
Total Results: 1,331 records

Showing results for "specific".

    July 01, 1999 - time provide information on whether greater equity has been achieved in the ability of specific … coverage plays in ensuring that children obtain the medical care appropriate to their specific … Other Factors People with specific residential locations and marital status were also … population is strongly associated with specific  demographic characteristics, … Individuals covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney
    November 01, 2008 - pharmacies, and long term health care facilities) on charges, payments, and sources of payments for specific … date with a specific health care provider by a member of a participating household): Hospitals … calendar year data collection instruments were designed for paper-and-pencil data collection and were specific … date with a specific health care provider by a member of a participating household; consequently, … The data collection specialist reviews the patient profile and identifies and records the pharmacy specific
    November 01, 2008 - pharmacies, and long term health care facilities) on charges, payments, and sources of payments for specific … date with a specific health care provider by a member of a participating household): Hospitals … data collection purposes, an event was defined as a distinct visit or stay on a specific … date with a specific health care provider by a member of a participating household; consequently … The data collection specialist reviews the patient profile and identifies and records the pharmacy specific
    October 01, 2021 - Estimates are presented for the total population as well as for specific population groups categorized
    January 02, 2021 - that linked every prescription drug mentioned by the respondent in the MEPS Household Component to a specific
    July 20, 2022 - provided within the Participant's Corner (see individual participant category links) in case you have specific
    December 01, 2009 - Introduction Specialists are doctors who have completed advanced education and clinical training in a specific … maintenance organizations but they exclude extra cash coverage plans, medical benefits linked only to specific … Persons who were covered only by non-comprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
    December 01, 2009 - Introduction Specialists are doctors who have completed advanced education and clinical training in a specific … maintenance organizations but they exclude extra cash coverage plans, medical benefits linked only to specific … Persons who were covered only by non-comprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
    December 01, 2009 -
    Specialists are doctors who have completed advanced education and clinical training in a specific … maintenance organizations but they exclude extra cash coverage plans, medical benefits linked only to specific … Persons who were covered only by non-comprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
    May 01, 2014 - People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific … Additionally, wages were imputed for wage earners reporting a wage range and not a specific value. … For each of these persons, a value was imputed from other persons on the file who did report a specific
    May 01, 2014 - People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific … Additionally, wages were imputed for wage earners reporting a wage range and not a specific value. … For each of these persons, a value was imputed from other persons on the file who did report a specific
    December 01, 2009 - Introduction Specialists are doctors who have completed advanced education and clinical training in a specific … maintenance organizations but they exclude extra cash coverage plans, medical benefits linked only to specific … Persons who were covered only by non-comprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
    May 01, 1999 - MEPS collects data on the specific health services that Americans use, how frequently they use them, … weight for a dwelling unit selected in the 1996 MEPS is the nonresponse-adjusted 1995 NHIS quarter-specific … for MEPS in quarter Q = 2 or 3, would take the form NHISWTQ(i) = (1/P(i)) × A(c) The NHIS quarter-specific … They also represented socioeconomic and health-specific measures potentially associated with health care … Census Bureau population estimate to the March 1997 population estimate derived from the CPS for the specific
    July 01, 1997 - Over 3,200 facilities (19.3 percent) had formally defined nursing units with a specific number of beds … identified and dedicated for residents with specific needs or diagnoses, such as an Alzheimer’s, rehabilitation … Some residents have also directed that constraints be placed on specific types of care that they may
    July 01, 1997 - Over 3,200 facilities (19.3 percent) had formally defined nursing units with a specific … number of beds identified and dedicated for residents with specific needs or diagnoses … Some residents have also directed that constraints be placed on specific types of care
    December 01, 2010 - These routine visits are not usually prompted by any specific illness or complaint. … People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., The Maryland Kidney Disease … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
    December 01, 2010 - These routine visits are not usually prompted by any specific illness or complaint. … People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., The Maryland Kidney Disease … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
    July 28, 2006 - older with diabetes by selected demographic characteristics and insurance status, and percent with specific … or older with asthma by selected demographic characteristics and insurance status, and percent with specific
    January 30, 2009 - MEPS S M L XL   Publication Details Title:    Screening for Prostate Cancer with the Prostate-Specific
    October 01, 2018 - pharmacies, and long–term health care facilities) on charges, payments, and sources of payments for specific … date with a specific health care provider by a member of a participating household.) … All 2016 data collection instruments were designed for electronic data collection and were specific to … date with a specific health care provider by a member of a participating household. … The DCS reviews the patient profile and identifies and records the pharmacy–specific data items listed

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