January 07, 2013 - Also, patients
can frequently cough from cigarette smoking but not even be
aware that they are coughing … incorrect in stating that the CQLQ was
performed in a population derived of "adults with acute or chronic
October 01, 2015 - cancer to treat on a per capita
basis.4 The most common risk factor for
bladder cancer is cigarette smoking … reference standard, inclusion
criteria, population characteristics (including age, sex,
race/ethnicity, smoking … • Evidence on the effects of patient characteristics,
such as age, sex, smoking status, and presence … Effects of patient
(age, sex,
smoking status,
and presence of
other clinical
conditions … sensitivity and
Low Evidence on the effects of patient
characteristics, such as age, sex, smoking
June 01, 2023 - Counseling Indiv 60 Min 93% X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Counseling Behavioral Health 99406 Behav Chng Smoking … 3-10 Min 93% X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Counseling Behavioral Health 99407 Behav Chng Smoking > 10 … Primary Care G0405 Ekg Interpret & Report Prev 27% X X X X
Counseling Behavioral Health G0437 Smoking … 99499 Unlisted Evalution And Management Service 7% X
Screenings & Assessments Behavioral Health 1031F Smoking
January 31, 2013 - coronary vessels, it is not surprising that PAD shares similar risk factors: male gender, age,
diabetes, smoking … 2c, 3c
Individual characteristics
• Age
• Race/ethnicity
• Sex
• Body weight
• Risk factors (e.g. smoking … patients with mild to moderate intermittent claudication (MIMIC) managed by
supervised exercise, smoking
December 21, 2010 - dose regimen(s), duration of treatment, confounders (e.g., blood pressure, concomitant medication, smoking … be evaluated: age, gender, race, baseline diet/nutrient exposures for dietary substance of interest, smoking
August 12, 2016 - the widespread use of statins
which have a profound effect on vascular outcomes and the decline in
smoking … We have added smoking,
aspirin, and changes in CVD
rates over time to our
discussion about possible
July 03, 2023 - The impact of cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking and physical inactivity
on the risk of urolithiasis
May 01, 2013 - process to coronary artery disease and
shares similar risk factors: male gender,
age, diabetes, smoking … comparative effectiveness of
treatment options—is not known.8
The backbone of treatment for PAD
is smoking … factors (two
studies), type of vein graft (two studies), diabetes (two
studies), and one study each on smoking
November 21, 2016 - Thus smoking cessation, and engaging
the internet are noted, but there seems to be no
attempt to prioritize … Antiretroviral adherence, quality of
life, smoking cessation, and engaging the
internet are all outcomes
March 01, 2012 - DRI on utilization and cost of therapy. 4
Impact of health risk behaviors such as diet, exercise, smoking … Impact of health risk behaviors such as diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol intake
on ACEI/ARB/DRI effectiveness … /DRI on utilization and cost of therapy 4
Impact of health risk behaviors such as diet, exercise, smoking … , NCT00732966, RCT of 30 pts
4 Impact of health risk behaviors such as diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol
October 28, 2020 - general;
• Chronic lung disease/other health
conditions related burdens;
• Fearing pressure to quit smoking
March 20, 2021 - Children 5–12 years old Ab+ Two negative serology propensity matched (age, gender, immunodeficiency, BMI, smoking
January 16, 2024 - or older
Perinatal Depression, Preventive
Pregnant and postpartum women
Tobacco Smoking
April 03, 2012 - Subgroups
Subgroups (vasomotor symptom severity, years since menopause [age], ethnicity, comorbidities [smoking … but will include: vasomotor symptom severity, years since menopause (age), ethnicity, comorbidities (smoking
April 01, 2012 - participation in preventive
activities,4 and increases the likelihood of
risk factors such as obesity,5 smoking … Cigarette smoking in
relation to depression: Historical trends from the Stirling County