
Total Results: 1,048 records

Showing results for "specific".

    May 01, 2022 - As part of these observances, AHRQ identifies specific programs, research activities, tools and resources
    January 28, 2011 - • Format: 1-page handout Tool 8 My Participation Interests Identify the specific interests … If advisors are being recruited to help with specific projects, they should receive a description of … Orienting advisors Advisors typically undergo general volunteer orientation as well as a specific … In addition, advisors who are preparing to help with a specific activity will benefit from having: … During the first council meeting, there may not be time to discuss specific activities.
    December 01, 2018 - Tips for Successful RFPs Make tasks, expectations, deadlines, and deliverables clear and specific.
    November 01, 2018 - on quantifiable results, it is feasible and useful to compare the costs and results achieved through specific
    December 01, 2020 - The EFOIA Library contains certain agency manuals, specific agency policy statements, opinions made in
    June 01, 2020 - [T]here are issues that are not organized around a specific disease, which is the way NIH is organized … But I don’t have a specific area where I would say these two things are overlapping and one of them needs … So we are focusing a little more on things that have elements that are more specific to care in the VA … Project-specific advisory committees, roles, and coordination. … CDC has a pretty broad footprint, I might argue, around specific disease topics and we worked with other
    September 01, 2017 - Slide 6: Staff Roles Assign staff to perform each specific task in your set of best practices, based … Slide 7: Staff Roles In some cases, a group will perform the task based on specific roles, such as … Other tasks may be assigned to a specific person. … Assign specific roles and responsibilities to: Members of the Unit Team. Unit Champion.
    July 01, 2021 - For specific actions to build vaccine confidence and reduce barriers, read Section 4 (page 13). … Conversation Guides Use these specific recommendations for your one-on-one conversations .
    March 01, 2021 - need for additional research on how patient safety was addressed during the COVID-19 pandemic, with specific … Participants agreed that a third specific research priority is diagnostic error.
    July 01, 2022 - AHRQ offers specific guidance on reporting the results of CAHPS surveys as well as more comprehensive … their performance and then assess the impact of interventions to improve enrollees' experiences in specific
    July 01, 2020 - The survey consists of three parallel instruments specific to the major treatment modalities: radiation … AHRQ does not require the use of a specific methodology for sampling or survey administration.
    July 14, 2023 - o The ONC USCDI+ initiative to support the identification and establishment of domain- or program-specific … of interoperable datasets that extend beyond the core data in the USCDI in order to meet agency-specific
    September 20, 2017 - Instructor Preparation Add the specific hospital name to the first slide. … Slide 7 SAY: In some cases, a group will perform a task based on their specific role or title, such … Other tasks may be assigned to a specific individual. … This plan for turnover on the Team should include specific training for that role. … The goal is to provide specific orientation and on-the-job training to empower new RNs to learn and be
    January 01, 2012 - What kind of specific qualitative methods and tools are we going to talk about today? … Before we jump into specific tools and methods, share with us what you've learned about the benefits … Sometimes people with specific conditions that are very common in the chronic condition category often … In our next podcast, we begin to dive into specific strategies for improving patient experience domains … Wendy Leebov will join us again, this time to talk about specific strategies for improving communication
    November 01, 2018 - In particular, be specific about how they can benefit personally from using the report.
    January 01, 2013 - need customization (e.g., rehab or neurology units, pediatrics) Instructor Preparation Add the specific … This tool could be adapted to your specific circumstances. … All Team members need to be aware of patient-specific areas of risk and which interventions will prevent … Slide 48 SAY: On some patient units, Fall Prevention Programs are customized for specific patient … Customize the set of practices for specific work units.
    December 01, 2022 - Age—With the exception of analytic variables associated with round-specific questions noted below, age … For measures using analytic variables associated with round-specific questions (e.g., questions from … Perceived health status—MEPS includes five-level round-specific categorical variables for perceived … Round-specific variables—For analytic data collected during specific rounds, age and other population … characteristics variables were also defined using the round-specific variables.
    September 01, 2022 - of 50 patient safety practices in eight categories encompassing commonly occurring care and disease specific … It includes evidence for more specific harm areas than the preceding reports. … Misidentifications Summary of Evidence (Not reviewed) (Not reviewed) Operating Room/Surgery-Specific … Summary of Evidence (Also listed under Delirium ) Update (Also listed under Delirium ) Specific
    July 26, 2012 - and norms TEAMSTEPPS 05.2 Coaching Workshop 4 The Role of Each Team Member Is To…  Apply specific … between:  What they value and desire; and  The task or role for which they are responsible  Provide specific
    July 25, 2012 - Workshop TEAMSTEPPS 05.2 Coaching Workshop 4 The Role of Each Team Member Is To…  Apply specific …  What they value and desire; and  The task or role for which they are responsible  Provide specific

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