
Total Results: 1,587 records

Showing results for "specific".

    January 01, 2014 - Evidence for Importance of the Measure to Medicaid and/or CHIP Comment on any specific features of this … • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP (please specify). … The nurses received additional project-specific training on how to identify, select, and stratify the … Scan charts for specific phrases using natural language processing (NLP), if possible (Attachment 6A … The site-specific data are included in Attachment 7C.1 Table 1, Use of a Validated Tool by Insurance
    January 01, 2014 - action required • Physician discusses results and concerns with parents • Performs futher more specific
    May 01, 2017 - Hospital staff are usually available at specific times: · Labor and delivery doctors and nurses will
    May 01, 2017 - The individuals who shadow and who are shadowed may rotate based on specific L&D unit challenges. … team leader typically initiates and facilitates debriefings, which are most useful when they relate to specific … To be effective and to promote a supportive climate, feedback must be— · Timely, · Respectful, · Specific … DESC is a mnemonic device: D stands for describe—Describe the specific situation. … One important aspect of a callout is directing the information to a specific individual.
    June 01, 2018 - This measure may also be calculated as a program-specific measure, taking into account transitions between … In specific patient populations, there are also disparities. … • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP (please specify). … In addition, routine inclusion of several specific elements (e.g., reason for enrollment, reason for … Highlight specific advantages that this measure has over alternative measures on the same topic that
    November 28, 2017 - Note that there are entries for organization (site) and vendor specific coding systems. … For example, if your site uses a pharmacy vendor code for medications, select "Vendor specific" This … Note that there are entries for organization (site) and vendor specific coding systems. … For example, if your site uses a pharmacy vendor code for medications, select "Vendor specific" This
  7. PCMH Fact Sheet (pdf file)
    September 01, 2010 - items offer users a variety of questions that they can add to the core items in order to address specific … than focusing on a particular visit because the medical home concepts do not necessarily occur at specific
    January 01, 2014 - Investigators developed and tested a Agarwal S, Classen D, Study pediatric intensive care unit- (PICU) specific … Modifications to the GTT to address pediatric-specific issues could increase its test characteristics … Investigators examined the rate of adverse Resar RK, Rozich JD, Study events (AEs) using a trigger tool specific … Investigators developed and tested a Sharek PJ, Horbar JD, Study neonatal intensive care unit- (NICU) specific … .0000000 000000055.46 Cross-Sectional Study Investigators developed and tested a pediatric-specific
    May 01, 2017 - from leadership about the importance of patient and family engagement and goals for the effort Include specific … Experienced advisors who have membership on quality and safety committees [Insert information about specific … Reference to any specific commercial products, process, service, manufacturer, company, or trademark
    June 28, 2017 - It is not our intention to imply that specific diseases and conditions are by default linked to the
    February 10, 2011 - There also are specific times that hospital staff are usually available: Doctors will visit your room
    January 01, 2007 - Suggestions for emphasizing or adding specific TeamSTEPPS skills to the discussion are listed below … Similarly, subsequent pages are specific to the Master Trainer course. … Although this meta-analysis was not specific to team training in health care, its results demonstrated … We will look at some TeamSTEPPS-specific evidence later in the module. … Take a moment to document the specific resident safety issue in your nursing home that is linked
    November 02, 2017 - Include references related to specific points made in your narrative (not a free-form listing of citations … Evidence for Importance of the Measure to Medicaid and/or CHIP Comment on any specific features of this … • Any other specific relevance to Medicaid/CHIP (please specify). … Although some pediatric inpatient experience of care surveys have been developed for use by specific … Highlight specific advantages that this measure has over alternative measures on the same topic that
    October 01, 2015 - Surgical and medical discharges are defined by specific DRG or MS-DRG codes. … denominator • Denominator: All medical and surgical discharges age 17 years and younger defined by specific
    March 01, 2012 -  Identifying specific and comprehensive financing approaches for identified populations served by
    January 01, 2013 - • With improved knowledge, you may choose to refine or alter specific goals. 19 Repeated Use … of falls Conduct staff and patient education Develop environmental assessment Develop specific
    October 01, 2016 - case management is centrally managed, but case managers are peripherally deployed, and some work in specific … Interviewees said that HFHS recognizes that a payer-specific model is not ideal and is working on a … The clinic staff designed a plan to work toward team care, including providing specific training and … A data analyst provides clinic-specific audits, outcomes, and data about processes. … ▌pg. 12 CHWs can effectively intervene with specific populations such as pregnant women or high-risk
  18. TO (doc file)
    May 25, 2016 - Be specific and include information such as policies, protocols, guidelines, and staffing.
    January 11, 2017 - Attachment 9.1: Table 1. Questions About the Measure's Use at Different Levels of Aggregation for Quality Reporting …
    September 01, 2014 -  Twenty measure-specific final scoring results summaries, which provide: o Number of scorers … In instances where criterion-specific scoring information was missing, SNAC members were contacted … Well child visits with specific age bands more important. … important to keep pediatric quality hospital measure, but this measure is not Medicaid/CHIP-specific. … No findings specific to children.

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