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    June 01, 2014 - 2 Meaningful Use EP, EH Core † Use Clinically Relevant Information From CEHRT to Identify Patient-Specific … Education Resources and Provide Those Resources to the Patient g Patient-specific education resources
    September 08, 2015 - It will draw on the specific examples of five States— Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Vermont, and … In addition to highlighting specific State approaches, we describe perceived short-term impacts of … • Ensure that quality improvement activities include pediatric-specific components. Figure 1. … We elected to have a specific pediatric facilitator which probably would not have been as high on … on specific evaluation topics and questions
    March 01, 2019 - The specific projects that were implemented under each of the five categories (select one of the five … specific strategies for quality improvement, such as Using the Core Set of Children's Quality Measures … Reports that the national evaluation team has produced on specific evaluation topics and questions including
    October 01, 2013 - Ensure that quality improvement activities include pediatric-specific components. … We elected to have a specific pediatric facilitator which probably would not have been as high on the … The strategies adopted by these States, and their specific near-term impacts, are to a certain extent … View reports that the national evaluation team and the State-specific evaluation teams have produced … on specific evaluation topics and questions.
    May 01, 2017 - Purpose of tool: This tool offers structure to create a more productive culture conversation, using specific … this tool: This tool can be used at a staff meeting to structure one or a series of meetings by using specific … Discussion Form Statement to be discussed: Unit Safety Assessment Score (percent agreement): Role-specific
    August 07, 2012 - Purpose of tool: This tool offers structure to create a more productive culture conversation, using the specific … This tool can be used at a staff or faculty meeting to structure one or a series of meetings by using specific … Discussion Form: Statement to be discussed: Unit Safety Assessment Score (percent agreement): Role-specific
    June 01, 2014 - Applications*: Patient Age: Adults, Older Adults Patient Condition: General Population/Not Condition Specific … Applications*: Patient Age: Adults, Older Adults Patient Condition: General Population/Not Condition Specific … Setting: Inpatient Facility, Primary Care Facility, Long Term Care Facility, Not Setting Specific … Setting: Inpatient Facility, Primary Care Facility, Long Term Care Facility, Not Setting Specific … Setting: Inpatient Facility, Primary Care Facility, Long Term Care Facility, Not Setting Specific
    January 01, 2012 - Denominator (D) Definition: The specific group of patients for inclusion in a specific performance … measure based on specific criteria (e.g., patient's age, diagnosis, prior MI). … Exclusions (EXCL) Definition: The specific group of patients who should be subtracted from the measure … of patients that a set of performance measures is designed to address; usually focused on a specific
    July 01, 2011 - Partners For the purposes of enhancing your promotional efforts, possible partners include: Disease-specific … Organizations, often community-based, that advocate for the needs of all patients; for specific groups … defined by age, gender, ethnicity, or other characteristics; or for a specific issue in health care … As your reporting efforts mature and address more audiences, more health care entities, or more specific
    January 01, 2023 - services agencies, family advisors, benefits specialists, and people who serve or advocate on behalf of specific … Tasks Activities Connect specific individuals with information when they need it. … Identify specific individuals who need information and decision support to choose and use healthcare … How to find a specialist to address a specific health problem. … strategies include: Providing a call-in number or email address where intermediaries can get answers to specific
    June 01, 2014 - Validated Applications*: Patient Age: Adults Patient Condition: General Population/Not Condition Specific … Country: United States Past or Validated Applications*: Patient Age: Not Age Specific Patient … Condition: General Population/Not Condition Specific Setting: Primary Care Facility, Other Outpatient … Based on the source listed below Notes: For simplification purposes, in order to properly reference specific … Patient Condition: General Population/Not Condition Specific Setting: Primary Care Facility, Other
    June 01, 2014 - Systems (CAHPS) – Adult Primary Care 1.0 Purpose: To measure adult consumers' experiences with a specific … Format/Data Source: Survey comprised of 31 core items with an additional 64 supplemental items specific … Systems (CAHPS) — Adult Specialty Care 1.0 Purpose: To measure adult consumers' experiences with a specific … Format/Data Source: Survey comprised of 31 core items with an additional 64 supplemental items specific … Format/Data Source: Survey comprised of 30 core items with an additional 17 supplemental items specific
    June 01, 2014 - The domains reflect the specific components of care coordination that are addressed by each measure, … care coordination, as well as the burden of data collection (i.e., number of items) related to the specific … The measure profiles also identify the specific measure items (i.e., survey questions or measure components … If applicable, specific information is noted regarding the number of individual items and the domains … This information should be used to guide the selection of specific measures for use in evaluating the
    February 01, 2024 - The specific aims were to: Increase parent and family engagement. … The specific aims were to: Build a shared infrastructure that comprised an administrative/learning … The specific aims were to: Improve the usability of anesthesia-related alarms in the OR. … The specific aims were to: Develop and validate automated phenotypes of DEOD that can be applied in … The specific aims are to: Redesign processes for adjustment of medication dosing based on clinical
    August 01, 2014 - Instruction is tailored to the specific learning needs of each staff member, and new content is continually … Coaches are expected to develop competencies appropriate to their specific area of expertise on their … spends 60 percent of her or his time on teaching QI methods, producing curriculum, and disseminating specific … Support Program Diabetes change package—clinical guidelines, improvement strategies, and measures specific … improvement Hypertension change package—clinical guidelines, improvement strategies, and measures specific
    July 01, 2021 - KDDs can be used to help organize system-thinking around a Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic … KDDs: an overall KDD that summarizes key drivers that impact the measure, as well as two initiative-specific … KDDs that demonstrate the specific drivers involved in the two primary care QI initiatives described
    November 01, 2018 - designed to meet the needs of health care organizations, which use detailed indicators to pinpoint and fix specific … Such measures are usually too specific and clinical to be helpful to consumers, although some can be … In additions, some reports present measures only for a specific condition or procedure.
    December 01, 2022 - Mass media are generally not targeted, although the ability of organizations to reach specific audiences … Many newspapers, for example, can limit the delivery of inserts to specific geographical zones. … , such as foreign language newspapers and televisions stations, focus on the needs and interests of specific
    September 21, 2018 - CHIPRA 235: Section 2, Detailed Measure Specifications Rate of participating cardiologists, dermatologists, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, hematologists/oncologists, nephrologists, neurologists, otolaryngologists, pulmonologists, and rheumatologists who have seen ≥1 enrolled child, age <18 years,…
    December 01, 2020 - specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his specific … specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his specific … U19 Cooperative Agreements To support a research program of multiple projects directed toward a specific … groups, members of which are conducting research projects designed to elucidate the various aspects of a specific

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