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Showing results for "specific".

    October 01, 2015 - These measures assess different entities, address different aspects of quality, and in some cases, are specific … report, you can create an intuitive way for people to look just at the categories they want and the specific … Clickable Links You can use lists to let people choose the categories they want to see as well as the specific … This process takes the user to a list of the specific measures in one category.
    January 01, 2013 - Section 2, Chart Abstraction Tool and Technical Specifications Basic Elements Age upon Age upon admission Patient ID Race Ethnicity Gender Payer Preferred Language admission (YEARS) [e.g. for 12.5 year (MONTHS) [ e.g. for 12.5 old, years = 12) year old, months = 6] 1 White Non-Hispanic Female Medicaid E…
    October 19, 2017 - CHIPRA Report 117, Section 2, Technical Specifications CAPQuaM PQMP Perinatal MEASURE 2 A. Description Describes the timeliness of the initial temperature taken after arrival to the Level 2 or higher nursery in the first 24 hours of life for infants under 2500 grams. B. Eligible Population Numerator: Live-bo…
    June 30, 2009 - CHIPRA 155: Section 2, Detailed Measure Specifications SECTION II. DETAILED MEASURE SPECIFICATIONS II.A. Description The percentage of time, within an 18-month observation window, eligible children received coverage in Medi…
    June 30, 2009 - CHIPRA 157: Section 2, Detailed Measure Specifications SECTION II. DETAILED MEASURE SPECIFICATIONS II.A. Description The percentage of newborns in Medicaid who were continuously enrolled at 6, 12, 18 months after enrollment du…
    May 18, 2018 - CHIPRA 119 Section 2, Detailed Measure Specifications CAPQuaM PQMP Perinatal MEASURE 4 Detailed Measure Specifications A. Description Divides low birthweight neonates who are admitted to a Level 2 or higher nursery into five strata based upon their admission temperature and calculates the proportion of infants in…
    March 01, 2016 - Evidence for Importance of the Measure to Medicaid and/or CHIP Comment on any specific features of … This information was entered from drop-down options pertaining to the specific criteria and in free … text fields for questions related to specific workflow and EHR configurations. … Highlight specific advantages that this measure has over alternative measures on the same topic that … were considered by the measure developer or specific advantages that this measure has over existing
    January 01, 2011 - And the second way is that we can take specific questions and start to dive a little bit deeper into … a specific area that we were already working on for something else and look and see how the patient … Can you share a specific example of maybe how you looked at communication data and used it for quality … These podcasts will be followed by some specific strategies to address topic areas that are measured … This guide has a lot of useful information from planning a QI initiative all the way through a specific
    June 01, 2014 - Country: United States Past or Validated Applications*: Patient Age: Not Age Specific Patient … Patient Condition : General Population/Not Condition Specific Setting: Inpatient Facility, Primary … Care Facility, Not Setting Specific *Based on the sources listed below. … Patient Condition : General Population/Not Condition Specific Setting: Inpatient Facility, Primary … Care Facility, Not Setting Specific *Based on the sources listed below.
    March 01, 2019 - What time constraints of specific stakeholders should you take into consideration during scheduling? … How many working hours do you estimate it will take to get specific tasks completed? … The team in Massachusetts typically reaches out to members between meetings only when specific needs … You may find the following questions helpful: Does your goal require specific products or outcomes? … Involving health care practices to improve on a specific QI measure.
    February 19, 2014 - • TeamSTEPPS Long-Term Care Version: Includes videos specific to the use of the mutual support … • Specific—The feedback should relate to a specific situation or task. … (i.e., timely, respectful and related to behavior, specific, directed, and considerate). … • Specific? – Yes. It suggests specific considerations to be aware of in the future. … DESC is a mnemonic for: D = Describe the specific situation.
    April 01, 2016 - include the AHRQ Patient Safety Culture Survey, surveys of patient and staff satisfaction, unit- or site-specific … that are currently occurring within the organization, determine who the changes are impacting (e.g., specific … Based on this timeline, identify a good time to implement TeamSTEPPS for a specific unit. … Select a specific unit, considering both its readiness and need for enhanced teamwork. … Select a specific TeamSTEPPS tool or process that best addresses the problem and can be most effective
    October 12, 2013 - Guidelines and Measure-Specific Testing Results Use of First-Line Psychosocial Care in Children and … treatment and monitoring of improvement” (Recommendation1) Clinical Standard “In the absence of specific … ≤18 years “The clinician should develop an individualized treatment plan based on the specific clinical … consideration of medication, and psychotherapy continues if medications are used…” (See diagnostic specific … o=5653 (Accessed Oct 12, 2013) Measure-Specific Testing Results Table 1.
    September 01, 2005 - practices and through concurrent analysis of malpractice insurance data, and (3) implement practice-specific … may also have serious consequences.1, 3 Only a few studies have used medical error data to develop specific … Learning Groups then identified the specific error types determined to be amenable to change, based … The process maps included steps that were unique to a specific practice that may have been causally … For example, we were unable to test the use of a single, office-specific laboratory order form.
    January 01, 2012 - For more information on a State’s specific activities, please visit the State’s Web page or contact … Bright Futures well-child measures, measures derived from electronic health records (EHRs), and State-specific … Services is planning to collect, test, and report on the initial core set measures and several State-specific … practice and network levels, identify trends, define areas for improvement, and participate in content-specific
    September 01, 2020 - patients a decision aid or a written recommendation to review a patient decision aid available on a specific … workshop is designed to provide basic information on implementing shared decisionmaking in practice, specific … earn continuing medical education/continuing education (CME/CE) credits for studying evidence about specific … Starting small will allow you to test specific approaches and discover what works best for your practice … Each publication provides background on a specific clinical condition while comparing the benefits, risks
    January 07, 2022 -  Was the service simply not provided during the specific visit type?
    July 01, 2011 - Possibilities include: Television Radio National newspapers Local papers General magazines Health-specific … Eventually, you will need to do audience research to test specific aspects of your promotional campaign … , such as your main messages, visual and graphic elements, and specific placement.
    July 01, 2012 - Examples of specific questions we will address for each of the five grant categories are noted below … Grantees and partner States vary widely with respect to implementation schedules for specific activities … Evaluation Strategies for Specific Grant Categories Category A: Developing, Reporting, and Applying … The specific definitions of PCMH on which they are basing their programs and the tools used to assess … Because the guidelines for this category were less specific than for Categories A through D, projects
    June 12, 2017 - TEAMSTEPPS 05 2 Team Structure Mod 2 LTC 2.0 Page 4 have specific … Mod 2 LTC 2.0 Page 11 Team Structure A time-limited team formed for emergent or specific events … Mod 2 LTC 2.0 Page 13 direct, task-specific, time-limited care to residents.

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