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Showing results for "specific".

    April 01, 2017 - tool/process to help address a known problem (from a variety of options) that will best work within a specific … [ Note: If you have a specific "problem" that a department or the organization is struggling with, … use it as the example here; it will have more impact and focus the discussion/presentation on specific … Identify a specific opportunity for improvement that could be accomplished through better teamwork. … Notes: Clearly define the need: We need to identify a specific opportunity or issue we want to work
    July 01, 2016 - This training course can and should be adapted to meet the needs of specific health care teams and programs … Trainers should add their own specific objectives to PPT slide #2 to reflect the content of the simulation … Observers should practice using this tool, which can be adapted to reflect a specific type of care. … The training objectives are accomplished by embedding specific "trigger" events into the scenario, and … Learning objectives should be explicit, focusing on specific TeamSTEPPS behaviors, and they should be
    March 07, 2019 - So, it involves the importance of your Change Team, a very specific definition of the problem, looking … You obviously need to have specific TeamSTEPPS interventions, but those need to be tailored to the specific … Or you can use the TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Perceptions questionnaire or other site-specific processes and … It’s important that you determine exactly which TeamSTEPPS tools and strategies are the ones specific … And it’s important when you think about the coaches that they have specific traits and skills.
    June 24, 2022 - TableOfContent Table of content Abstraction of criteria from existing sources Sheet number [Click to go to specific … steps of evidence generation DUKE Margolis 2017 Source Tag Recommendations Duke-M Question The specific … Duke-M Data This might be remedied in prospective studies through the addition of research specific modules … Characteristics of Data NEST_data • The appropriate study population; NEST_data • The specific data … NAM2019 Design Are there specific unmeasured confounders thought to be sufficiently influential that
    February 01, 2018 - The meeting generated postconference success in negotiating a State-specific Centers for Medicare & Medicaid … Challenges specific to integrating Medicare and Medicaid datasets factored heavily in these discussions … Negotiations with CMS to create a State-specific application process for accessing Medicare data. … NAHDO and the APCD Council also helped CMS staff develop a State-specific CMS data application. … In August 2012, CMS approved a State-specific application process.
    March 01, 2019 - TeamSTEPPS Long-Term Care Version : Includes videos specific to the use of the communication tools and … TeamSTEPPS Office-Based Care Version : Includes videos specific to the use of the communication tools … TeamSTEPPS Rapid Response Systems Module (RRS) : Includes videos specific to the use of the communication … Directing information to specific team members. … One important aspect of a call- out is directing the information to a specific individual.
    July 01, 2023 - Specific activation criteria. … Coordination with hospital medical emergency or "code" teams: Specific activation criteria for nonmaternity … Introduction of an obstetric-specific medical emergency team for obstetric crises: implementation and … Reference to any specific commercial products, process, service, manufacturer, company, or trademark
    November 01, 2022 - providing input on the “strategic planning, management, and evaluation of AHRQ’s PCORTF investments,” with specific … ’s development of a connected portfolio of projects in strategic national priority areas, including specific
    February 01, 2021 - nurse-led, evidence-based fall prevention intervention that uses bedside tools to communicate patient-specific … All modalities provided access to real-time safety plans at the bedside, including patient-specific fall
    February 01, 2024 - Specific goals for teaching this section include some related to an understanding of situation monitoring … monitoring needs to start with a discussion of what it is and why it matters, followed by teaching specific … retain shared mental models and that communication needed to sustain shared mental models can occur in specific … Then remind them of specific communication tools that can help share key information effectively.
    September 01, 2023 - Organizations that want to participate in the SOPS Databases will have to submit specific data elements
    July 01, 2023 - National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report Data and Tools Data Query (search data across specific
    April 01, 2017 - The T-TAQ can be used to assess specific needs within the unit or health care institution and whether … As items were drafted, writers linked each item to a specific TeamSTEPPS curriculum module and identified … This was due to the specific needs and interests of each group. … unit or institution and can therefore assist the organization’s TeamSTEPPS change team in selecting specific
    State Snapshots State snapshots provide state-specific health care quality information.
    March 01, 2016 - States often designate a specific time each year when existing Medicaid beneficiaries can change health … Target specific, trusted information sources. … Target Specific, Trusted Information Sources An alternative to comprehensive coverage is to be selective
    July 01, 2018 - people who interact dynamically, interdependently, and adaptively toward a common and valued goal, have specific … A time-limited team formed for emergent or specific events and composed of members from various teams … to Contents   Slide 13: Ancillary & Support Services Ancillary Services provide direct, task-specific
    April 01, 2016 - undertake a TeamSTEPPS initiative when it has objective information to support the need for improving specific … the AHRQ Patient Safety Culture Survey, surveys of patient or staff satisfaction, and unit- or site-specific … hours of classroom learning; however, your institution may decide to train only one segment (e.g., a specific
    September 01, 2017 - Slide 6: Staff Roles Assign staff to perform each specific task in your set of best practices, based … Slide 7: Staff Roles In some cases, a group will perform the task based on specific roles, such as … Other tasks may be assigned to a specific person. … Assign specific roles and responsibilities to: Members of the Unit Team. Unit Champion.
    Estimating state-specific population-based hospitalization rates from in-state hospital discharge data
    September 01, 2017 - Tailored Interventions to address patient-specific areas of risk. … Tailored Interventions to address patient-specific areas of risk. … Tailored Interventions to address patient-specific areas of risk. … Tailored Interventions to address patient-specific areas of risk. … Customize the set of practices for specific work units.

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