May 16, 2023 - Yes, a Specific Aims page is required for this submission.
3. … There are no requirements for specific types of partnerships. … There is no specific requirement related to the number of PDs/PIs allowed. … Are there any
specific requirements or skills for the evaluation liaison? … Will there be a restriction on how many grants are funded in a specific region?
January 17, 2017 - Note that there are entries for organization (site) and vendor specific coding systems. … Note that there are entries for organization (site) and vendor specific coding systems. … Note that there are entries for organization (site) and vendor vendor specific coding systems. … Note that there are entries for organization (site) and vendor specific coding systems. … Pt social hx Organization specific, NDC mmol/L
Registration System Results tab Vendor specific, NDC
August 03, 2017 - How to use this tool: Complete the table by entering the different best practices and the specific individuals … How to use this tool: The unit manager can use this tool to help assign specific individuals or groups … Treating medical provider (e.g., physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant)
Reviews needs for specific … Does education of staff provide discipline-specific education for fall prevention and management? … Implementing best practices checklist
Date Completed
Roles and Responsibilities of Staff
Assign specific
March 01, 2020 - How often were you able to find out from your health plan how much you would have to pay for specific … Consider costs before deciding on a particular service or choosing a specific provider. … Health plans that have implemented this strategy generally report provider-specific information on the … An example of a tool that does offer patients information on their specific OOP costs comes from Geisinger … Geisinger's MyEstimate ® product offers estimates of patient-specific OOP costs for common ambulatory
July 01, 2021 - Specific to Antipsychotics Prescribing:
Prescribing Guidelines for Psychotropic Medications (PDF) … References to case study examples are provided when applicable and notable lessons learned specific to … strategies, such as pharmacy edits, because they had access to the relevant specific expertise (e.g. … These key components were not specific to improvement on any specific measure, but rather appeared to … These challenges were not found to be specific to one particular measure but rather global in nature.
March 01, 2013 -
Nonclinical time for team meetings and activities
Specific … barrier creams
Skin protectant wipes
Other products
September 01, 2019 - Some outlets will have broad audiences; others will reach more specific audiences. … You need time upfront to build relationships with specific reporters, producers, or bloggers, and time … Here are some specific steps for building effective media relationships:
Identify the reporters, producers … What happens when specific providers use your report to make improvements in their quality? … How has the report made a difference to specific, real members of the community?
October 01, 2019 - component of a broader array of
parent-reported availability and access measures that include this specific
January 01, 2012 - CHIPRA 81: Section 2, Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications – Pediatric Global Health (PGH-7) Measure
The PGH-7 development process followed a mixed-methods approach, which has been
published (Forrest, Bevans, Tucker, et al., 2012).
Domain Concept Specification
Content Expert Input Chi…
January 01, 2012 - CHIPRA 136: Section 2 Technical Specifications
A. Description
This measure characterizes care that precedes Emergency Department (ED)
visits with asthma for children ages 2-21 who can be identi…
August 08, 2018 - CHIPRA 233 Section 2, Technical Specifications
Preconception Component of High-Risk Obstetrical Services
Due to the length and complexity of the technical specifications for this measure, we are unable
to post the file on the AHRQ Web site. You may access these specifications directly from the
CAPQuaM Web site a…
July 01, 2021 - State-specific reliability was very good; observed reliability was consistently greater than 0.95. … Using specific SCA-related (D5700, D5701, and D5702) and nonspecific (D571) diagnosis codes, 23 SCA case … QMETRIC then developed an algorithm to assign sickle cell patients to specific health systems within
July 01, 2021 - Are the overall strategy, methodology, and analyses well-reasoned and appropriate to accomplish the specific … Application (when applicable)
Applicant's Background and Goals for Fellowship Training
Specific … Conduct of Research
Candidate's Plan to Provide Mentoring (Include only when required by the specific … Application (when applicable)
Introduction to Revision Application (when applicable)
Specific … Aims
For all Activity Codes that use an application form with the Specific Aims section (including
March 01, 2019 - Discuss specific strategies to foster mutual support (e.g., task assistance, feedback). … Specific —The feedback should relate to a specific situation or task. … Specific.
Considerate. … Specific?
Yes. It suggests specific considerations to be aware of in the future.
Directed? … DESC is a mnemonic for:
D = Describe the specific situation.
January 01, 2012 - Denominator
Definition: The specific
group of patients
for inclusion in
a specific performance … measure based on specific
criteria (e.g., patient's age,
diagnosis, prior MI). … Exclusions
Definition: The specific
group of patients who
should be subtracted
from the measure … of
patients that a set of
measures is designed to
address; usually focused
on a specific
March 15, 2016 - 6.8% of children uninsured
“Caring for our community’s health since 1973” 24
Overall and site-specific … Share data widely across the organization and
review monthly (friendly competition)
Allow site specific … CAHPS, but supplement with other
patient experience data
Determine and prioritize overall and site-specific
January 01, 2024 - and OUD cannot be one-size-fits-all; rather their effectiveness depends on how well they address the specific … The practices that participated in the learning collaboratives 1) identified specific areas for improvement … Resources and tools that are specific to older adults (as opposed to the general population) are identified … Setting time-specific and measurable aims.
Establishing quantitative measures.
June 01, 2014 - Country: Korea
Past or Validated Applications*:
Patient Age: Not Age Specific
Patient Condition … : General Population/Not Condition Specific
Setting: Primary Care Facility
*Based on the source … In order to properly reference specific items within this profile, all instrument items found in Table … In order to properly reference specific items within this profile, all instrument items found in Table … Two categories were established: (1) items pertaining to a specific visit and (2) items pertaining to
September 01, 2012 - Specific objectives are to:
Conduct a leadership development program to enhance regional medical and … Specific objectives are to:
Enhance the current initiative by refining the learning community model … Specific objectives are to:
Employ Health Extension as a catalyst for improving primary care practice … Specific objectives include:
Clinician education, mobilization, and input. … Identification of sustainable funding to supplement project-specific funding.
September 01, 2021 - With these challenges in mind, specific insights at each level are provided below. … required intensive effort on the part of the QMETRIC team and extraordinary personal commitments by specific … These contracts contain expectations for reporting and performance for specific conditions. … This means incentives are provided to the health plans to focus improvement efforts on those specific … The state will use financial incentives to create an environment for plans within a specific Medicaid