February 01, 2020 - United States were reported to be either overweight
or obese (having a BMI ≥85th percentile on sex-specific … • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP (please specify). … Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) states, “CMS will encourage States
to include specific … Highlight
specific advantages that this measure has over alternative measures on the same topic that … were considered by the measure developer or specific advantages that this measure has
over existing
May 01, 2015 - the Nation with the highest birth rates to explore and promote data-driven QI programs targeted at specific … The projects generally involve (1) educating hospital teams on how to improve specific care processes … Using a variety of methods such as hospital-specific data monitoring and review, monthly Webinars, ongoing … The FPQC also provided monthly, hospital-specific data reports, followed by conference calls with the … Accessed October 28, 2014. 12 For more information on NCLABSI, including specific information about
January 01, 2017 - It does not cover specific treatments. The summary is greater than 3 years old. … It does not cover specific treatments. The summary is greater than 3 years old.
November 01, 2017 - Include references
related to specific points made in your narrative (not a free-form listing of citations … Evidence for Importance of the Measure to Medicaid and/or CHIP
Comment on any specific features of this … • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP (please specify). … Highlight
specific advantages that this measure has over alternative measures on the same topic that … were considered by the measure developer or specific advantages that this measure has
over existing
March 11, 2016 - In the last 6 months, did someone from this provider’s office talk with you about specific goals for
September 08, 2015 - having quality
measures reported for both Medicaid and CHIP,
exploring the feasibility of patient-specific … • View reports that the national evaluation team and the State-specific
evaluation teams have produced … on specific evaluation topics and questions
December 01, 2013 - Skip to main content
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November 01, 2019 - ☐ Yes
☐ No
Question 5: Were specific reactions for reported antibiotic allergies documented?
February 01, 2020 - Evidence for Importance of the Measure to Medicaid and/or CHIP
Comment on any specific features of this … • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP (please specify). … In addition to the
specific data values required for this measure, key patient characteristics, such … Highlight
specific advantages that this measure has over alternative measures on the same topic that … were considered by the measure developer or specific advantages that this measure has
over existing
February 23, 2012 - Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) contains
measures addressing screenings for gender specific … Current quality gaps emphasize
the need to develop measures that improve specific processes that have … improved pregnancy
outcomes with prenatal care and recent improvements in prenatal care utilization, specific … another
valid method; correlation of measure scores with another valid indicator of quality for the specific … during pregnancy
when seen in obstetric settings, the extent of treatment in this population, and
February 23, 2012 - Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) contains
measures addressing screenings for gender specific … Current quality gaps emphasize
the need to develop measures that improve specific processes that have … improved pregnancy
outcomes with prenatal care and recent improvements in prenatal care utilization, specific … another
valid method; correlation of measure scores with another valid indicator of quality for the specific … during pregnancy
when seen in obstetric settings, the extent of treatment in this population, and
February 23, 2012 - Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) contains
measures addressing screenings for gender specific … Current quality gaps emphasize
the need to develop measures that improve specific processes that have … improved pregnancy
outcomes with prenatal care and recent improvements in prenatal care utilization, specific … another
valid method; correlation of measure scores with another valid indicator of quality for the specific … during pregnancy
when seen in obstetric settings, the extent of treatment in this population, and
February 23, 2012 - Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) contains
measures addressing screenings for gender specific … Current quality gaps emphasize
the need to develop measures that improve specific processes that have … improved pregnancy
outcomes with prenatal care and recent improvements in prenatal care utilization, specific … another
valid method; correlation of measure scores with another valid indicator of quality for the specific … during pregnancy
when seen in obstetric settings, the extent of treatment in this population, and
August 01, 2018 - In specific
patient populations, there are also disparities. … Evidence for Importance of the Measure to Medicaid and/or CHIP
Comment on any specific features of this … • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP (please specify). … In addition,
routine inclusion of several specific elements (e.g., reason for enrollment, reason for … Highlight
specific advantages that this measure has over alternative measures on the same topic that
February 01, 2020 - children in the United States were reported to be
overweight (having a BMI ≥85th percentile on sex- specific … Overweight is defined as a BMI score from the 85th to 94th percentile
on sex-specific age-for-growth … • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP (please specify). … Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) states, “CMS
will encourage States to include specific … In addition to the
specific data values required for this measure, key patient characteristics, such
September 01, 2018 - This measure also may be calculated as a program-specific measure, taking into account
transitions between … In specific patient populations, there are also disparities. … • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP (please specify). … In addition,
routine inclusion of several specific elements (e.g., reason for enrollment, reason for … Highlight
specific advantages that this measure has over alternative measures on the same topic that
February 01, 2020 - United States were reported to be either overweight
or obese (having a BMI ≥85th percentile on sex-specific … • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP (please specify). … In addition to the
specific data values required for this measure, key patient characteristics—such … Highlight
specific advantages that this measure has over alternative measures on the same topic that … were considered by the measure developer or specific advantages that this measure has
over existing
December 01, 2015 - One specific problem was that physicians were ordering temporary
lines such as peripherally inserted … was easily able to
change the tools—such as the gap analysis and implementation plan—to meet the
August 01, 2012 - PQMP) Candidate
Measure Submission Form (CPCF)
Italics indicate instructions for how to complete a specific … Evidence for importance of the measure to Medicaid and/or CHIP
Comment on any specific features of this … • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP or to populations overrepresented in Medicaid or CHIP … Recommendations Specific to Tobacco Use
For patients and their family members
Counsel children and … This is true of all eMeasures that rely on data
being documented in specific locations.
November 01, 2021 - between staff workloads, policies and
procedures, and treatment methods that
may have contributed to specific … Given that no specific patient safety concern was identified in the free text for these reports, the … indicate that the
structured data elements submitted by PSOs and their contracted providers are highly specific … interactions between staff workloads
and treatments involving patient pronation that may have contributed to specific … point to a need for the industry to develop better
preparedness for identifying and implementing PHE-specific