
Total Results: 55 records

Showing results for "specific".

    July 02, 2024 - In the last 3 months, did you get {program specific term for personal assistance} at home? … In the last 3 months, did you get {program specific term for behavioral health specialist services … In the last 3 months, did you get {program specific term for homemaker services} at home? … In the last 3 months, who would you have talked to if you wanted to change your [program- specific … In the last 3 months, who would you have talked to if you wanted to change your [program- specific
    February 12, 2025 - For instance, if you do not administer a specific question, you will need to include that question in
    January 01, 2024 - Third attempt 4 = Fourth attempt 5 = Fifth attempt 6 = Sixth attempt Round R Identifies the mode-specific … Third attempt 4 = Fourth attempt 5 = Fifth attempt 6 = Sixth attempt Round R Identifies the mode-specific … Third attempt 4 = Fourth attempt 5 = Fifth attempt 6 = Sixth attempt Round R Identifies the mode-specific
    January 01, 2022 - ) Survey ► NEW: Child HCAHPS Survey • Funded by AHRQ and administered by Westat • No organization-specific … reporting • Submissions vary from year to year and are not representative of the U.S. • No organization-specific … The Data Use Agreement (DUA) will provide for approved access to de-identified hospital data without specific … option for release of your identifiable hospital data: ► Selective release after hospital review of specific
    April 01, 2023 - re-identification of individual respondents or Participating Organizations may be granted by AHRQ without the specific … These studies require hospital-identifiable data, or data that can be linked to a specific hospital … signature in item 14: Option 1: Selective release of Hospital-Identifiable Child HCAHPS Survey Data to specific … asking for written authorization to release their Hospital-Identifiable Child HCAHPS Survey Data to specific … Option 1 (Default option): Selective release of Hospital-Identifiable Child HCAHPS Survey Data to specific
    October 01, 2019 - An accountable entity is the operating entity responsible for managing and overseeing a specific HCBS … We just require that the data be provided in a specific format. … Because there are state specific areas that are very unique in some ways. … But there may be or may not be a specific HCBS set of supplemental items. … But at this time there's not a specific plan to move given that direction.
    January 01, 2025 - The CAHPS ® Databases Submission System The CAHPS Databases Submission System provides forms, specifications, and other information to support participation in the CAHPS Databases. The CAHPS Databases are AHRQ’s repositories for data from selected CAHPS surveys of patient experience with care . The pri…
    January 01, 2025 - The CAHPS ® Databases Submission System The CAHPS Databases Submission System provides forms, specifications, and other information to support participation in the CAHPS Databases. The CAHPS Databases are AHRQ’s repositories for data from selected CAHPS surveys of patient experience with care . The pri…
    December 31, 2024 - Register Login Help The CAHPS Home and Community Based Services Survey Data Submission System Login  Existing User?   * = Required Field    * Username:    * Password:    …
    December 31, 2024 - Register Login Help The CAHPS Child Hospital Survey Data Submission System Login Existing User? * = Required Field    * Username:    * Password:        Forgot your pa…
    May 05, 2021 - The accountable entity is the operating entity that's responsible for managing and overseeing the specific … We don't have the specific data on how many responded with the proxy help but just as reminder, proxies … - [Kathleen] So again, we don't have this specific individual level of responses to be able to provide … I have a question here related to the use of CAHPS data and I'm assuming this is specific to the HCBS … You can contact the CMS HCBS measures team to discuss specific modifications that you're considering
    February 01, 2024 - state-level Medicaid and/or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) CAHPS Health Plan Survey results in specific … re-identification of individual respondents or Participating Organizations may be granted by AHRQ without the specific … c) Access to data files specific to an identifiable Participating Organization may be approved only with
    May 01, 2024 - they provide to the CAHPS Database for purposes of reporting state-level HCBS CAHPS Survey results in specific … re-identification of individual respondents or Participating Organizations may be granted by AHRQ without the specific … c) Access to data files specific to an identifiable Participating Organization may be approved only with
    August 01, 2021 - they provide to the CAHPS Database for purposes of reporting state-level HCBS CAHPS Survey results in specific … re-identification of individual respondents or Participating Organizations may be granted by AHRQ without the specific … c) Access to data files specific to an identifiable Participating Organization may be approved only with
    January 01, 2017 - CAHPS Database Research Abstract Form CAHPS Database Research Abstract Form - January 2017 1 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) CAHPS® Database Research Abstract Form Instructions Please use this form to describe the research for which you require AHRQ Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Provi…
    March 01, 2018 - Specific data files requested (e.g., Medicaid, adult, children, CAHPS® version) and the Year(s) requested
    October 01, 2018 - reprinted without permission except for the following: Federal Government logos, items noted with specific … Further reproduction of those copyrighted materials is prohibited without the specific permission of … PCMH) Q22 PCMH4 In the last 6 months, did anyone in this provider’s office talk with you about specific
    January 01, 2014 - The Benefits of Submitting Your CG-CAHPS Data to the CAHPS Database CAHPS Clinician and Group Survey Database The Benefits of Submitting Your CG-CAHPS Data to the CAHPS® Database The CAHPS Database is a repository of CAHPS data offered as a free service by the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Qualit…
    March 01, 2018 - By signing this DRA, the undersigned Data Requester agrees to abide by the following specific terms with
    January 01, 2021 - be produced • Accountable Entity: the operating entity responsible for managing and overseeing a specific

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