April 01, 2009 - Indirect payments not related to
specific medical events, such as Medicaid Disproportionate Share and … ,
eyeglasses, ambulance services, and dental expenses, because these items could not be linked to
January 01, 2009 - older with diabetes by selected demographic characteristics and insurance status, and percent with specific … or older with asthma by selected demographic characteristics and insurance status, and percent with specific … older with diabetes by selected demographic characteristics and insurance status, and percent with specific … or older with asthma by selected demographic characteristics and insurance status, and percent with specific
June 08, 2021 - Individuals covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
July 20, 2017 - estimates the number of
hospitals that may be able to submit MEPS MPC data electronically, targets specific … For example, by contractual agreement, physicians
from a specific specialty practice have admitting … • For specific SBDs, ask “Are your pathologists independent contractors or are you billing
for them … It is
unclear whether pulling data for specific individuals is permissible, and if so, how that
would … Also, we could add
language to the contact guides, specifically asking for these specific reports.
February 09, 2011 - and manage the vast array of programs set in motion by this act, there is critical need for content specific
December 01, 2004 - People covered only by noncomprehensive state-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease
Program … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for
accidents or specific
December 01, 2023 - Researchers must supply a specific list of variable names with their application to be merged … Researchers must submit a list of the
specific codes needed for their analysis.
December 01, 2023 - Researchers must supply a specific list of variable names with their application to be merged … Researchers must submit a list of the
specific codes needed for their analysis.
December 01, 2023 - Researchers must supply a specific list of variable names with their application to be merged … Researchers must submit a list of the
specific codes needed for their analysis.
January 01, 2005 - using these two measures, many are based on non-representative samples of patients seeking care for specific … The presence or absence of a specific chronic condition is one factor that should exert a strong influence … was told by a physician or other health professional, at some prior time, that he or she had the specific … Individuals covered only by noncomprehensive State specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … private single service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
January 01, 2005 - measures, many are based on non-representative samples of patients seeking care for specific … The presence or absence of a specific chronic condition is one factor that should exert a strong … by a physician or other health professional, at some prior time, that he or she had the specific … Individuals covered only by noncomprehensive State specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease … single service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
August 01, 2017 - For consistency with Panel specific weights from the other data files, the analytic weight for Panel … People covered only by non-comprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … single service plans such as coverage for dental or vision care only, or coverage for accidents or specific … People covered only by non-comprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … single service plans such as coverage for dental or vision care only, or coverage for accidents or specific
January 01, 2006 - A central component of these guidelines is specific recommendations for the pharmaceutical treatment … Percentage Using Specific Classes of Antihypertensive Drugs
Table 5 presents trends in … Next, we examined trends in the use of specific classes of antihypertensives. … Standard errors for percentage of adults ages 18 and older using specific classes of antihypertensive … Standard errors for percentage of adults ages 18 and older using specific classes of antihypertensive
April 01, 2015 - Indirect payments not related to specific medical events, such as Medicaid Disproportionate Share and … associated with a condition if a visit, stay, or medication purchase was cited as being related to the specific … equipment, eyeglasses, ambulance services, and dental expenses, because these items could not be linked to specific
April 01, 2015 - Indirect payments not related to specific
medical events, such as Medicaid Disproportionate Share and … associated with a condition if a visit, stay, or medication purchase was cited as
being related to the specific … equipment,
eyeglasses, ambulance services, and dental expenses, because these items could not be linked to specific
July 01, 2011 - Indirect payments not related to specific medical events, such
as Medicaid Disproportionate Share and … classified with a condition if a visit, stay, or medication purchase was cited as being related to the
specific … equipment, eyeglasses, ambulance services, and
dental expenses because these items could not be linked to specific
August 01, 1999 - People covered only
by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney … single-service plans (e.g., coverage
for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
January 01, 2002 - People covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
January 01, 2003 - People covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific
June 01, 2004 - People covered only by noncomprehensive State-specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program … private single-service plans (e.g., coverage for dental or vision care only, coverage for accidents or specific