January 01, 2011 - S.top smoking. '. u:\ -:~ ~:J; \ )'\.:~ \ .~>:...\L-'"
'., Wound drnll'l.a.
June 01, 2010 - support treatment of comorbid
physical health problems, including high-risk health behaviors such as smoking … Depression and smoking amongst
older general practice patients. … Depression
and the dynamics of smoking: a national perspective.
JAMA 1990;264(12):1541-5. … Depression
and smoking across 25 years of the Normative Aging
Study. … The association of
tobacco smoking and depression in adolescence: evidence
from the United States.
March 01, 2021 - Blood Pressure Control Evidence and Resources
Cholesterol Management Evidence and Resources
March 01, 2021 - SHARE:
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April 01, 2022 - SHARE:
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EvidenceNOW Model
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Advancing Heart Health
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Evidence for Advancing Heart Health
Advancing Heart Health Resea…
November 01, 2017 - prevention: Aspirin in high-risk individuals, Blood pressure control,
Cholesterol management, and Smoking
January 31, 2024 - PFs provide a menu of evidence-based interventions, including smoking cessation, blood pressure self- … interventions
• Accurate assessment and measurement: Good blood pressure measurement
technique; smoking … • Appropriate and Timely Treatment: Medication management; timely follow-up;
lifestyle monitoring; smoking … These interventions include: Accurate blood pressure measurement, HIPS, tobacco smoking
cessation (state … HH4M also planned to use the state Quitline to support the smoking cessation intervention and planned
December 01, 2010 - such population health coordination might be
identifying clusters of patients who smoke and offering smoking
December 01, 2010 - such population health coordination might be identifying clusters of patients who smoke and offering smoking
December 01, 2010 - such population health coordination might be
identifying clusters of patients who smoke and offering smoking
February 01, 2024 - cardiovascular disease (CVD), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hypertension, lung cancer, obesity, smoking
September 01, 2015 - YES 7/24/2008 152 85 7/14/2008 157 NO
0 1 2
Indicates the most
recent date patient was
asked about smoking … months if not at goal Diabetics and/or CHD: LDL < 100
All other: LDL < 130
Every year if at goal
August 23, 2018 - prevention (for example, use of aspirin or
antithrombotics for those with ischemic vascular disease or smoking
December 01, 2021 - 65–74, 75+
Adult current smokers with a checkup in the last 12 months who
received advice to quit smoking … health provider Core
Children for whom a health provider gave advice within the past 2 years about
how smoking … 4.4% Improving
Children for whom a health
provider gave advice within the
past 2 years about how smoking
August 23, 2018 - prevention (for example, use of aspirin or
antithrombotics for those with ischemic vascular disease or smoking
February 01, 2022 - with the
Association of Schools of Public Health and Programs of Public Health and the West Virginia
December 01, 2020 - Advance Patient Safety
Maternal Morbidity
Top Priorities and Tasks at HHS
HIV Research
July 01, 2010 - other
purposes—for example, to develop lists of patients to invite to a group educational session on
smoking … For example, an EHR may collect data on smoking status in a
simple “yes/no” format, as opposed to a … For example, one of
our interviewees mentioned that EHRs are typically able to capture smoking status … , but are not
able to capture smoking history or such subtleties as recording that someone is a social … important to support a variety of aspects of preventive care, ranging from
diabetes management to smoking
September 01, 2015 - levels
making referrals to community-based resources, such as programs that help patients quit
June 01, 2010 - Fax to Quit (New York State Smokers Quitline, undated)
Purpose: Support smoking cessation … Patients receive followup call from a quit coach who provides a stop-smoking or stop-smokeless-tobacco