February 16, 2016 - assesses communication skills, joint attention, repetitive move-
ment, and pretend play.
March 07, 2005 - screening by measuring the intraocular pressure and evaluating the optic nerve if they have the appropriate skills
March 07, 2005 - screening by measuring the intraocular pressure and evaluating the optic nerve if they have the appropriate skills
August 01, 2013 - nonbiological parents; parental lack of understanding of
children’s needs, child development, or parenting skills … nonbiological parents
Parental lack of understanding of children’s needs, child development, or parenting skills
June 15, 2003 - interventions combine nutrition education with behaviorally-oriented counseling to help patients acquire the skills … combined basic nutrition education with behaviorally-oriented counseling to help patients acquire the skills
March 01, 2004 - 25% unemployed)
Maternal History
questions and
including parenting
skills … Maternal History Interview (MHI-2) utilizes
open-ended questions and subscales to evaluate
parenting skills … evaluate
Appendix 3: Detailed Results
Screening Children for Family Violence
parenting skills
March 09, 2004 - Maternal History Interview (MHI-2) utilizes open-ended questions and subscales to evaluate parenting skills … Maternal History Interview-2, open-ended questions and subscales including parenting skills, personality … for child abuse. 7 This instrument utilizes open-ended questions and subscales to evaluate parenting skills
October 22, 2013 - the caregiver or the caregiver–patient dyad with the primary aim of improving caregiver outcomes or skills … that is, one that provided information about dementia or caregiving and sought to increase caregiver skills … These included cognitive training, rehabilitation, or stimulation with or without motor skills training … A randomized, controlled study of an Alzheimer's caregiver skills training program. … Video-based coping skills to reduce health risk and improve psychological and physical well-being in
March 01, 2022 - saturated fats, so-
dium, and sugar-sweetened beverages; or both.1 Patient-tailored ap-
proaches to enhance skills … • Future research should identify best practices to improve clini-
cian skills in delivering in-person
June 20, 2023 - suicide attempts (hazard ratio, 1.07 [97.5% CI, 0.84 to 1.37]; P =.52), and a low-intensity online skills … A randomized trial of brief dialectical behaviour therapy skills training in suicidal patients suffering … An open pilot feasibility study of a brief dialectical behavior therapy skills-based intervention for … Effect of offering care management or online dialectical behavior therapy skills training vs usual care
March 01, 2005 - by measuring the intraocular
pressure and evaluating the optic nerve if they have the appropriate skills
January 01, 1996 - When condom skills were studied among more than 3,000 patients at STD clinics, patients correctly performed … Perceived versus actual condom skills among patients at sexually transmitted disease clinics.
January 01, 1996 - Percept Mot Skills . 1992;74:79–89. [ PubMed ] 87. Ossip-Klein DJ, Doyne EJ, et al. … Percept Mot Skills . 1992;75:1331–1343. [ PubMed ] 92. Schwarz L, Kindermann W.
May 15, 2004 - individuals with borderline personality disorders by improving emotional and behavioral management skills … an emergency department for self-poisoning
Intervention: Interpersonal problem-solving skills … Interpersonal problem-solving skills training in the treatment of self-poisoning patients.
May 01, 2004 - individuals with borderline personality disorders by
improving emotional and behavioral management
skills … admitted to an emergency
department for self-poisoning
15–45 Intervention: Interpersonal
problem-solving skills … Interpersonal problem-solving skills training in the
treatment of self-poisoning patients.
May 15, 2004 - individuals with borderline personality disorders by improving emotional and behavioral management skills … an emergency department for self-poisoning
Intervention: Interpersonal problem-solving skills … Interpersonal problem-solving skills training in the treatment of self-poisoning patients.
September 09, 2021 - suicide attempts (hazard ratio, 1.07 [97.5% CI, 0.84
to 1.37]; P =.52), and a low-intensity online skills … A randomized trial of brief dialectical
behaviour therapy skills training in suicidal patients
suffering … An open pilot feasibility
study of a brief dialectical behavior therapy
skills-based intervention for … Effect of offering care management or online
dialectical behavior therapy skills training vs usual
July 01, 2002 - volunteers at community sites, work sites, or schools; used group settings to set individual goals and teach skills
January 01, 1996 - that most effects were inconsistent, small, and short-lived programs that sought to develop social skills … Naltrexone and coping skills therapy for alcohol dependence: a controlled study.
March 11, 2014 - monitoring of behaviors; establishing rules and consequences for substance use among girls; building skills … Each session was delivered through voiceover narration, skills demonstration, and interactive activities