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Showing results for "specific".

    January 01, 2011 - Specific Tools To Support Change Toolkit for Using the AHRQ Quality Indicators How To Improve Hospital … Quality and Safety i Tool G.2 Specific Tools To Support Change What is the purpose of this … organizations that may be used instead of or in addition to the resources in the QI Toolkit to help support specific … your hospital and use the AHRQ Quality Indicators, these additional resources may help inform the specific … of Resource Name Description Source State of Connecticut Guide SMART Objectives Develop specific
    March 01, 2021 - AHRQ Customer Service Standards These standards express the specific … The following standards express the specific commitments of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality … request permission to reprint or reuse material published by AHRQ, either in whole or in part (i.e., specific
    August 01, 2023 - experiences with healthcare providers, such as doctors, clinics, and hospice teams, or with care for specific … AHRQ does not require the use of any surveys or the use of a specific methodology for sampling or survey … Hospice * Home Health Care * Surgical Care American Indian Patient Experience With Condition-Specific
    January 01, 2017 - A typical research plan has these required elements: Specific Aims . Research Strategy . … Specific Aims The Specific Aims section is a one-page formal statement of the objectives and milestones … The Specific Aims section should— State concisely the goals of the proposed research. … List succinctly the specific objectives of the research proposed (e.g., to test a stated hypothesis, … if the applicant has multiple Specific Aims.
    October 01, 2023 - provides an overview of the numbers and categories of various patient safety event reports and event-specific … dashboards that describe in greater depth specific safety events such as medication events and falls … is a figure depicting the relative response rates, which is paired with a data table presenting the specific … Technical notes follow each dashboard to provide additional details such as the text of the specific … It also features new incident-specific near misses-specific analyses that examine their contributing
    April 01, 2024 - making Utilization Your care from specialists in the last 6 months   Supplemental Items for Specific … Surveys Only the CAHPS surveys below have specific supplemental items: Health Plan Survey Clinician … Supplemental items enable users to "drill down" to get details about specific aspects of care. … Gathering information about the experiences of a specific population. … Supplemental Items The lists of supplemental items include detailed instructions for placing items in specific
    October 01, 2018 - or other health care practitioners and patients to make decisions about appropriate health care for specific … NB: A guideline is not excluded from NGC if a systematic review was conducted that identifies specific … Description of the denominator and numerator of the measure (including specific variables for inclusion … At least one of the following criteria must be satisfied with specific information attached in each … Note that the specific time period covered by the literature search including the beginning date (month
    June 01, 2018 - The expected output of these grants is improved population-specific health outcomes as a result of developing … clinicians, and other decisionmakers on which interventions are most effective for which patients under specific
    May 01, 2019 - disease or condition that they have, or that a loved one has. [1] A large number of measures are disease-specific … If most or all of the measures you are considering are disease-specific, then you should consider this … structure their reporting program so that they can issue a series of reports, each with a focus on a specific … Condition-specific performance information: assessing salience, comprehension, and approaches for communicating
    April 01, 2023 - The Problem Many health care consumers seek information about specific complaints, conditions or diseases … patients, including patient-support networks (such as bulletin boards and patient chat rooms) and disease-specific … visits, more phone consultations, and fewer and shorter hospitalizations due to an interactive, disease-specific … These sites are excellent examples of providing specific information about the health care organizations—practices … about appointment waiting times, access to medical records—as well as health information and condition-specific
    January 08, 2021 - Here you can find co-sponsored RFAs/PAs and RFAs that are specific to AHRQ. … Simply click on a title to find out more information about that specific RFA/PA, including research objectives … Economics Program, launched in the wake of national health care reform, aims to support research on how specific … care technologies are adopted and combined by health care providers, how they are applied or used for specific
    July 10, 2011 - There may be some loss of information contained in the more specific measures that wouldn’t be apparent … So there can be a disadvantage by not forcing people to engage with the specific individual measures … First you can provide a roll-up score along with providing access to more specific information that … So that essentially, you present both in a way that makes the specific information readily available … So there I’d suggest that organizations think about the pros and cons of roll-ups in their specific
    July 01, 2021 - Services: Related to specific federal health programs Population: Individuals served or affected by … specific federal health programs and initiatives Informing policy- and decision-making on federal … populations (children, aged, and minorities) Enhancing health related to specific diseases, body … Disease-specific clinical screening and treatment in primary care. … Table 3.4 presents more-specific research categories of interest in HSR and PCR.
    July 01, 2023 - you teach content from the Situation Monitoring Module in an even shorter format, focus on one or two specific … Select whichever specific situation monitoring tools you plan to teach and use the slides for those tools … If you focus on a specific tool, you may want to add other examples, videos, or exercises related to
    June 18, 2015 - Diagnosis of a UTI requires both finding bacteria on a urine test and the presence of specific symptoms … What are the specific symptoms of a UTI? … UTI is less likely without the specific symptoms listed above. … Non-specific symptoms such as confusion, a sudden change in behavior, fatigue or a fall may be caused … to physicians “Don’t use antimicrobials (antibiotics) to treat bacteriuria in older adults unless specific
    July 01, 2023 - AHRQ has developed a wealth of materials focused on a wide range of patient safety risks in specific
    December 01, 2022 - Mass media are generally not targeted, although the ability of organizations to reach specific audiences … Many newspapers, for example, can limit the delivery of inserts to specific geographical zones. … , such as foreign language newspapers and televisions stations, focus on the needs and interests of specific
    September 01, 2019 - Some outlets will have broad audiences; others will reach more specific audiences. … You need time upfront to build relationships with specific reporters, producers, or bloggers, and time … Here are some specific steps for building effective media relationships: Identify the reporters, producers … What happens when specific providers use your report to make improvements in their quality? … How has the report made a difference to specific, real members of the community?
    March 01, 2020 - How often were you able to find out from your health plan how much you would have to pay for specific … Consider costs before deciding on a particular service or choosing a specific provider. … Health plans that have implemented this strategy generally report provider-specific information on the … An example of a tool that does offer patients information on their specific OOP costs comes from Geisinger … Geisinger's MyEstimate ® product offers estimates of patient-specific OOP costs for common ambulatory
    January 01, 2020 - Choose specific interventions to implement. Prepare a written action plan. 4.B.1.a. … The goal should reflect the specific aspects of CAHPS-related performance that the team is targeting. … Make of list of those gaps and use them to make SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and … Describe the specific actions briefly. Who will be affected, and how? … This article describes innovative methods and highlights specific examples of organizational structures

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