September 02, 2011 - Data Extraction and Data Management
Determine Outcomes To Extract
Specific outcomes to extract … We will make these
judgments for each of the main KQs and any subquestions related to specific outcomes … bias is derived from the
quality assessment of the individual studies which addressed that KQ and specific … as needed by the EPC with
input from Key Informants and the TEP to assure that the questions are specific … They are selected to
provide broad expertise and perspectives specific to the topic under development
March 19, 2018 - TEP reviewer #3
No specific comments on this section. … The specific domains which
contributed to the downgrading of
all outcomes, organized per KQ,
appear … It may be more specific to state that
the intermittent dosing is defined as a change in
dosing with … Conclusions are
always solidly based on the specific KQs and on
an objective assessment of the data … We have added subheading to
break up the lengthy discussion to
identify specific KQ.
September 09, 2013 - Finally, giving specific methods guidance for addressing difficult or ill-defined problems can be premature
March 01, 2012 - Specific reference to the use of embolic
protection devices in saphenous vein grafts
has been added … E.g. specific outcomes in rows, covariates in columns and
available evidence (pooled or otherwise) in … We have organized the report according to the
specific population (STEMI vs. other ACS) for
several … There are references to specific
device names that were used in specific trials,
which was commonly … done in the event there
was only one trial evaluating the specific
June 10, 2018 - Many unidimensional and multidimensional pain assessment scales are available
including specific scales … for a variety of pain conditions10-13 and for specific sub-
populations.14-17 Multidimensional assessment … We will construct search strategies to
identify original research on specific acute pain conditions … Information Management
Evidence tables specific to each priority acute pain condition will be created … • Are you aware of clinical practice guidelines addressing
specific common acute pain conditions?
May 01, 2012 - proton beam radiotherapy has gained acceptance based on a theo-
retical advantage for the treatment of specific … CMS has yet to issue a national
coverage rule for proton beam therapy or its
specific indications. … proton
beam radiotherapy along with external
beam radiotherapy in general but without
identifying specific … one of the LCDs.
*** These indications appear in the claims but are not covered in the LCDs listing specific … DISCUSSION
As a highly specific form of advanced radiotherapy, proton beam therapy may play an important
September 02, 2016 - spur pediatric research, children remain “therapeutic orphans” 12 for
whom a paucity of pediatric-specific … Appendix A includes the literature searches from the
original report and the specific search strategies … o Sociodemographic risk factors
KQ 1: Children with chronic OME (allow study-specific definitions of … Global and otitis-specific child and parental quality of life
2. Speech and language outcomes
3. … Global and otitis-specific child and parental quality of life
o Intermediate outcomes
November 24, 2014 - This specific question relates to risk of bias considerations
(rather than grading strength of evidence … Specific recommendations
for study design, dosing, monitoring antibiotic levels
should be included … believe that a
recommendation this specific is applicable. … Peer Reviewer
More discussion of MICs and specific organisms in the … Is there
a way to advise in the power and the specific outcomes
that need to be measured?
March 29, 2013 - These presenting symptoms along with a physical examination, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels, … The cancer is identified by needle biopsy, which is performed because of high prostate-specific antigen … Details (specific search terms and search strategies) are provided in Appendix A of this protocol. … Prostate-Specific Antigen Best Practice Statement: 2009 Update. … They are selected to provide broad expertise and perspectives specific to the topic under development
January 01, 2014 - As recommended by the Methods Guide for Medical
Test Reviews,11 the searches will not use filters specific … Manufacturers of diagnostic equipment (polarizing microscopes) will be
contacted for unpublished data specific … This
input is intended to ensure that the key questions are specific and relevant.
IX. … They are
selected to provide broad expertise and perspectives specific to the topic under
development … provide information
to the EPC to identify literature search strategies and recommend approaches to specific
August 26, 2008 - Sex-specific analysis. … Sex-Specific Analysis
Of the 880 female-specific diagnoses, only 11 (0.1 percent) occurred in males … No male-specific disorders were identified in females. … Not Female-Specific
Male … If we focus on more granular outcomes by examining specific drugs and/or specific adverse event codes
August 15, 2011 - Within each of these categories, several specific
procedures have been employed. … Non-sutured “tension-free” surgical mesh gained in
popularity, and many specific open procedures were … Specific aspects about mesh repair that may influence outcomes are the type of mesh
(e.g., lightweight … These mesh-specific issues are covered by
specific Key Questions (see Key Questions below). … Procedure category, specific procedure, specific
mesh (if applicable), fixation method (if applicable
November 22, 2011 - The observation that specific CYP2C19 variants or levels of on-treatment platelet reactivity above a … Other potential modifiers of the utility of genetic and phenotypic test results include the specific … The precision of estimates of analytic validity depends on the specific statistic used; generally, a … Specific impairment of human platelet P2Y(AC) ADP receptor-mediated signaling by the antiplatelet drug … On some specific reports, such as reports requested by the Office of Medical Applications of Research
December 20, 2011 - Subsequently, the selection of specific psychotherapies, or specific pharmacologic interventions, may … Eclectic psychotherapy refers to a general class of therapies rather than to a specific intervention … They are selected to provide broad expertise and perspectives specific to the topic under development … Requires patient to associate each symptom with a specific traumatic event.
15-minute administration … There are three versions of the PCL: PCL-M (military), PCL-C (civilian), and PCL-S (specific).
June 01, 2012 - Research during the 1970s and 1980s
suggested that domain-specific training may be insufficient
to … In addition, many treatments target specific
functional difficulties regardless of etiology. … • Only included impairment-specific interventions. … Other programs described outreach to TBI survivors;40
community-based care;36 specific approaches to … Further guidance that would
match measures most appropriate for specific patients
and interventions
June 01, 2012 - Grading the strength of evidence
Challenges specific to diagnostic tests
Principles of grading the strength … Challenges Specific to Diagnostic Tests (1 of 2)
Singh S, Chang SM, Matchar DB, et al. … Challenges Specific to Diagnostic Tests (1 of 2)
One common challenge faced by reviewers of diagnostic … Challenges Specific to Diagnostic Tests (2 of 2)
Singh S, Chang SM, Matchar DB, et al. … Challenges Specific to Diagnostic Tests (2 of 2)
A second challenge faced by reviewers is applying the
June 01, 2012 - Grading the strength of evidence
Challenges specific to diagnostic tests
Principles of grading the strength … Challenges Specific to Diagnostic Tests (1 of 2)
Singh S, Chang SM, Matchar DB, et al. … Challenges Specific to Diagnostic Tests (1 of 2)
One common challenge faced by reviewers of diagnostic … Challenges Specific to Diagnostic Tests (2 of 2)
Singh S, Chang SM, Matchar DB, et al. … Challenges Specific to Diagnostic Tests (2 of 2)
A second challenge faced by reviewers is applying the
December 08, 2010 - Exercise ECG has been recognized in the literature as being less sensitive and specific for diagnosing … Despite sex-specific limitations, existing ACC/AHA guidelines propose that evidence of sex-specific limitations … which is summarized below. 7 These recommendations are made for the general population and are not specific … Grading will be outcome-specific; thus, a given study may be graded to be of different quality for two … Technical Expert Panel (TEP)
A TEP panel is selected to provide broad expertise and perspectives specific
June 28, 2013 - We have added in tamponade as a specific adverse
event in the figure as suggested. … TEP #1 ES (Discussion/
Specific comments:
1. … We do however now list the specific guideline
reference for Figure 1 as suggested. … TEP #6 Introduction No specific concerns Thank you. … In addition, the data
is insufficient for this specific comparison/outcome.
July 16, 2010 - submitted: July 16, 2010
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Briefly describe a specific … yes
If yes, explain the specific technologies, devices, drugs, or interventions you would like to … (Please include specific details such as age range, gender, coexisting diagnoses, and indications for