July 01, 2023 - How To Use I-PASS Effectively
Providing the specific information identified in each step of I-PASS
September 01, 2022 - rates over a given time, but also the percentage of falls that resulted in injury and the rates of each specific
January 01, 2012 - Measures that were not age specific were included in
both groups. … Efforts aimed at specific transitions, which occur when information about
or accountability for some … The adult measure set includes measures applicable to
adults and those that are not age specific or … Not Age Specific – Purpose states measure is intended for application to patients of all
ages, or no … Disease-Specific Measures
For the purposes of this measure set, condition-specific measures were excluded
March 01, 2006 - development and redesign strategies
• Standardized Team Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (KSAs)
• Practice-Specific
January 28, 2011 - • Format: 1-page handout
Tool 8
My Participation
Identify the specific
interests … If advisors are being recruited to help with
specific projects, they should receive a description of … Orienting advisors
Advisors typically undergo general volunteer orientation as well as a specific … In addition, advisors who are preparing to help with a specific activity will
benefit from having: … During the first council meeting, there may
not be time to discuss specific activities.
June 01, 2020 - Additional Rules and Examples for Specific Domains and Categories
Research … Data set management—Grants that support data collection or management but do not conduct any specific … considered as research, unless the grant description mentions that it will directly support one or more specific … Health care settings —Organization of care includes studies that examine care delivery in specific types
January 01, 2020 - Composite Measure Average Percent Positive Response by Specific
Specialties – 2020 SOPS Medical Office … Item Average Percent Positive Response by Specific Specialties – 2020
SOPS Medical Office Database . … Item Average Percentages of Overall Ratings by Specific Specialties –
2020 SOPS Medical Office Database … Composite Measure Average Percent Positive Response by Specific Specialties – 2020 SOPS Medical Office … Database
- - - -
SOPS Composite Measures
Specific Specialties
October 01, 2014 - It should build on existing practices and may need to be tailored to your specific setting. … Care plans focus on the specific dimensions that place the patient at greatest risk. … Several additional specific factors should be considered as part of the risk assessment process. … This threshold may need to be adjusted for the specific patient population on your unit or according … Subscale scores provide information on specific deficits such as moisture, activity, and mobility.
April 01, 2018 - to support adoption of the intervention within primary care practices.The materials include strategy-specific
June 01, 2016 - Speakers from a large academic medical center and a community health center highlighted the specific
December 01, 2023 - The study shows that even though adults in specific racial and ethnic populations have a lower ever-smoked
December 01, 2023 - Once you’ve learned the basics, additional toolkits can help you target certain safety issues in specific
April 01, 2024 - SHARE:
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November 01, 2020 - Houston Chronicle (online), Dec 17 2012
[Mentions that AHRQ "suggests patients come equipped with specific … questions for their provider when he or she recommends further testing, medication, or a specific procedure
July 01, 2022 - MEPS collects data on the specific health services that Americans use, how frequently they use them, … brief describes how two States have analyzed race and ethnicity data and targeted interventions to specific
November 01, 2018 - Once a practice chooses a QI approach and tools and sets improvement goals, it can identify and test specific … Comparing results – including team-specific results – with practice goals will confirm if planned changes
June 01, 2012 - Investigate the validity and quality of the specific data elements used within measures. … However, in order to be a useful data source, the data must include features specific to measuring care … Structured data are contained within specific
data fields that specify the type and format of recorded … We also discuss specific obstacles
that must be overcome to implement such measures. … Any such measures would
likely need to be limited to particular tests within specific instances, such
May 01, 2019 - It is still a good idea to let people pick specific elements to examine in detail, but you might want
April 01, 2019 - Report brief ( PDF , 242 KB)
Recommendations ( PDF , 158.25 KB)
Toolkit ( PDF , 238.45 KB)
3 specific
November 01, 2018 - about organizations that support patients with particular conditions, including both national disease-specific