
Total Results: 1,048 records

Showing results for "specific".

    October 01, 2014 - It should build on existing practices and may need to be tailored to your specific setting. … Care plans focus on the specific dimensions that place the patient at greatest risk. … Several additional specific factors should be considered as part of the risk assessment process. … This threshold may need to be adjusted for the specific patient population on your unit or according … Subscale scores provide information on specific deficits such as moisture, activity, and mobility.
    October 01, 2016 - and Practice Panel Size In 2014, Edina cared for 12,184 unique patients (individuals assigned to a specific … RN care coordinators often refer recently discharged patients with multiple medication changes or specific … leading conditions, number of and leading medications); drug therapy problems (e.g., number of and specific … problems such as “dose too low” or “needs additional therapy”); resolution of problems; and specific … CPAs allow the pharmacist to perform specific patient care functions independently (e.g., initiate or
    November 01, 2022 - providing input on the “strategic planning, management, and evaluation of AHRQ’s PCORTF investments,” with specific … ’s development of a connected portfolio of projects in strategic national priority areas, including specific
    December 01, 2022 - Most Significant Audiences While some primary audiences are fairly narrow (e.g., the employees of a specific … set of employers or patients with a specific health condition), your primary audience may be very broad
    November 01, 2021 - Transforming Care for People Living With Multiple Chronic Conditions for the purpose of identifying a set of specific
    February 01, 2018 - The specific objectives of this project were to: Conduct a review of published literature and grey … Develop an inventory and assemble initial specifications for specific APCD-based measures.
    May 20, 2016 - IQI Specific Recommendations/Resources Specific evidence-based recommendations to potentially reduce … Aneurysm (AAA) Repair Mortality Rate • Using an individualized assessment of risk factors for each specific … Practice: Engage in Action Planning Recommended Practice: Evaluate Effectiveness of Actions IQI Specific
    July 22, 2021 - meeting discussion, the group discussed interest in and potential next steps for collaborative work in specific
    June 01, 2020 - Additional Rules and Examples for Specific Domains and Categories Category Domain Rules Research … Data set management—Grants that support data collection or management but do not conduct any specific … considered as research, unless the grant description mentions that it will directly support one or more specific … Health care settings —Organization of care includes studies that examine care delivery in specific types
    January 01, 2024 - Determinants of Health Merkow RP , Kmiecik TE , Bentrem DJ Effect of including cancer-specific … (NSQIP) variables and cancer registry variables, and 2) to determine whether the addition of cancer-specific … Effect of including cancer-specific variables on models examining short-term outcomes. … AHRQ, and workshop sessions focused on the intersection of worker safety and patient safety and on specific … The researchers explored the feasibility of using disease-specific common eligibility features (CEFs)
    July 01, 2023 - A series of shorter trainings, or even a single shorter training addressing a specific need, may more … Curriculum The curriculum includes examples, exercises, videos, and other resources directly relevant to specific … instructor resources provide both general guidance on approaches to teaching TeamSTEPPS 3.0 effectively and specific
    July 01, 2023 - Identify the key safety elements for four specific situations encountered on labor and delivery (L&D) … Slide 7: SPPC Key Perinatal Safety Elements for L&D Unit Safety Situation specific: Standardize … It provides suggested specific checklist items for each of the three perioperative safety steps: the … The specific checklist items can be customized based on unit preference. … Reference to any specific commercial products, process, service, manufacturer, company, or trademark
    October 01, 2014 - "We chose AHRQ's Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture for its validated questions and specific … the data gathered from the survey, the patient safety team targeted its initiatives to address three specific
    October 01, 2014 - improving patient safety by enabling open discussion regarding the identification of safety issues specific … The survey was conducted throughout the MHS with four specific goals in mind: To improve the quality
    January 01, 2018 - Collectively, 28 specific measures are used: 14 measures to generate rates for the 9 specific PFP HACs
    December 01, 2014 - well as other stakeholders, implement a State-level quality improvement collaborative that addresses a specific … These FAQs provide answers about the Children's EHR Format, a set of requirements that contains child-specific
    October 17, 2023 - We age adjusted the rates by first multiplying the age-specific rates by the standard population age-specific … By applying the observed age-specific rates to the same standard population, the age- adjusted rates
  18. Scenario 1 (pdf file)
    February 28, 2014 - Provides brief, clear, specific, and timely information to team members b.
    October 01, 2016 - WellMed has no specific protocols for specialty referrals to avoid creating barriers to referral and … Commonly used specialty physicians such as cardiologists have specific office hours in primary care … Nonetheless, individual roles have specific training; the training we heard most about was the health … The RNs float among centers, but are regularly assigned to specific centers to develop relationships … These regional meetings explain new initiatives and highlight specific principles of the organization
    October 01, 2017 - Instructor Preparation Add the specific hospital name to the first slide. … Slide 6 Say: Think about who will perform each specific task identified for your set of best … Other tasks may be assigned to a specific individual. … This plan for turnover on the Team should include specific training for that role. … The goal is to provide specific orientation and on-the-job training to empower new RNs to learn and be

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