October 22, 2013 - Guidelines and Measure-Specific Testing Results
Metabolic Monitoring for Children and Adolescents on … generation antipsychotics in children
and youth.4
The guideline provides antipsychotic medication-specific … In recognition that clinicians may not have the resources
to apply drug specific recommendations, the … Ranges from 1A
(strong) to not
depending on the
specific medication,
laboratory test
The TeamSTEPPS for Diagnosis Improvement Course applies the TeamSTEPPS framework to the specific … The research cataloged here describes some of the approaches used to implement TeamSTEPPS in specific
June 01, 2023 - They are not a substitute for instructions or for surgery-specific education provided by healthcare team … Download it and fill in the designated areas on the last pages of the booklet with your hospital’s specific
June 01, 2019 - Evidence for Importance of the Measure to Medicaid and/or CHIP
Comment on any specific features of this … • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP (please specify). … This measure fills the gap of assessing NICU-specific inpatient care measures. … Diagnosis of some of these measures, specifically BPD
and ROP, can only be made at specific adjusted … Highlight
specific advantages that this measure has over alternative measures on the same topic that
February 01, 2014 - are similar to those called by other leading entities that solicit measures, but several are CHIPRA specific … (e.g., more child focused, spotlight on disparities, and attention to specific levels of aggregation
December 01, 2017 - Specific content.
Participation. … Slide 11: Example Briefing Audit Tool 5
Specific content:
Did briefing cover the patient, procedure … Specific content 0.820.
Participation 0.569. … Slide 15: Collect Data
Set boundaries:
Specific department or service line? … Slide 17: Specific Briefing Content
Image: Bar chart with YES (blue) and NO (red).
July 01, 2023 - Purpose of tool: This tool offers structure to create a more productive culture conversation, using specific … this tool: This tool can be used at a staff meeting to structure one or a series of meetings by using specific … Statement to be discussed:
Unit Safety Assessment Score (percent agreement):
May 01, 2018 - Include references
related to specific points made in your narrative (not a free-form listing of citations … Evidence for Importance of the Measure to Medicaid and/or CHIP
Comment on any specific features of this … • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP (please specify). … Highlight
specific advantages that this measure has over alternative measures on the same topic that … were considered by the measure developer or specific advantages that this measure has
over existing
January 01, 2010 - The definition of overweight is age-
and gender-specific BMI at the ≥85th to 94
percentile; obesity … is age- and gender-specific
BMI at the ≥95th percentile. … prevention
and treatment of obesity, including guidance
that health care providers use age- and sex-
June 17, 2014 - Evidence for Importance of the Measure to Medicaid and/or CHIP
Comment on any specific features of this … • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP (please specify). … Nearly all dental
providers identified in the program-specific taxonomy data were also identified in … Thus, the most
specific unit of analysis is at the individual level. … Highlight
specific advantages that this measure has over alternative measures on the same topic that
September 08, 2015 - stakeholders in North Carolina and Pennsylvania generally
agreed that the Format addresses many child-specific … limited to a subset of high-
priority Format requirements, could help spur desired change in child-specific … Comments from providers about
specific requirements (or missing
requirements) varied enough that
no … • View reports that the national evaluation team and the State-specific
evaluation teams have produced … on specific evaluation topics and
November 18, 2015 - • TeamSTEPPS Long-Term Care Version: Includes a
team failure video specific to long-term care. … who interact
dynamically, interdependently, and adaptively toward a common
and valued goal, have specific … DISCUSSION:
• Have you implemented any specific strategies for engaging
patients and their families … Their role may be very specific
and limited to a certain situation, such as a Code Team, or they
may … Because Contingency Team members are called together for
emergent or specific events, they do not typically
March 09, 2017 - When this analysis was
run by the PMCoE Dental Project using this specific study design, relationships … relationship between prevention services as well as the relationship
between prevention and treatment for specific
November 01, 2023 - Clinicians, working individually or collaboratively, can achieve board-specific recertification credentialing … Clinicians, working individually or collaboratively, can achieve board-specific recertification credentialing
December 01, 2023 - Organizations that want to participate in the CAHPS Databases will have to submit specific data elements
January 17, 2017 - Measure 1, Section 2, Attachment 6
SNAC Submission Form Measure 1: Accurate ADHD Diagnosis
Section 2: Detailed Measure Specifications
Attachment 6: Claims Data Specification Example
DRAFT Measure #1: Accurate Diagnosis of ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Percentage of …
May 01, 2014 - Along with the Clinician Champion, staff may play very specific roles, including:
Front Office —Distribute … Referral Coordinator —Invite specific community resources to meet clinicians, create a method of communication … Larger practices or those interested in a specific population may elect to sample a larger number of … patients or those with specific characteristics.
August 01, 2017 - • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP (please specify). … Additionally, in
order for a record to be abstracted for this measure, patients must meet a specific … In addition to the specific data values required
for this measure, key patient characteristics, such … In addition, these
standards indicate the requirement for EHRs to track specific patient conditions, … The ONC standards include the following specific requirements in the Certification criteria
July 01, 2021 - In addition, summaries of measure-specific improvement strategies implemented by health plans, associated … Once a primary driver of interest is chosen, review the more specific secondary drivers to determine
January 01, 2019 - In
addition to the specific data values required for this measure, key patient characteristics, such … The ONC’s Health IT Standards explicitly address the ability to create patient‐specific reminders
for … In addition, these standards indicate the
requirement for EHRs to track specific patient conditions, … Highlight
specific advantages that this measure has over alternative measures on the same topic that … were considered by the measure developer or specific advantages that this measure has