
Total Results: 1,426 records

Showing results for "stage".

    November 19, 2012 - At this stage we plan to include all interventions identified in the literature. … At completion of this stage, we will consult with our TEP to ensure that we capture only studies examining
    April 01, 2013 - paradigms that allow for multiple rounds of drug treatment (first-, second-, third-, and even fourth-stage … showed increases in median duration from as low as 0.7 weeks (8 vs. 7.3 weeks;64 patients with end stage … Study characteristics Author, Year Cancer Type Cancer Stage Experimental Drug vs. … Role of sensitivity analyses in assessing progression-free survival in late-stage oncology trials. … The value of progression-free survival to patients with advanced-stage cancer.
    July 07, 2017 - thrombin inhibitor; DVT = deep vein thrombosis; eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESRD = end-stage … At the full-text screening stage, two independent reviewers must agree on a final inclusion/exclusion … thrombosis eGFR = estimate glomerular filtration rate EPC = Evidence-based Practice Center ESRD = end-stage … "cardiac diseases"[tiab] OR "chronic kidney failure"[tiab] OR "chronic renal failure"[tiab] OR "end stage … renal disease"[tiab] OR ESRD[tiab] OR “end stage kidney disease”[tiab] OR ESKD[tiab] OR “renal function
    November 01, 2010 - steps of study • patient characteristics, including: o age o sex o race/ethnicity o disease and stage … OR "Neoplasm Recurrence, Local"[Mesh])) OR "secondary "[Subheading] OR recurrent OR recurrence OR (stage … OR "Neoplasm Recurrence, Local"[Mesh])) OR "secondary "[Subheading] OR recurrent OR recurrence OR (stage … OR "Neoplasm Recurrence, Local"[Mesh])) OR "secondary "[Subheading] OR recurrent OR recurrence OR (stage … OR "Neoplasm Recurrence, Local"[Mesh])) OR "secondary "[Subheading] OR recurrent OR recurrence OR (stage
    April 25, 2013 - duration, escalation), Hb (baseline, and all recorded values preferably at times specified by protocol), stage … considering the risks-benefits of ESA therapy in the context of a specific patient, with a specific type and stage … Page 100, line 56, 57: inserted text ‘by’ Page 101, line 18: inserted text ‘stage of malignancy, treatment … The BEST study enrolled patients with similar tumor type and stage, but allowed any chemotherapy regimen … Untch et al (n = 729), respectively, both enrolled a patient population with similar tumor type and stage
    December 01, 2012 - Treatment of Colorectal Cancer The diagnosis of CRC requires pathologic review to characterize and stage … I, 64.5 percent for stage IIA, 51.6 percent for stage IIB, 32.3 percent for stage IIC, 74 percent for … IIIA, 45 percent for IIIB, 33.4 percent for IIIC, and 6 percent for stage IV.9 Survival declines … with increasing depth of tumor penetration, increasing tumor stage, and patient age. … Patients with stage III colon cancer who received postsurgical FOLFOX chemotherapy had a 3-year survival
  7. S5 (pdf file)
    October 01, 2007 - methods, patient safety, pharmaceuticals, research, statistics (Med Care 2007;45: S5–S8) SETTING THE STAGE
    June 12, 2013 - Source: Published online: June 12, 2013 Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol Project Title: Menopausal Symptoms: Comparative Effectiveness Review of Therapies Original  Date  of  Protocol:  April  3,  2012   Amendment  Date:  June  5, …
    October 01, 2011 - (For example, an ethnic group, stage or severity of a disease.)
    March 01, 2016 - detection and treatment is ideal, only 15 percent of lung cancer cases are diagnosed at an early stage
    November 23, 2010 - (For example, an ethnic group, stage or severity of a disease.)
    March 01, 2016 - detection and treatment is ideal, only 15 percent of lung cancer cases are diagnosed at an early stage
    January 01, 2006 - (For example, an ethnic group, stage or severity of a disease.)
    October 01, 2014 - It is refreshing to see concerns of patient anxiety and quality of life sharing the stage with the … That is, changes in therapeutic management or stage reclassification are appropriate terminal points
    June 01, 2010 - consultation with clinical experts may also identify important gaps in the RCT evidence at the protocol stage … registry in the United States that enrolls patients who have received ventricular assist devices for end-stage … Well-known or large RCTs should be examined in detail at this stage.
    May 01, 2012 - Effectiveness was evident in low-risk disease (PSA <10 ng/ml, stage ²T2a tumors, or Gleason ²6) and … Hoskin, 201219 -- n = 218 EBRT: n = 108 EBRT + high- dose-rate brachytherapy boost: n = 110 Stage … Effectiveness was evident in low-risk disease (PSA <10 ng/ml, stage ²T2a tumors, or Gleason ²6) and
    May 01, 2012 - Effectiveness was evident in low-risk disease (PSA <10 ng/ml, stage ²T2a tumors, or Gleason ²6) and … Hoskin, 201219 -- n = 218 EBRT: n = 108 EBRT + high- dose-rate brachytherapy boost: n = 110 Stage … Effectiveness was evident in low-risk disease (PSA <10 ng/ml, stage ²T2a tumors, or Gleason ²6) and
    May 07, 2010 - failure, cerebral vascular disease or events [including stroke], symptomatic coronary artery disease, end-stage … the current search strategy and initial number of abstracts to be included in our abstract screening stage
    May 19, 2010 - the cancer registry to identify patients diagnosed in 2006 with one of the following tumor types and stage … At JHH/SKCCC, the cancer registry identified patients with stage IV lung, pancreatic, breast, and colorectal … cancer (and Stage IIIB for lung cancer) disease in 2003-2005 who died 2-15 months after diagnosis.
    November 03, 2014 - Therefore primary care physicians (PCPs) and emergency physicians are well-positioned to diagnose early-stage … Full-text articles will be dually reviewed; disagreements regarding inclusion at the full-text stage … comorbidities, we will determine whether studies report factors such as sex, duration of the condition, and stage

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