December 01, 2004 - People covered only by noncomprehensive state-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
December 01, 2004 - People covered only by noncomprehensive state-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
March 01, 2011 - Individuals covered only by noncomprehensive state specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific … Indirect payments not related to specific medical events, such as Medicaid Disproportionate Share and
July 01, 2006 - Percentage of adults ages 18 and older using specific classes of drugs, among adults
using at … Percentage of adults ages 18 and older using specific classes of drugs, among adults
using … A central
component of these guidelines is specific recommendations for the pharmaceutical
treatment … Percentage Using Specific Classes of Antihypertensive Drugs
Table 5 presents trends in … Percentage of adults ages 18 and older using specific classes of antihypertensive drugs, among adults
October 26, 2020 - For specific feedback or requests for the new tables, email mepsprojectdirector@ahrq.hhs.gov .
December 01, 2021 - Once a grouping variable is selected, a dropdown will appear, enabling selection of specific levels in
January 01, 2021 - Each round of MEPS-HC interviews collects information pertaining to a specific time period
January 01, 2021 - Each round of MEPS-HC interviews collects information pertaining to a specific time period
September 15, 2010 - We also examine trends for three specific classes of oral medications: sulfonylureas, biguanides and … Among specific classes of oral medications, the percentage using sulfonylureas fell from 51.2 to 40.2 … However, when we focus on specific classes of oral drugs, we limit reporting to the three most commonly … Percentage Using Specific Classes of Oral Anti-Diabetic Medications
In this section, we focus on the … ^top
Table E: Standard
errors for percentage of persons using specific classes of oral
February 01, 2023 - Insurance Status of Mothers at the Time of Birth, by Demographic Characteristics, 2008-19
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An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
December 01, 2004 - People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … private single service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
December 01, 2004 - People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … private single service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
June 01, 2005 - People covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … private single service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
July 01, 2006 - People covered
only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … private
single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
June 01, 2007 - People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
June 01, 2005 - People covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … private single service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
December 01, 2004 - People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … private single service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
July 01, 2004 - People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g.,
Maryland Kidney Disease … private single service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision
care only, coverage for accidents or specific
July 01, 2004 - Children covered only
by non-comprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … private
single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
October 01, 2004 - People who were covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g.,
Maryland Kidney Disease … private single service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision
care only, coverage for accidents or specific