August 04, 2004 - (Web site: http://www.meps.ahrq.gov/ PrintProducts/PrintProdSearch.asp), which allows searching for specific
March 14, 2006 - Specific item nonresponse rates generally varied from 1 to 4 percent for
the SAQ questions.
July 01, 1997 - Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Publication Details
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Publication Detail…
January 01, 2008 - The specific aims of their research were:
1. … The specific aims of the research were:
1. … It is sufficiently flexible to permit modeling of both
observable and unobservable patient-specific … • Incorporates patient-specific explanatory variables (covariates) into the analysis, allowing … It contains recipient-specific claim records submitted by Part D plans for each filled prescription.
January 01, 2004 - People covered only by noncomprehensive state-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
January 01, 2005 - People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … private single service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
May 01, 2005 - People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs
(e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … private single service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or
vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
July 01, 2006 - People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
September 01, 2006 - Individuals covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
June 01, 2007 - People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
June 01, 2007 - Children covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
July 01, 2007 - Children covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
June 01, 2007 - People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
September 01, 2006 - Individuals covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
September 01, 2006 - Individuals covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
July 01, 2008 - People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
August 01, 2008 - Children covered only
by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … private
single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
July 01, 2012 - People who were covered only by
noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., The Maryland Kidney … private single-service plans
(e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
August 01, 2013 - People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., The Maryland Kidney … private single service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage
for accidents or specific
September 01, 2013 - People covered
only by non-comprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … single service plans such as coverage for dental or vision care only, or coverage for accidents or specific