January 01, 2011 - Systematic Review Protocol
Project Title: Laboratory biomarkers for iron deficiency anemia in late stage … CKD patients
are classified into five stages depending on the severity of the condition (CKD stage … When
CKD progresses to its end stage, it would necessitate dialysis or kidney transplantation. … Definitions of CKD stages 1–5:
o CKD stage 1: a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) >90 ml/min, with … The impact of anemia on cardiomyopathy, morbidity, and
mortality in end-stage renal disease.
December 08, 2017 - Treatments for Basal Cell and Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Skin
Systematic Review
December 8, 2017
Technical Brief: Evaluation of Suspicious Skin Lesions Using Non-Invasive Diagnostic Techniques
Research Protocol
August 23, 2010
Systematic Review of Treatments f…
October 01, 2012 - 5 experts thought this conclusion was still
valid. 1 cited a study21 stating separate data
on CKD stage … Congestive Heart Failure; CKD=Chronic Kidney Disease; eGFR=Epidermal growth factor receptor; ESRD=End-Stage … fruits and
vegetables OR oral
sodium bicarb OR
no intervention
27 Hypertensive nephropathy
at stage … 1 or 2 eGFR
Indices of kidney injury 30 days Indices of kidney injury were not changed in
Stage 1 … However, stage 2 patients
decreased urinary albumin, N-acetyl B-D-
glucosaminidase and transforming
October 01, 2007 - This approach is referred to as anamorphic design26 or
2-stage design.27,28 The data can then be analyzed … If confounding by the additional
covariates is detected in stage 2, however, the estimates from
stages … Logistic regression analysis and efficient design
for two-stage studies. … Analytic methods for two-stage case-control
studies and other stratified designs. … Designs and analysis of two-stage studies. Stat Med.
30. Langholz B, Clayton D.
May 01, 2013 - to
differentiate between patients with BCLC stage A and
B liver disease across publications. … • No studies presented subgroup analyses on age, sex,
disease etiology, or HCC stage. … RFA to PEI/PAI: HCC stage Insufficient None of the 3 RCTs reported subgroup analysis by HCC
stage (e.g … ., BCLC stage A or B). … BCLC stage B)
and to compare studies of equivalent patient populations.
January 01, 2013 - Staff-Generated PICO
Population(s): Metastatic breast cancer patients (stage IV)
Intervention(s): Imaging … )
Metastatic or advanced breast cancer, defined as stage IV cancer, involves the spread of cancer
October 12, 2012 - Disposition of Comments Report Biomarkers for Assessing and Managing Iron Deficiency Anemia in Late-Stage … We considered studies of pediatric and adult nondialysis patients with stage 3, 4, or 5 CKD, patients
October 01, 2014 - all individuals
with other causes for cirrhosis (including
alcoholic cirrhosis), and patients with stage … are available to detect
the presence of lesions, evaluate focal liver lesions, and
determine the stage … What is the comparative test performance of imaging
techniques to predict HCC tumor stage?
July 21, 2014 - and adjacent structures. 5 Bladder cancers that have not invaded the bladder smooth muscle layer (stage … Stage 2 cancers are muscle-invasive, and higher stage cancers invade beyond the muscle layer into surrounding … fat (stage classification T3 bladder cancer) or beyond the fat into nearby organs or structures (stage … Prognosis is poorer for patients with more invasive Stage 2 or higher bladder cancers (5-year survival … Does the comparative effectiveness differ according to tumor characteristics, such as histology, stage
September 12, 2019 - Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program
SUO= Society of Urological Oncology
T1= tumor Stage … 1
T2= tumor Stage 2
T3= tumor Stage 3
T4= tumor Stage 4
WMD= weighted mean differences
WW= … , device trade name, keyword, floating subheading word, candidate term word] (526)
13 10 and (stage … 1 or stage one).mp. … trade name, keyword, floating subheading word, candidate term word] (16)
14 10 and (early adj3 stage
August 01, 2012 - progresses
Second Stage
• Begins when cervix is
completely dilated (10 cm) and
ends with the birth … partially or fully block voluntary
motor control in lower half of body
• Initiated during first stage … of labor with
infusion usually continuing into second
• May be continued into third stage if … pethidine, morphine,
fentanyl, remifentanil, butorphanol, and
• Used during the first stage … the United States because
it causes fetal bradycardia (slow heart
• Used during the first stage
December 11, 2012 - Weighted averages of success were 78.7 percent for one-stage Fowler-Stephens, 86 percent for two-stage
July 21, 2014 - Stage 2 cancers are muscle-invasive, and higher stage cancers
invade beyond the muscle layer into surrounding … fat (stage classification T3 bladder
cancer). … Stage T4a cancers, which go beyond the fat into the prostate, vaginal wall, or
uterus, are also still … Stage T4b cancer, in which the tumor has spread to the pelvis or abdominal
wall, bladder cancer involving … Approximately 25 percent of newly diagnosed bladder cancers present as stage 2
or higher tumors.6 Once
October 03, 2012 - How do tumor characteristics (stage, grade, multiplicity, size, molecular and genetic alterations) predict … (For example, an ethnic group, stage or severity of a disease.) … aggressive form of malignancy, and when diagnosed, bladder cancer may manifest itself at a more advanced stage … also consistently worse for African Americans than for any other ethnicity, even when stratified by stage … Without a post-treatment strategy in place, recurrence and progression into a muscle-invasive stage is
March 20, 2012 - for patients with a single lesion, regardless of its size. 8
Disease Classification
Both tumor stage … treatment algorithms in Europe and North America. 7 It takes into account factors related to tumor stage … Another scoring system for chronic liver disease is the Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score … addition, the use of various disease classification systems and the inability to translate disease stage … In 1999 the BCLC staging system was published which links the stage of disease to specific treatment
November 28, 2012 - for
patients with a single lesion, regardless of its size.8
Disease Classification
Both tumor stage … treatment algorithms in
Europe and North America.7 It takes into account factors related to tumor stage … Another scoring system for chronic liver disease is the Model for End-Stage Liver Disease
(MELD) score … addition, the use of various disease classification systems and the inability to translate
disease stage … Surgical resection versus percutaneous thermal
ablation for early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma: a
December 01, 2014 - grouping)
to determine the overall stage, commonly reported as stage
I, IIA, IIB, III, or IV, with … stage I being the least advanced
and stage IV being the most advanced. … or less, a Gleason score of 6 or less, and clinical
stage T1c or T2a
• Intermediate risk (roughly … clinical stage T2b but not qualifying for
high risk
• High risk (roughly corresponding to stage IIB … However, the tumor stage differed in these trials.
March 01, 2017 - nutrient requirement of nearly all healthy individuals" (97.5 percent) in a particular age and sex (life stage … thought to meet or exceed the nutrient requirements of almost all individuals in a particular life stage … to the clinical outcome of interest, as well as studies exclusively reporting on patients with end stage … Studies exclusively reporting on patients with end stage renal disease, heart failure, HIV, or cancer … A two-stage hierarchical regression model for meta-analysis of epidemiologic nonlinear dose–response
January 01, 2020 - KQ2: Does treatment effectiveness vary by cancer variables (stage, histology, biomarkers status at
diagnosis … gastric cancer
Recurrent cancer, metastatic cancer,
those in hospice or receiving
palliative care, Stage