
Total Results: 1,142 records

Showing results for "specific".

    August 01, 2013 - MEPS collects data on the specific health services that Americans use, how frequently they use them,
    October 01, 2015 - Surgical and medical discharges are defined by specific DRG or MS-DRG codes. … denominator • Denominator: All medical and surgical discharges age 17 years and younger defined by specific
    May 01, 2017 - Unit Safety Tools The Labor and Delivery Unit Safety bundle focuses on key safety elements for four specific … Perinatal Care L&D Unit Safety 6 SPPC Key Perinatal Safety Elements for L&D Unit Safety Situation specific … It provides suggested specific checklist items for each of the three perioperative safety steps: the … The specific checklist items can be customized based on unit preference. 13 AHRQ Safety Program for … Reference to any specific commercial products, process, service, manufacturer, company, or trademark
    January 01, 2013 - • With improved knowledge, you may choose to refine or alter specific goals. 19 Repeated Use … of falls Conduct staff and patient education Develop environmental assessment Develop specific
    November 01, 2017 - half of patients aged 40 to 64 with elevated cholesterol have been treated to recommended levels.4 Specific … :// North Carolina Cooperative Region and Population Specific
    SHARE: Pediatric Quality Measures Program (PQMP) What Is the PQMP? Learn about the PQMP's current efforts focused on pediatric measurement and quality improvemen…
    April 01, 2018 - Positive Federal, State, or local government-owned medical offices reported the lowest 61% Positive Specific
  8. TO (doc file)
    May 25, 2016 - Be specific and include information such as policies, protocols, guidelines, and staffing.
    September 01, 2015 - Further reproduction of those copyrighted materials is prohibited without the specific permission of … ractice facilitation has frequently been used in disease-specific or other discrete quality improvement
    October 01, 2014 - While we make specific recommendations below, the most important thing is to be consistent . … If your pressure ulcer rate is high, on what specific areas should you focus? … Surveys are also labor intensive and rely on staff members' recall of specific events. … It identifies whether patients are at risk and what specific interventions need to be implemented.
    April 01, 2017 - they certainly aren't a reason to send a urine culture, particularly if the resident doesn't have any specific … costovertebral angle (in the angle between the bottom of the ribs and the spine)—now this is really pretty specific
    January 01, 2023 - corresponding to each data cell in the tables will vary because nursing homes may have omitted a specific … corresponding to each data cell in the tables will vary because nursing homes may have omitted a specific … Database Work Area Overall Rating on Resident Safety Alzheimer’s/ Dementia Unit Many/ No Specific … corresponding to each data cell in the tables will vary because nursing homes may have omitted a specific … corresponding to each data cell in the tables will vary because nursing homes may have omitted a specific
    January 01, 2011 - Further reproduction of those copyrighted materials is prohibited without the specific permission of … Three policy recommendations—developing PCMH-specific certification criteria for electronic health … The first half describes (1) the medical home model; (2) examines how health IT can support specific … Key: RECS = Regional Extension Centers 18 Include PCMH-specific certification criteria … Include specific medical home functionalities in the meaningful-use criteria for stages 2 and 3.
    May 01, 2017 - completed |___| Type of anesthesia |___| Anticipated airway and aspiration risk |___| Patient-specific
    February 12, 2014 - • TeamSTEPPS Long-Term Care Version: Includes videos specific to the use of the situation monitoring … education /curriculum - tools/teamstepps/ltc/ • TeamSTEPPS Primary Care Version: Includes videos specific … tools/teamstepps/primarycare/ • TeamSTEPPS Rapid Response Systems Module (RRS): Includes videos specific … Share information with the team; • Request information from others; • Direct information to specific … Status Board slide should be prepared for display that includes the standard information used on a specific
    January 01, 2016 - Parking Lot” flip chart page (with tape or sticky band) and markers Instructor Preparation · Add the specific … The visibility board requires specific information, such as what the unit goal is, what the unit is trying … It shows trended data specific to the unit for the quality indicators measured and monitored. … For example, if your pressure injury rate is high, what specific areas should you focus your energies … It identifies whether patients are at risk and what specific interventions need to be implemented.
    March 01, 2013 - traditional research from discovering what works to also discovering how the implementation works in specific
    December 01, 2016 - improvement activities, and seek appropriate oversight for each. 5.3: Demonstrate knowledge of specific … Competencies 6.1: Demonstrate the ability to employ specific quality improvement methods to reduce avoidable … variation in clinical processes and outcomes in routine practice. 6.2: Demonstrate the ability to employ specific
  19. Teach-Back (pdf file)
    April 11, 2018 - Until it begins to come easy to you, you may want to focus on a specific population. … For example: Patients with a specific chronic condition, such as asthma or diabetes First and last patient … Presenter Presentation Notes [Note: This slide should be customized by the practice to communicate practice-specific
    April 04, 2018 - Until it begins to come easy to you, you may want to focus on a specific population. … For example: Patients with a specific chronic condition, such as asthma or diabetes First and last patient … [Note: This slide should be customized by the practice to communicate practice-specific decisions.

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