October 01, 2014 - While we make specific recommendations below, the most important thing is to be consistent . … If your pressure ulcer rate is high, on what specific areas should you focus? … Surveys are also labor intensive and rely on staff members' recall of specific events. … It identifies whether patients are at risk and what specific interventions need to be implemented.
April 01, 2017 - they certainly aren't a reason to send a urine culture, particularly if the resident doesn't have any specific … costovertebral angle (in the angle between the bottom of the ribs and the spine)—now this is really pretty specific
June 01, 2014 - Share
findings that can be used by a wider audience than the specific target group through newsletter
January 01, 2023 - corresponding to each data cell in the tables will
vary because nursing homes may have omitted a specific … corresponding to each data cell in the tables will vary because nursing
homes may have omitted a specific … Database
Work Area
Overall Rating on Resident Safety
Dementia Unit
No Specific … corresponding to each data cell in the tables
will vary because nursing homes may have omitted a specific … corresponding to each data cell in the tables
will vary because nursing homes may have omitted a specific
May 01, 2017 - completed
|___| Type of anesthesia
|___| Anticipated airway and aspiration risk
|___| Patient-specific
February 12, 2014 - • TeamSTEPPS Long-Term Care Version: Includes
videos specific to the use of the situation monitoring … education /curriculum -
• TeamSTEPPS Primary Care Version: Includes videos
specific … tools/teamstepps/primarycare/
• TeamSTEPPS Rapid Response Systems Module (RRS):
Includes videos specific … Share information with the team;
• Request information from others;
• Direct information to specific … Status Board slide should be prepared for display that includes
the standard information used on a specific
January 01, 2016 - Parking Lot” flip chart page (with tape or sticky band) and markers
Instructor Preparation
· Add the specific … The visibility board requires specific information, such as what the unit goal is, what the unit is trying … It shows trended data specific to the unit for the quality indicators measured and monitored. … For example, if your pressure injury rate is high, what specific areas should you focus your energies … It identifies whether patients are at risk and what specific interventions need to be implemented.
March 01, 2014 - Communication
The matrix indicates which scenarios are appropriate for use by: a) department, and b) specific
February 01, 2016 - for the influence of anecdotal information include:
It may be easier for people to identify with a specific
December 01, 2016 - improvement
activities, and seek appropriate oversight for each.
5.3: Demonstrate knowledge of specific … Competencies
6.1: Demonstrate the ability to employ specific quality improvement methods to reduce avoidable … variation in clinical processes and outcomes in routine practice.
6.2: Demonstrate the ability to employ specific
April 11, 2018 - Until it begins to come easy to you, you may want to focus on a specific population. … For example:
Patients with a specific chronic condition, such as asthma or diabetes
First and last patient … Presenter
Presentation Notes
[Note: This slide should be customized by the practice to communicate practice-specific
April 10, 2018 - Presenter
Presentation Notes
[Note: This slide should be customized by the practice to communicate practice-specific … Presenter
Presentation Notes
[Note: This slide should be customized by the practice to communicate practice-specific … Presenter
Presentation Notes
[Note: This slide should be customized by the practice to communicate practice-specific
June 16, 2017 - Develop hospital-specific action plans for implementing a pressure injury prevention program using the … Address the specific challenges of preventing pressure injuries in the hospital. … Setting goals and plans for change
Specific goals have been set.
June 01, 2017 - permission except those copyrighted materials noted for which further reproduction is prohibited without specific
November 01, 2017 - Underserved or are part
of Medically Underserved Populations and may have less access to primary care.2
Specific … https://datawarehouse.hrsa.gov/topics/shortageAreas.aspx
Midwest Cooperative
Region and Population
November 01, 2017 - from
almost all diseases, including CVD, compared with residents of higher income
Specific … /statistics/leadingcauses_death/nyc_by_year.htm
New York City Cooperative
Region and Population
November 01, 2017 - death rate from stroke is
higher in the Pacific Northwest than in other parts of the United States.1
Specific … https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/mortality_methods.htm
Northwest Cooperative
Region and Population
March 01, 2014 - Develop a Plan for Medical Team Training
Identify your Instructors, trainee audience(s), and their specific
June 01, 2016 - Possibilities include senior groups, disease-specific advocacy groups, and children/family groups.
November 01, 2017 - 36.2 percent have hypertension, 33.2 percent are physically inactive, and 33.9
percent are obese.2
Specific … stateid=OK
Oklahoma Cooperative
Region and Population
Specific Aims
Updates on Key Project