stage (Figure 1-1),
determining whether this … proceed,
clear and concise technical specifications should be developed in the Implementation
Plans stage … of charges, billings, and payments materials should
be developed during in the Implementation Plans stage … Based on the encouraging information gleaned from this preliminary study, the next stage—
February 01, 2019 - persons ages 65 and older, persons receiving
Social Security disability payments, and persons with end-stage
February 01, 2022 - aged 65 and older, persons receiving Social
Security Disability payments, and persons with end-stage
February 01, 2022 - receiving Social Security Disability
payments, and persons with end-stage
June 01, 2014 - plan for the elderly, persons receiving Social Security disability payments, and most persons with end-stage
December 01, 2010 - insurance plan for the elderly, persons receiving Social Security disability payments, and persons with end-stage