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Showing results for "specific".

    January 12, 2017 - Discrepant response: The response could possibly be data search type: vendor specific and stored … birthdate is the same at the testing site and some other site, then data search type: vendor specific … , but if the testing site built the functionality (rare) then data search type: organization specific … made to the EHR Discrepant response: The response could possibly be data search type: vendor specific … , but if the testing site built the functionality (rare) then data search type: organization specific
    June 18, 2015 - Diagnosis of a UTI requires both finding bacteria on a urine test and the presence of specific symptoms … What are the specific symptoms of a UTI? … UTI is less likely without the specific symptoms listed above. … Non-specific symptoms such as confusion, a sudden change in behavior, fatigue or a fall may be caused … to physicians “Don’t use antimicrobials (antibiotics) to treat bacteriuria in older adults unless specific
    August 23, 2018 - Your responses will remain confidential and the information will not be linked to specific practice … Internal Practice Context Let’s talk more about your specific practice 1. … I’d to talk about some specific changes that you may have worked on with [PF NAME]. … PROBE: Specific examples. … PROBE: Specific examples of what they have worked on (dashboards, patient lists to improve call backs
    January 01, 2014 - Medicaid (w/ sufficient coverage) and who are Diagnosed with ADHD in 2010 excluding kids with specific … years 3,105,806 1,477,786 48% 166,471 11% 37,485 22.52% 22,368 13.43% 77,961 46.83% 105,063 63.11% * Specific … Commercial (w/ sufficient coverage) and who are Diagnosed with ADHD in 2010 excluding kids with specific … years 14,647,205 7,175,270 49% 402,757 6% 55,592 13.80% 26,090 6.48% 155,548 38.62% 198,507 49.29% * Specific … Columns G, I, and K are not mutually exclusive Exclusion criteria is based on a diagnosis for a specific
    February 11, 2015 - Change Test a Change Implement a Change Aim Statement (WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH):  Specific … goal:  Achievable- brief plan to accomplish it:  Relevant- why is it important to do now:  Time Specific … Cycle #: Start Date: End Date: Project Lead: Task: State: Project Title: Measurable: Specific … : Achievable: Relevant: Time Specific: The Plan: Prediction: What data/measures will be collected
    June 01, 2023 - Specific— The feedback should relate to a specific situation or task. … The person receiving feedback will be better able to correct or modify performance if specific actions … Was it timely, respectful, specific, directed, and considerate? … Was it timely, respectful, specific, directed, and considerate? … Was it timely, respectful, specific, directed, and considerate?
    August 23, 2018 - Internal Practice Context Let’s talk more about your specific practice 1. … Are there specific challenges with using your EHR? Examples? 8. … I’d like to talk about some specific changes that you may have worked on with [PF NAME]. … Specific examples: like use of registries, dashboard, other reporting tools? 6. … PROBE: Specific examples? What are the advantages? 3.
    December 18, 2014 - Table 1: Evidence for Having an ALARA Policy Specific to Imaging Children Table 1: Evidence for Having … an ALARA Policy Specific to Imaging Children Type of Evidence Key Findings Level of Evidence … Table 1: Evidence for Having an ALARA Policy Specific to Imaging Children
    August 24, 2018 - Your responses will remain confidential and the information will not be linked to specific practice … Internal Practice Context Let’s talk more about your specific practice 1. … I’d to talk about some specific changes that you may have worked on with [PF NAME]. … PROBE: Specific examples of what they have worked on (clinical huddle usage, office workflow redesign … Can you give me a specific example of how CHCANYS facilitators have helped you in the past that is, prior
    May 16, 2013 - You can gather patient and family advisors together for a meeting to get feedback on a specific process … to participate for a short time period (e.g., one or two meetings) to get feedback and ideas on a specific … on your project  Provide a copy of any current materials or tools you want to revise  Identify specific … Contact Information: Provide a brief introduction (and context, if necessary) on your project: What specific … What specific questions would you like patient and family advisors to answer? 1. 2.
    February 10, 2011 - You can gather patient and family advisors together for a meeting to get feedback on a specific process … advisors to participate for a short time period (e.g., one or two meetings) to get feedback and ideas on a specific … introduction on your project Provide a copy of any current materials or tools you want to revise Identify specific … Contact Information: Provide a brief introduction (and context, if necessary) on your project: What specific … What specific questions would you like patient and family advisors to answer? 1. 2.
    April 21, 2014 - Appendix N 4 Point of Use Precleaning IFU Importance of precleaning Equipment needed Process to use Specific … measurements Specific times to suction fluids Endoscope Transport, Leak Testing, Cleaning| ‹#› … | ‹#› AHRQ Safety Program for Ambulatory Surgery Implementation Guide Appendix N 12 Rinsing IFU Specific … steps Equipment needed Specific amount of water to flush through Specific amount of air needed to flush
    January 01, 2020 - Choose specific interventions to implement. Prepare a written action plan. 4.B.1.a. … The goal should reflect the specific aspects of CAHPS-related performance that the team is targeting. … Make of list of those gaps and use them to make SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and … Describe the specific actions briefly. Who will be affected, and how? … This article describes innovative methods and highlights specific examples of organizational structures
    June 01, 2019 - There are 10 CFER-H modules: one Generic module applies to all reported events, and nine event-specific … modules for specific types of adverse events that are common. … The event-specific modules provide additional and more detailed information about the following nine … formatted to assist readers to better understand event types and reporting categories, including the specific
    May 01, 2019 - disease or condition that they have, or that a loved one has. [1] A large number of measures are disease-specific … If most or all of the measures you are considering are disease-specific, then you should consider this … structure their reporting program so that they can issue a series of reports, each with a focus on a specific … Condition-specific performance information: assessing salience, comprehension, and approaches for communicating
    October 01, 2014 - 5 years (2009-2014) Total Award: $751,7000 Project Description: This research project has two specific … Develop and validate an efficient and clinically useful statistical model for use in estimating patient specific … Determine the specific threshold value of hospital volume at which mortality risk is substantially increased … Highlights and Specific Accomplishments: Chief Resident Teaching Award, University of Connecticut,
    January 01, 2011 - The next six sub-measures describe the extent to which specific high risk pregnant subgroups have outpatient … That is, they are not specific exclusions, but neither do they establish eligibility. … The next six sub-measures describe the extent to which specific high risk pregnant subgroups have outpatient … The Denominator is the number of pregnancies with specific cardiac disease using the look back period
    June 01, 2021 - Describe the specific situation. Express your concerns about the action. … Describe the specific situation Express your concerns about the action Suggest other alternatives … Describe the specific situation.
    June 01, 2014 - Patient Condition : General Population/Not Condition Specific Setting: Not Setting Specific * … In order to properly reference specific items within this profile, all instrument items found in Table … formed the Technical Expert Panel that met multiple times to discuss the development and testing of specific … The Cronbach's alpha coefficient results for each category were: specific indicators of mental health … In order to properly reference specific items within this profile, all instrument items found in Tables
    May 30, 2018 - That is, they are not specific exclusions, but neither do they establish eligibility.

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