June 01, 2014 - insurance plan for the elderly, persons receiving Social Security disability payments, and persons with end-stage
November 01, 2017 - persons age 65 and older, persons receiving Social Security disability payments, and persons with end-stage
December 01, 2010 - insurance plan for the elderly, persons receiving Social Security disability payments, and persons with end-stage
February 01, 2022 - persons age 65 and older, persons receiving Social
Security disability payments, and persons with end-stage
January 01, 2023 - and
older, persons receiving Social Security disability payments, and persons with end-stage
February 01, 2022 - receiving Social Security disability
payments, and persons with end-stage
January 01, 2021 - persons age 65 and older, persons receiving Social Security disability payments, and persons with end-stage
January 01, 2021 - persons age 65 and older, persons receiving Social
Security disability payments, and persons with end-stage
April 01, 2020 - persons aged 65 and older, persons receiving Social Security disability payments, and persons with end-stage
September 16, 2010 - Also, at this stage,
extremely large weights are trimmed and the poststratification process is repeated … The nonresponse adjustment classes for this stage are formed
using race/ethnicity, sex, and age category … Note that the age categories (age at the
date of the interview) used differ from those in stage (i)
September 16, 2010 - Also, at this stage,
extremely large weights are trimmed and the poststratification process is repeated … The nonresponse adjustment classes for this stage are formed
using race/ethnicity, sex, and age category … Note that the age categories (age at the
date of the interview) used differ from those in stage (i)
October 01, 1997 - The 1996 MEPS NHC sample was selected using a
two-stage stratified probability design. … In the first stage,
facilities were selected; in the second stage, facility
residents were sampled, selecting
August 01, 1999 - The 1996 MEPS NHC sample was selected using a
two-stage stratified probability design. … In the first stage,
facilities were selected; in the second stage, facility
residents were sampled, selecting
January 01, 2001 - The 1996 MEPS NHC sample was selected using a
two-stage stratified probability design. … In the first stage,
facilities were selected; in the second stage, facility
residents were sampled, selecting
September 01, 2023 - persons aged 65 and older, persons receiving Social
Security disability payments, and persons with end-stage
September 01, 2023 - older, persons
receiving Social Security disability payments, and persons with end-stage
November 01, 2008 - For all medical events except prescribed medicines,
the first stage of the MEPS expenditure estimation
November 01, 2008 - For all medical events except prescribed medicines, the first stage of the MEPS expenditure estimation
November 01, 2006 - plan for the elderly, persons receiving Social Security disability payments, and most persons with end-stage
December 01, 2007 - plan for the elderly, persons receiving Social Security disability payments, and most persons with end-stage