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Users also searched for: smoking cessation

    January 01, 2020 - Studies evaluated colorectal, breast, and cervical cancer screening, tobacco smoking cessation, and … A tobacco smoking cessation intervention for women smokers attending their child’s pediatric visit … improved smoking abstinence rates. … Most technology interventions did not increase screening rates or smoking quit rates compared with … A trial of smoking cessation counseling using telemedicine compared with telephone calls showed an
    January 01, 2020 - Studies evaluated colorectal, breast, and cervical cancer screening, tobacco smoking cessation, and … A tobacco smoking cessation intervention for women smokers attending their child’s pediatric visit … improved smoking abstinence rates. … Most technology interventions did not increase screening rates or smoking quit rates compared with … A trial of smoking cessation counseling using telemedicine compared with telephone calls showed an
    March 01, 2016 - lung cancer Remember, the best way to lower your chances of dying from lung cancer is to stop smoking … More than 8 out of every 10 lung cancer cases in the United States are from smoking. … Lung cancer screening should not be done instead of quitting smoking. … to people who are at high invasive procedure will have a major risk of lung cancer because of their smoking
    March 01, 2016 - lung cancer Remember, the best way to lower your chances of dying from lung cancer is to stop smoking … More than 8 out of every 10 lung cancer cases in the United States are from smoking. … Lung cancer screening should not be done instead of quitting smoking. … to people who are at high invasive procedure will have a major risk of lung cancer because of their smoking
    May 03, 2021 - treatment. 3 Several systematic reviews have identified positive effects of mental health apps on smokingbehavior, self-reported depressive symptoms, and anxiety scores. 4 - 6 However, the effectiveness of … A study found that out of 36 top-ranked apps for smoking cessation and depression, 29 sent data to Facebook … Terms identified thus far include "depression", "anxiety", "alcohol abuse", "binge drinking", "smoking … cessation"[mh] OR smoking [tiab] Framework Framework Framework [tiab] Application AND Mental health
    January 17, 2012 - cardiovascular disease (CVD). 6,7 Modifiable cardiovascular risk factors for poor health, such as smoking … We will summarize binary or categorical outcomes (e.g., smoking status) by weighted effect measure for … Diet, smoking and cardiovascular risk in people with schizophrenia: descriptive study. … Obesity and smoking in patients with schizophrenia and normal controls: a case-control study. … Interventions for smoking cessation and reduction in individuals with schizophrenia.
    January 01, 2018 - treatment.3 Several systematic reviews have identified positive effects of mental health apps on smokingbehavior, self-reported depressive symptoms, and anxiety scores.4-6 However, the effectiveness of … A study found that out of 36 top-ranked apps for smoking cessation and depression, 29 sent data to Facebook … Terms identified thus far include “depression”, “anxiety”, “alcohol abuse”, “binge drinking”, “smoking … Assessment of the Data Sharing and Privacy Practices of Smartphone Apps for Depression and Smoking Cessation
  8. S158 (pdf file)
    October 01, 2007 - Failure to adjust for 5 potential confounders not measured in the administrative claims data (smokingSmoking history was obtained using data from a companion case– control study. … Based on data for smoking from the validation study, the authors conclude that small differences in smokingbehavior between diesel ex- posed and unexposed workers do explain some but not all of the elevated … Smoking imputation and lung cancer in railroad workers exposed to diesel exhaust.
    January 01, 2020 - history Rates of screening, followup procedures, and biopsies; smoking cessation Cancer specific … cessation; changes in tobacco smoking Disease specific morbidity; mortality; perinatal morbidity … Tobacco smoking cessation in adults: behavioral and pharmacotherapy interventions Populations and … cessation/ or smoking reduction/ or "tobacco use cessation"/ 26 Smokers/ 27 exp Smoking/ … / or smoking cessation/ 21 (diabetes or glucose or aspirin or cardiovascular or heart or coronary
    December 07, 2009 - Effectiveness Research in Medicaid Populations Abstract Archived January 4, 2013 Smoking
    January 01, 2018 - treatment.3 Several systematic reviews have identified positive effects of mental health apps on smokingbehavior, self-reported depressive symptoms, and anxiety scores.4-6 However, the effectiveness of most … A study found that out of 36 top-ranked apps for smoking cessation and depression, 29 sent data to Facebook … Terms identified thus far include “depression”, “anxiety”, “alcohol abuse”, “binge drinking”, “smoking … Assessment of the Data Sharing and Privacy Practices of Smartphone Apps for Depression and Smoking Cessation
    April 01, 2013 - Because we identified recent high-quality reviews of general health advice, interventions for smoking … Diet, smoking and cardiovascular risk in people with schizophrenia: descriptive study. … Obesity and smoking in patients with schizophrenia and normal controls: a case-control study. … Interventions for smoking cessation and reduction in individuals with schizophrenia. … Nicotine receptor partial agonists for smoking cessation.
  13. Siminoff_ECCS2012 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2012 - Slide 25: Role of the Family in Lung  Cancer Care Decisions  (1 of 5) • Areas of disagreement o Smoking …  of the  Family  in  Lung  Cancer Care Decisions  (3 of 5) • Areas of disagreement o Smoking …  A wife regarding her husband: “Well [my husband] says, ‘[I]t doesn't’t do any good [to quit smoking … [He then]  said,  ‘I think if you quit smoking, you’re going to get cancer for sure.’
    April 18, 2012 - and cardiovascular disease (CVD).6,7 Modifiable cardiovascular risk factors for poor health, such as smoking … Multicondition lifestyle interventions such as combinations of smoking cessation, physical activity … Diet, smoking and cardiovascular risk in people with schizophrenia: descriptive study. … Obesity and smoking in patients with schizophrenia and normal controls: a case-control study. … Interventions for smoking cessation and reduction in individuals with schizophrenia.
    December 28, 2011 - Indians, and socioeconmically disadvantaged populations are especially at risk due to high rates of smoking … SOCIOECONOMICALLY DISADVANTAGED AND MINORITY POPUATIONS ARE AT INCREASED RISK DUE TO INCREASED PREVALENCE OF SMOKING
    Home » Health Topics » Asthma Children Definition Asthma is a chronic disease that affects your airways. Your airways are tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs. If you have asthma, the inside walls of your airways become sore and swollen. In the United States, about 20 million people have asthma. Nea…
    April 22, 2013 - In addition, we have added smoking cessation interventions as a research priority. … cessation may severely limit the report conclusions, especially because of the high rate of smokingSmoking is not emphasized in this report due to the existence of recent high-quality reviews covering … The examples that follow are not of conditions-- but of combinations of interventions (e.g. smoking … d) Smoking interventions were not considered in this review.
    April 01, 2016 - They often address modifiable behavior risk factors such as smoking, physical activity, and diet, which … Intermediate outcomes included rates of smoking cessation, healthy eating behavior, and outcomes related … We found low SOE to support the effectiveness of TWH interventions for improving rates of smoking and … Studies demonstrating the effectiveness of TWH interventions for improving rates of smoking cessation … Results of a union-based smoking cessation intervention for apprentice iron workers (United States)
  19. Hunt_Panel_3 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2010 - Facebook o Twitter o CafeMom • Abundance of posts containing misinformation about the risks of smoking
  20. Hunt_Panel_1 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2010 - • People search  for smoking-­‐cessation information but do not find it. • We have not done an

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