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Showing results for "specific".

    November 24, 2014 - This specific question relates to risk of bias considerations (rather than grading strength of evidence … Specific recommendations for study design, dosing, monitoring antibiotic levels should be included … believe that a recommendation this specific is applicable. … Peer Reviewer #2 Discussion/ Conclusion More discussion of MICs and specific organisms in the … Is there a way to advise in the power and the specific outcomes that need to be measured?
    March 01, 2012 - Specific reference to the use of embolic protection devices in saphenous vein grafts has been added … E.g. specific outcomes in rows, covariates in columns and available evidence (pooled or otherwise) in … We have organized the report according to the specific population (STEMI vs. other ACS) for several … There are references to specific device names that were used in specific trials, which was commonly … done in the event there was only one trial evaluating the specific outcome/comparison.
    June 10, 2018 - Many unidimensional and multidimensional pain assessment scales are available including specific scales … for a variety of pain conditions10-13 and for specific sub- populations.14-17 Multidimensional assessment … We will construct search strategies to identify original research on specific acute pain conditions … Information Management Evidence tables specific to each priority acute pain condition will be created … • Are you aware of clinical practice guidelines addressing specific common acute pain conditions?
    May 01, 2012 - proton beam radiotherapy has gained acceptance based on a theo- retical advantage for the treatment of specific … CMS has yet to issue a national coverage rule for proton beam therapy or its specific indications. … proton beam radiotherapy along with external beam radiotherapy in general but without identifying specific … one of the LCDs. *** These indications appear in the claims but are not covered in the LCDs listing specific … DISCUSSION As a highly specific form of advanced radiotherapy, proton beam therapy may play an important
    September 02, 2016 - spur pediatric research, children remain “therapeutic orphans” 12 for whom a paucity of pediatric-specific … Appendix A includes the literature searches from the original report and the specific search strategies … o Sociodemographic risk factors KQ 1: Children with chronic OME (allow study-specific definitions of … Global and otitis-specific child and parental quality of life 2. Speech and language outcomes 3. … Global and otitis-specific child and parental quality of life o Intermediate outcomes 1.
    March 29, 2013 - These presenting symptoms along with a physical examination, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels, … The cancer is identified by needle biopsy, which is performed because of high prostate-specific antigen … Details (specific search terms and search strategies) are provided in Appendix A of this protocol. … Prostate-Specific Antigen Best Practice Statement: 2009 Update. … They are selected to provide broad expertise and perspectives specific to the topic under development
    January 01, 2014 - As recommended by the Methods Guide for Medical Test Reviews,11 the searches will not use filters specific … Manufacturers of diagnostic equipment (polarizing microscopes) will be contacted for unpublished data specific … This input is intended to ensure that the key questions are specific and relevant. IX. … They are selected to provide broad expertise and perspectives specific to the topic under development … provide information to the EPC to identify literature search strategies and recommend approaches to specific
    June 01, 2012 - Grading the strength of evidence Challenges specific to diagnostic tests Principles of grading the strength … Challenges Specific to Diagnostic Tests (1 of 2) Singh S, Chang SM, Matchar DB, et al. … Challenges Specific to Diagnostic Tests (1 of 2) One common challenge faced by reviewers of diagnostic … Challenges Specific to Diagnostic Tests (2 of 2) Singh S, Chang SM, Matchar DB, et al. … Challenges Specific to Diagnostic Tests (2 of 2) A second challenge faced by reviewers is applying the
    June 01, 2012 - Grading the strength of evidence Challenges specific to diagnostic tests Principles of grading the strength … Challenges Specific to Diagnostic Tests (1 of 2) Singh S, Chang SM, Matchar DB, et al. … Challenges Specific to Diagnostic Tests (1 of 2) One common challenge faced by reviewers of diagnostic … Challenges Specific to Diagnostic Tests (2 of 2) Singh S, Chang SM, Matchar DB, et al. … Challenges Specific to Diagnostic Tests (2 of 2) A second challenge faced by reviewers is applying the
    June 28, 2013 - We have added in tamponade as a specific adverse event in the figure as suggested. … TEP #1 ES (Discussion/ Conclusion) Specific comments: 1. … We do however now list the specific guideline reference for Figure 1 as suggested. … TEP #6 Introduction No specific concerns Thank you. … In addition, the data is insufficient for this specific comparison/outcome.
    December 08, 2010 - Exercise ECG has been recognized in the literature as being less sensitive and specific for diagnosing … Despite sex-specific limitations, existing ACC/AHA guidelines propose that evidence of sex-specific limitations … which is summarized below. 7 These recommendations are made for the general population and are not specific … Grading will be outcome-specific; thus, a given study may be graded to be of different quality for two … Technical Expert Panel (TEP) A TEP panel is selected to provide broad expertise and perspectives specific
    August 01, 2021 - The findings may also not be generalizable to randomized trials in specific clinical areas.
    December 01, 2015 - There is a lack of specific guidance for selecting diagnostic modalities, particularly in patient subgroups … studies KQ2 76 studies KQ3 83 studies Excluded (4,261 studies): Abstract only (364) Appendicitis-specific … of testing that was being evaluated (tending to use convenience samples of patients selected for a specific … In general, the rates of specific complications were low (generally less than 10% and in most cases … Few studies attributed specific adverse events to diagnostic laparoscopy (as opposed to additional
    April 01, 2015 - Research White Paper Change Score or Followup Score? An Empirical Evaluation of the Impact of Choice of Mean Difference Estimates Research White Paper Change Score or Followup Score? An Empirical Evaluation of the Impact of Choice of Mean Dif…
    August 15, 2011 - Within each of these categories, several specific procedures have been employed. … Non-sutured “tension-free” surgical mesh gained in popularity, and many specific open procedures were … Specific aspects about mesh repair that may influence outcomes are the type of mesh (e.g., lightweight … These mesh-specific issues are covered by specific Key Questions (see Key Questions below). … Procedure category, specific procedure, specific mesh (if applicable), fixation method (if applicable
    November 22, 2011 - The observation that specific CYP2C19 variants or levels of on-treatment platelet reactivity above a … Other potential modifiers of the utility of genetic and phenotypic test results include the specific … The precision of estimates of analytic validity depends on the specific statistic used; generally, a … Specific impairment of human platelet P2Y(AC) ADP receptor-mediated signaling by the antiplatelet drug … On some specific reports, such as reports requested by the Office of Medical Applications of Research
    July 29, 2014 - value and goal identification along with establishing a surrogate to a focus increasingly on more specific … We revised the paragraph to clarify the issue that people who are not directly experiencing a specific … “staged approach … varying by the individual’s particular circumstances” rather than “population-specific … decision about the values and priorities should now include more detail about one’s goals of care specific … The educational component may be very specific about the intervention and decisions will be much more
    August 26, 2008 - Sex-specific analysis. … Sex-Specific Analysis Of the 880 female-specific diagnoses, only 11 (0.1 percent) occurred in males … No male-specific disorders were identified in females. … Not Female-Specific Female-Specific Female 93,784 869 94,653 69.36% 0.64% 70% Male … If we focus on more granular outcomes by examining specific drugs and/or specific adverse event codes
    December 20, 2011 - Subsequently, the selection of specific psychotherapies, or specific pharmacologic interventions, may … Eclectic psychotherapy refers to a general class of therapies rather than to a specific intervention … They are selected to provide broad expertise and perspectives specific to the topic under development … Requires patient to associate each symptom with a specific traumatic event. 15-minute administration … There are three versions of the PCL: PCL-M (military), PCL-C (civilian), and PCL-S (specific). 5–10
    June 01, 2012 - Research during the 1970s and 1980s suggested that domain-specific training may be insufficient to … In addition, many treatments target specific functional difficulties regardless of etiology. … • Only included impairment-specific interventions. … Other programs described outreach to TBI survivors;40 community-based care;36 specific approaches to … Further guidance that would match measures most appropriate for specific patients and interventions

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