
Total Results: 1,089 records

Showing results for "specific".

    December 01, 2017 - And it has tips to help you learn more about your specific problem and how it can be treated.
    November 01, 2018 - Leads the spread of specific changes throughout the organization or system. … (e.g., number of staff who receive team training; increase in rate of use of a specific teamwork tool … Have other groups successfully used specific team tools to reduce similar process risk points? … TeamSTEPPS Intervention Checklist   Targets a specific defined problem and clinical process.  
    June 05, 2016 - guidelines whenever the best practices could be reasonably applied to pediatric populations, and included specific … a multidisciplinary quality improvement team in your hospital and should be based on circumstances specific … Some guidelines are product specific, so the best practices form can Toolkit for Using the AHRQ Quality
    July 01, 2023 - A series of shorter trainings, or even a single shorter training addressing a specific need, may more … Curriculum The curriculum includes examples, exercises, videos, and other resources directly relevant to specific … And if your organization needs to focus on specific tools when implementing TeamSTEPPS, the instructor
    July 01, 2020 - Specific rates are: Adverse drug events: 28% decrease. CAUTI: 5% decrease. CLABSI: 6% decrease.
    April 01, 2023 - mission as a research agency, AHRQ does not mandate the use of any CAHPS surveys or the use of any specific … The development and testing of survey items on specific topics (e.g., shared decision-making).
    September 01, 2015 - Specific information on our requirements is available in the Citations, Reference List, Footnotes, and
    July 01, 2023 - TeamSTEPPS: Limited English Proficiency Safety: CUS Words (46 seconds) Using plain language to describe specific
    July 29, 2021 -  No mention was made of the specific pairing with certain drugs. … -Autoimmune disorders increase cell-free DNA: Highly specific PCR reactions overcome this challenge … - For early cancer detection, how specific is the test in relation to tissue of origin, stage … We request that AHRQ clarify the specific intended uses under consideration. … Intervention Please see “General Comments” and Background (comment 2), as well as specific comments
    September 01, 2022 - of 50 patient safety practices in eight categories encompassing commonly occurring care and disease specific … It includes evidence for more specific harm areas than the preceding reports. … Misidentifications Summary of Evidence (Not reviewed) (Not reviewed) Operating Room/Surgery-Specific … Summary of Evidence (Also listed under Delirium ) Update (Also listed under Delirium ) Specific
    August 02, 2017 - This might include mention of any lesions or specific mention that none are present. 4. … Is there specific mention of all five dimensions of the assessment: temperature, color, moisture, turgor
    January 05, 2022 - METHODS: In addition to socio-demographic and clinical care information, we examined visit-specific satisfaction
    September 01, 2021 - The app is based on the current, evidence-based recommendations of the USPSTF and can be searched by specific
    February 01, 2018 - The specific objectives of this project were to: Conduct a review of published literature and grey … Develop an inventory and assemble initial specifications for specific APCD-based measures.
    October 01, 2017 - When Possible Develop standard criteria for activation of a rapid response General activation criteria Specific … activation criteria Coordination with hospital medical emergency or “code” teams Specific activation … Introduction of an obstetric-specific medical emergency team for obstetric crises: implementation and … Reference to any specific commercial products, process, service, manufacturer, company, or trademark
    February 01, 2011 - Observers should practice using this tool, which can be adapted to reflect a specific type of care. … They will need to diagnose root causes of performance deficiencies and identify specific weaknesses … Taskwork refers to the specific steps and strategies associated with a particular job. … Frequency counts are most effective for determining how often a specific action is taken or a specific … They need diagnostic feedback that is specific, behaviorally focused, and descriptive.
    April 01, 2024 - Her published findings on pain treatments for specific surgeries, such as breast , carpal tunnel , … that “a lot of the tools and technology that were being developed were not taking into account the specific
    November 01, 2018 - Develop a Plan for Medical Team Training Identify your Instructors, trainee audience(s) and their specific … Plan for Measuring Effectiveness For each risk reduction strategy, a specific plan to measure the effectiveness … Return to Contents   TeamSTEPPS Intervention Checklist    Targets a specific defined problem/challenge
    December 01, 2020 - care organizations that are using CAHPS survey results, other data, and targeted strategies to improve specific … sought insights from external and internal sources, conducted a pilot study of a workflow to improve specific … be used to create unit-level reports of performance and identify key domains for improvement, with specific
    November 20, 2014 - Educate staff on new best practices. 6 Staff Roles Assign staff to perform each specific task in your … on training and experience. 7 Staff Roles In some cases, a group will perform the task based on specific … Other tasks may be assigned to a specific person.

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