
Total Results: 1,089 records

Showing results for "specific".

    December 01, 2020 - The EFOIA Library contains certain agency manuals, specific agency policy statements, opinions made in
    April 01, 2016 - include the AHRQ Patient Safety Culture Survey, surveys of patient and staff satisfaction, unit- or site-specific … that are currently occurring within the organization, determine who the changes are impacting (e.g., specific … Based on this timeline, identify a good time to implement TeamSTEPPS for a specific unit. … Select a specific unit, considering both its readiness and need for enhanced teamwork. … Select a specific TeamSTEPPS tool or process that best addresses the problem and can be most effective
    June 01, 2020 - HSR and PCR as defined below, including crosscutting gaps in research approaches, as well as those specific … of Gaps Identified by Technical Expert Panel and Interview Participants Many gaps are related to specific … Cross-Cutting Research Gaps Specific to Primary Care Next we present two research gaps specific to … It’s therefore harder to get research funded on things that are not disease specific or condition specific … The descriptions of these gaps highlighted their distinct PCR-specific aspects.
    Course The TeamSTEPPS for Diagnosis Improvement Course applies the TeamSTEPPS framework to the specific … The research cataloged here describes some of the approaches used to implement TeamSTEPPS in specific
    July 01, 2023 - of 50 patient safety practices in eight categories encompassing commonly occurring care- and disease-specific … It includes evidence for more specific harm areas than the preceding reports.
    June 01, 2019 - It has been applied extensively, and with considerable success, in efforts to encourage/discourage specific … the promotion (and even the design) of comparative quality reports requires that you first identify specific … To be effective, promotional efforts need to narrow down to a more manageable and specific audience.
    February 01, 2017 - [Be specific and include important steps to make the idea/activity happen.] … [Be specific for each task.] How do I know to move to next step and by when?
    August 07, 2012 - Purpose of tool: This tool offers structure to create a more productive culture conversation, using the specific … This tool can be used at a staff or faculty meeting to structure one or a series of meetings by using specific … Discussion Form: Statement to be discussed: Unit Safety Assessment Score (percent agreement): Role-specific
    November 01, 2021 - Transforming Care for People Living With Multiple Chronic Conditions for the purpose of identifying a set of specific
    Explore CAHPS Surveys Each CAHPS survey is designed to assess patient experience in a specific health … surveys assess patient experience with healthcare services delivered in different settings and for specific
    December 01, 2023 - From November 12 through December 23, 2013, the team conducted a field test of the three setting-specific … Few setting-specific items were retained in the final version of the survey instrument. … Consequently, for national implementation, the three setting-specific survey instruments administered
    June 01, 2019 -   Define Learning Objectives Learning objectives should be explicit and measurable Focus on specific … Return to Top   Choose a Clinical Context Considerations Medicine is a notoriously task-specific … Frequency counts are good when you want to know how often a specific action is taken or task is performed … Include a specific stem or item to accompany the rating scale. … They need diagnostic feedback Specific Behaviorally focused Descriptive Return to Top  
    July 01, 2023 - This vision drives the mission, the specific goals that make progress towards the mission, and the priority … The specific care characteristics (i.e., safe, affordable, evidence-based, integrated, coordinated, team-based
    March 01, 2021 - improving the community care coordination system for identifying high-risk individuals; documenting their specific
    July 01, 2018 - Discuss specific strategies to foster mutual support (e.g., task assistance, feedback). … Identify specific tools to facilitate mutual support.  Describe conflict resolution strategies. … Specific. … Resolution: DESC Script A constructive approach for managing and resolving conflict D —Describe the specific
    March 01, 2019 - Tools specific to leading teams will be presented.  … TeamSTEPPS Long-Term Care Version : Includes videos specific to the use of the leadership tools and … TeamSTEPPS Office-Based Care Version : Includes videos specific to the use of the leadership tools and … Apply the tools for leading teams to specific clinical scenarios. … The team understood what specific factors could lead to C-section and Dr.
    April 01, 2022 - ICU Assessment Response Guide to understand the rationale behind each question and link resources to specific … This will help define the specific areas the team wants to work on to reduce infections.
    July 01, 2023 - The SPPC-II Toolkits were designed to be an assembly of resources that help clinicians quickly learn specific … Staff members need specific, actionable recommendations, strategies, and tools they can immediately use … multi-organization support, began after AHRQ’s program was developed and is focused on implementing specific … The specific event presented in the video is postpartum hemorrhage, but the CUSP techniques can be used
    June 01, 2023 - Direct information to specific team members. … As you reflect on your own experiences, can you identify a specific time a team worked flawlessly based … Situation Monitoring Tools Situation monitoring tools provide the specific skills needed to help individual … This table can help you select the tool or tools most relevant for specific needs. … member status Cross-Monitoring Status of environment and other team members STAR Status of specific
    March 01, 2021 - disparities in access to care and effectiveness of care for cardiovascular disease (CVD). 4 , 5   Specific … components: Expert consultation from practice facilitators and physician faculty to help practices solve specific … months of active support), with practices stratified by geographic region and then randomized to a specific … The Cooperative adopted a wide range of strategies that staff adapted to specific practice needs.

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