
Total Results: 1,331 records

Showing results for "specific".

    February 01, 2025 - Among the specific opioids, oxycodone exhibits the highest average total payment per fill at … Additionally, NSDUH employs targeted questions with show cards for specific drugs, utilizes … Morphine 0.2 Codeine 0.0 All Other Opioids 0.4* Note: ^ Products containing specific … Morphine 3.9 Codeine 3.1 All Other Opioids 3.0 Note: ^ Products containing specific … Hydrocodone 28 8 Tramadol 18 4 Morphine 45 8 Codeine 16 6 Note: ^ Products containing specific
    May 01, 2013 - socio- economic measures acquired for the same set of sample units from other sources of survey specific … More specifically, the ARF is a county-specific health resources information system containing information … The quality and data content of household specific health surveys are often enhanced through the conduct … records on medical conditions for the same patient and specific health events. … A longitudinal design also permits cohort analyses of employers with specific characteristics over
    April 01, 2018 - The panel-specific weights used in the analyses are from MEPS files HC-172 and HC-183. … People covered by only non-comprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … single service plans such as coverage for dental or vision care only, or coverage for accidents or specific
    June 01, 2015 - People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., The Maryland Kidney Disease … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific … Additionally, wages were imputed for wage earners reporting a wage range and not a specific value. … For each of these persons, a value was imputed from other persons on the file who did report a specific
  5. Sb7
    June 08, 2021 - Percent of persons 18 or older who report specific chronic conditions and who continue to smoke … Percent of persons 18 or older who report specific chronic conditions and who continue to smoke
    September 16, 2010 - Data for this panel can be used to analyze person-level changes in round-specific variables … Panel-specific weights for concurrent panels are ultimately combined to produce final PIT/ … Assigning Compositing Factors to Panel-Specific Weights in the Combined Panel. … Assigning Compositing Factors to Panel-Specific Weights in the Combined Panel. … Assigning Compositing Factors to Panel-Specific Weights in the Combined Panel.
    The study is not being conducted to assess the charging practices of specific medical providers or … pharmacies or to support any specific regulatory purpose. … who participate in the study cannot be released to persons outside the sponsoring agencies without specific
    study is not being conducted to assess the charging practices of specific … medical providers or pharmacies or to support any specific regulatory … be released to persons outside the sponsoring agencies without specific
    The study is not being conducted to assess the charging practices of specific medical providers or … pharmacies or to support any specific regulatory purpose. … who participate in the study cannot be released to persons outside the sponsoring agencies without specific
    September 16, 2010 - Assigning Compositing Factors to Panel-Specific Weights in the Combined Panel. … The panel-specific files are put together to create a combined person-level file of both panels. … Assigning Compositing Factors to Panel-Specific Weights in the Combined Panel. … Assigning Compositing Factors to Panel-Specific Weights in the Combined Panel. … factors used for combining the panel-specific FY weights (see Section 3.2.a).
    December 01, 2023 - Census Block-Group (encrypted)  ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes (please attach an Excel workbook listing the specific … Please be very specific in describing your output needs, and specifically in how restricted-use data
    January 01, 2017 - These documents identify the specific order in which sections were asked during
    June 01, 2015 - People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., The Maryland Kidney Disease … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific … Additionally, wages were imputed for wage earners reporting a wage range and not a specific value. … For each of these persons, a value was imputed from other persons on the file who did report a specific
    December 01, 2009 - Introduction Specialists are doctors who have completed advanced education and clinical training in a specific … maintenance organizations but they exclude extra cash coverage plans, medical benefits linked only to specific … Persons who were covered only by non-comprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
    October 01, 2011 - Among children with specific health care services, the mean expenditure per SHCN child for prescription … Indirect payments not related to specific medical events, such as Medicaid Disproportionate Share and … SHCN $4,100 $1,284 $1,155 Without SHCN $983 $512 $98 *Among those with any expenses for specific … Prescription medications With SHCN 7.3 9.9 Without SHCN 3.2 2.6 *Among those with the specific
    October 01, 2011 - Among children with specific health care services, the mean expenditure per SHCN child for prescription … Indirect payments not related to specific medical events, such as Medicaid Disproportionate Share and … SHCN $4,100 $1,284 $1,155 Without SHCN $983 $512 $98 *Among those with any expenses for specific … Prescription medications With SHCN 7.3 9.9 Without SHCN 3.2 2.6 *Among those with the specific
    November 23, 2022 - _____ ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes (please attach an Excel workbook listing the specific … Please be very specific in describing your output needs, and specifically in how
    November 23, 2022 - _____ ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes (please attach an Excel workbook listing the specific … Please be very specific in describing your output needs, and specifically in how
    May 01, 2019 - are gender specific. … Specific results for this age/sex group in Table 1.2 are described below. … Specific results for this age/sex group in Table 2.2 are described below. … Specific results for this age/sex group in Table 3.2 are described below. … Specific results for this age/sex group in Table 4.2 are described below.
    September 16, 2010 - Assigning Compositing Factors to Panel-Specific Weights in the Combined Panel. … The panel-specific files are put together to create a combined person-level file of both panels. … Assigning Compositing Factors to Panel-Specific Weights in the Combined Panel. … Assigning Compositing Factors to Panel-Specific Weights in the Combined Panel. … factors used for combining the panel-specific FY weights (see Section 3.2.a).

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