July 22, 2021 - meeting discussion, the group discussed interest
in and potential next steps for collaborative work in specific
September 01, 2017 - customization (e.g., rehab or neurology units, pediatrics)
Instructor Preparation
Add the specific … This tool could be adapted to your specific circumstances. … All Team members need to be aware of patient-specific areas of risk and which interventions will prevent … All Team members, including the patient and family caregivers, need to be aware of patient-specific areas … Customize the set of practices for specific work units.
March 01, 2016 - Use personal stories here as well, ideally around the specific data in your report, what it shows, and … Your Report Is Issued
Since you cannot predict when your report will be most relevant and useful for specific
March 01, 2014 - Specific.
Directed toward improvement.
Two way.
Considerate. … Specific plans and considerations for implementation (e.g., number of coaches required, time required
October 17, 2023 - We age adjusted the rates by first multiplying the age-specific rates by the standard
population age-specific … By applying the observed age-specific rates to the same standard population, the age-
adjusted rates
July 28, 2015 - The presenters discussed: how to create a BCT team; best practices; and things to avoid using project-specific
July 01, 2018 - assessment of different areas of the infection prevention program that should be considered, focusing on specific
March 01, 2014 - Provides brief, clear, specific and timely information to team members
September 01, 2018 - Electronic FOIA Library
The Electronic FOIA Library contains annual FOIA reports, specific agency
February 28, 2014 - Provides brief, clear, specific, and timely information to team members
December 09, 2015 - Provides brief, clear, specific, and timely information to team members
January 01, 2007 - • Course Preparation: This section discusses considerations and specific steps for preparing
to provide … • Course Delivery: This section presents considerations and specific steps for delivering a
TeamSTEPPS … Note: If you choose to integrate specific examples or cases from your own institution, it is
incumbent … Another alternative is to assign participants (or allow them to select) a specific TeamSTEPPS
tool or … Review course evaluations to further determine what went well and consider
specific recommendations
October 01, 2022 - Setting-specific materials focus on improving antibiotic stewardship programs, engaging frontline staff
December 01, 2015 - likely to implement TeamSTEPPS when it has objective information to support the need for improving specific … Further, the assessment will help the practice select a specific challenge or issue for which the initial … The most objective data are statistics gathered from practice-specific records: average length of patient … For example, if staff members are trained in the use of a specific communication tool but physicians
June 01, 2023 - Asking specific questions to elicit information about the four key elements helps team members quickly
January 01, 2009 - The specific behaviors this initiative is targeting is
Lack of physical activity
Unhealthy diet
October 01, 2023 - Walsh concluded that specific improvements were necessary to address communication with and among caregivers
January 01, 2024 - The specific aims of this patient safety learning lab were:
Specific aim 1: Formally structure the RIPCHD.OR … Specific aim 2: Develop a systematic approach to evaluating the impact of people, tasks, tools,
and … Specific aim 3: Develop process design recommendations to support key OR flows (OR team
members, supplies … Specific aim 5: Develop an evidence-based framework and methodology for designing
operating rooms that … Methods
The RIPCHD.OR PSLL used a human-centered systems engineering approach to address the
March 01, 2019 - TeamSTEPPS Long-Term Care Version : Includes videos specific to the use of the situation monitoring … TeamSTEPPS Office-Based Care Version : Includes videos specific to the use of the situation monitoring … TeamSTEPPS Rapid Response Systems Module (RRS) : Includes videos specific to the use of the situation … Direct information to specific team members.
Include patient or family in communication. … Status Board slide should be prepared for display that includes the standard information used on a specific
July 01, 2015 - research with and provide services to
women, 58 members of the PBRN community have stated they have a specific … Specific PBRNs covering each of these issues are highlighted
below. … The technique involves a specific chiropractic analysis and the
application of spinal manipulation