January 01, 2016 - Using the Same Measure at Multiple Levels, or Folding Up and Down
The specific questions are: … The literature provides specific examples of influencing measure
outcomes at different levels:
• … Safran et. al. (2006) developed physician-specific samples of an
appropriate size by pooling patient … These authors noted that—particularly for condition-
specific indicators—a given physician or practice … Several specific examples are presented in Figure 2.
Multiple Levels
Figure 2.
May 22, 2014 - Clinical outcomes
● Mortality
● Cancer mortality (any cause)
● Incidence of specific cancers: breast … interest include the clinical outcomes
● Mortality
● Cancer mortality (any cause),
● Incidence of specific … The choice of specific interventions for the elderly and disabled will
depend on the specific context … A recent policy decision outlined the specific types of bariatric
surgery for which evidence on effectiveness … approved by the FDA for long-
term use (time point for long-term use to be determined) instead of a specific
April 01, 2019 - rather than disease-specific measure. … rather than disease-specific measure. … Rarity of Condition
The PGH-7 is a domain-specific rather than disease-specific measure. … , or
disease-specific health characteristics. … Thus, the same outcomes data can be obtained for QI activities that are disease-
specific, service-specific
September 01, 2018 - Specialists are identified by specific
taxonomy codes, as outlined in the numerator statement below. … • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP (please specify). … We are unaware of any existing quality measures specific to the rate of participating specialists
for … Moreover, while the
inclusion of program-specific taxonomy code data resulted in the identification … Specific data, by physician, are found in Appendix B (see Supporting Documents).
January 01, 2012 - Denominator
Definition: The specific
group of patients
for inclusion in
a specific performance … measure based on specific
criteria (e.g., patient's age,
diagnosis, prior MI). … Exclusions
Definition: The specific
group of patients who
should be subtracted
from the measure … of
patients that a set of
measures is designed to
address; usually focused
on a specific
January 01, 2004 - We provide scientific
evidence and best practices for five specific priority medical injury topics … Each manual contains evidence-
based guidelines, intervention recommendations, and review articles specific … • Using discharge codes and chart reviews to investigate processes associated with specific
injuries … • Add own hospital-specific monitoring data from hospital staff, chart reviews, and QI
initiatives … patient safety recommendations to prevent specific
targeted injuries
March 01, 2019 - volunteer stakeholders with skill sets to help you organize the group, or you may want to bring in specific … How can you best match the knowledge and experience of the stakeholders to the specific tasks that need … When do you need to make specific recommendations or develop products so they are both timely and useful … Every time we ask [the] coalition for input, it’s three specific questions that are asked within a matrix … Allowing stakeholders to participate in specific activities that align best with their interests and
September 01, 2015 - Evaluation Strategies for Specific Grant Categories
Category A. … Our specific approach varies somewhat, depending on which of the three models the
State is implementing … The specific definitions of PCMH on which they are basing their programs and the tools used
to assess … Because the guidelines for this category were less
specific than for categories A through D, projects … Evaluation Strategies for Specific Grant Categories
D. The Full Design Plan
October 01, 2018 - Specialists are identified by specific taxonomy codes, as outlined in the
numerator statement below. … • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP (please specify). … Moreover, while the
inclusion of program-specific taxonomy code data resulted in the identification … The proportion of specialty-specific visits was categorized for each physician, using the year
(2012 … o 18 have board certification and/or fellowship training in psychiatry, with no evidence
of specific
March 01, 2021 - disparities in access to care and effectiveness of care for cardiovascular disease (CVD). 4 , 5
Specific … components:
Expert consultation from practice facilitators and physician faculty to help practices solve specific … months of active support), with practices stratified by geographic region and then randomized to a specific … The Cooperative adopted a wide range of strategies that staff adapted to specific practice needs.
March 01, 2024 - Hospitals and healthcare providers are focused on reducing specific HACs that occur frequently, can cause … teams are also using these AHRQ resources to help build the foundation to make care safer and tackle specific
June 01, 2014 - Skip to main content
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September 01, 2015 - Although the CMS solicitation did not identify this outcome as a specific objective of the grant program … Developing new administrative entities in or closely aligned with the Medicaid agency that have specific … Although this unit’s specific responsibilities are still being finalized, after the no-cost extension
January 05, 2017 - of general importance described above, these measures also have
specific features that are important … Specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP or to populations overrepresented in Medicaid or
According … text fields for questions related to specific workflow and EHR configurations. … a
specific validated tool, the setting in which evaluation took place, and so on. … tools for diagnosis and specific therapy recommendations.
January 01, 1995 - Questions 1, 3, 15, 29, 33, and 40 have been modified from the original to make it more specific to hospital … Instructions: Complete the table by entering the different best practices and the specific individuals … Applies products (lotion, cream, skin sealant, etc.) as needed
· Reviews needs for specific … , physical therapist, pharmacist, assigned to specific unit
· Act as resource for unit staff
· Educate … Does education of staff provide discipline-specific education for pressure ulcer prevention and management
June 01, 2018 - Odetola and colleagues (2007) reported a second age-
specific peak in hospitalization rates: in 2003, … There are also reports of age-specific differences in mortality from pediatric sepsis. … Age-specific heart rates help to
define when children have sepsis syndrome (Dellinger, et al., 2013) … Similarly, Oliveira and colleagues noted that the lack of local clinical protocols covering specific … • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP (please specify).
May 01, 2017 - Evidence for Importance of the Measure to Medicaid and/or CHIP
Comment on any specific features of this … • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP (please specify). … State-specific reliability for measure
State Numerator Denominator Reliability Statistic
Florida … In addition, these standards indicate the requirement to track
specific patient conditions, such as … Highlight
specific advantages that this measure has over alternative measures on the same topic that
June 01, 2014 - While these are the ultimate critical endpoints, the paucity of care-coordination-specific measurement … Intermediate outcomes of coordination (e.g., percent of test results communicated to patients within a specific … Specific examples of endpoints used in care coordination studies to date include:
Emergency room visits … Hospital readmissions
Disease-specific hospital admissions
Disease-specific mortality … broad definition of care coordination to identify measures and then mapping measures at the level of specific
June 01, 2014 - In the second section of this chapter, we present specific measure mapping tables for each individual … Table 10: Index of Measures . ‡ All measure items addressing transitions were mapped to one of the specific … Table 10: Index of Measures . ‡ All measure items addressing transitions were mapped to one of the specific … Measure Profiles
This section contains measure mapping tables specific to each individual measure. … The measure profiles also identify the specific measure items (i.e., survey questions or measure components
June 01, 2014 - Processes of Care (MPOC-28)
Purpose: To evaluate the quality of care during the habilitation process specific … addresses the same 5 areas as the MPOC-20: (1) enabling and partnership, (2) general information, (3) specific … questions were grouped via five factors: (1) enabling and partnership, (2) general information, (3) specific … (says Japan in 1st version)
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