September 01, 2012 - We tested a semiautomated literature screening process
applied to the title and abstract screening stage … The decision at this stage of the review is whether to obtain full text or whether to discard. … At this review stage,
reviewers are over-inclusive, and disagreements between different independent … At the title and abstract screening stage, reviewers have to process a large
amount of information … Modeling reviewers‘
decisions at the title and abstract stage is distinctly different from modeling
August 01, 2014 - Stages of chronic kidney disease
Stage Description GFR, mL/min/ 1.73 m2
1 Kidney damage with normal … 1.2a Gender, age, ethnicity, stage of kidney
disease (CKD stages I-IV or ESRD),
dialysis status (for … 2.2a Gender, age, ethnicity, stage of kidney
disease (CKD stages I-IV or ESRD),
dialysis status (for … Use of cardiac biomarkers in end-stage renal
disease. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2008 Sep;19(9):1643-52. … Plasma elimination of
cardiac troponin I in end-stage renal disease.
April 22, 2013 - (For example, an ethnic group, stage or severity of a disease.) … Available treatments have differential efficacy depending on polarity of episode (manic or depressive) and stage
October 23, 2012 - and stage affects outcomes We modified the text here and in the introduction to note
that prevalence … We also noted that the impact
of dementia relates to the stage of the disease, which leads
into the … Did stage
affect outcomes? … While it was our original intent and desire to further explain
applicability in the context of stage … Given the paucity of information regarding stage,
we cannot make broad generalizations regarding how
November 30, 2011 - according to patient subgroup characteristics, including but not limited to HCV genotype, age, race, sex, stage … according to patient subgroup characteristics, including but not limited to HCV genotype, age, race, sex, stage … harms differ according to patient subgroup characteristics, including HCV genotype, age, race, sex, stage … Subgroups included: HCV genotype (e.g., genotype 1 or 4 vs. 2 or 3); race (e.g., black vs. non-black); sex; stage
November 01, 2012 - harms differ according to patient subgroup
characteristics, including HCV genotype, age, race,
sex, stage … performed in groups stratified
by HCV genotype as well as by race, age, body weight,
viral load, stage … trial of patients with genotype 2 or 3 infection
(n=60) and advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis (Ishak stage … ribavirin reported harms in patients stratified by factors such
as HCV genotype, age, race, sex, stage … Low
bid = twice daily; CI = confidence interval; ESLD = end-stage liver disease; HCC = hepatocellular
November 01, 2008 - under the EHC Program are posted publicly at
different stages of the review process, including the stage … of proposed Key Questions and the
draft report stage.
November 01, 2008 - under the EHC Program are posted publicly at
different stages of the review process, including the stage … of proposed Key Questions and the
draft report stage.
September 01, 2020 - Therapies for Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer: Evidence Summary
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 230
Therapies for Clinically
Localized Prostate Cancer
Evidence Summary
Main Points
• In men with clinically localized prostate cancer (CLPC) detected clinically rather than
by prostate-speci…
September 01, 2020 - Therapies for Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer: Evidence Summary
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 230
Therapies for Clinically
Localized Prostate Cancer
Evidence Summary
Main Points
• In men with clinically localized prostate cancer (CLPC) detected clinically rather than
by prostate-speci…
June 17, 2009 - (For example, an ethnic group, stage or severity of a disease.)
Those with the disease PKU.
December 30, 2011 - (For example, an ethnic group, stage or severity of a disease.)
March 11, 2013 - (For example, an ethnic group, stage or severity of a disease.)
January 20, 2011 - (For example, an ethnic group, stage or severity of a disease.)
May 04, 2012 - (For example, an ethnic group, stage or severity of a disease.)
January 09, 2014 - populations, interventions, comparators, and outcomes, will be further
developed in the refinement stage
August 24, 2011 - Leads will design the
data collection forms and test them on multiple articles before initiating each stage … We will develop a simple categorization scheme for coding the reasons that articles, at the stage
March 27, 2013 - survivorship
o Payment considerations
o Patient characteristics such as age, race/ethnicity, cancer type, stage … cancer survivorship care
• Characteristics of patients enrolled (age, race/ethnicity, cancer type, stage … transitions of care), payment considerations, and patient
characteristics such as age, race, cancer type, stage … eligibility, at recruitment, and at followup
Population characteristics • Age, race/ethnicity, cancer type, stage
February 23, 2012 - Published Online: February 23, 2012
Pneumonia, including pneumococcal vaccination
End-stage … coronary
syndrome]; asthma, major depressive disorder asthma, cystic fibrosis, pneumonia,
and end-stage … disorder
Cystic fibrosis
Pneumonia including pneumococcal vaccination
End-stage … We will develop a simple categorization scheme for coding the reasons that articles,
at the stage of … depressive
disorder; asthma; cystic fibrosis; pneumonia including pneumococcal vaccination; and end stage