February 25, 2021 - behavioral interventions, augmentative and alternative communication therapy, parent training, and social skills … symptom severity; adaptive behavior; cognitive ability and intelligence; communication and language skills … ; social competence; daily living skills; problem behavior; academic placement/achievement; child quality … symptom severity; adaptive behavior; cognitive ability and intelligence; communication and language skills … ; social competence; daily living skills; problem behavior; academic placement/achievement; child quality
April 01, 2019 - sizes ranging from 29 to 394.3-9 The interventions studied include co-speech
gesturing, oral language skills … Outcomes reported in these studies include oral
language skills, receptive language skills, improved
January 23, 2024 - Three studies assessing parent-reported tools for expressive language skills found consistently high … Some parent-reported screening tools for expressive language skills had reasonable accuracy for detecting … for speech delay that provided at least 11 parental training sessions improved expressive language skills … In contrast, both sensitivity and specificity of the 3 parent-reported instruments of specific skills … (all emerging expressive language skills) were fairly consistent and high (median sensitivity, 91% [
January 20, 2022 - and language or general developmental instruments with a separate component for speech and language skills … developmental screening instruments that do not include a separate component for speech and language skills … language, receptive language, phonology, vocabulary, syntax, pragmatics)
KQ 1, 5: Measures of academic skills
June 09, 2022 - language or general developmental instruments with a separate component for speech and/or language skills … developmental screening instruments that do not include a separate component for speech and language skills … receptive language, phonology, vocabulary, syntax, and pragmatics)
KQ 1, 5: Measures of academic skills
June 10, 2021 - alternative communication therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, parent training, and social skills … symptom severity; adaptive behavior; cognitive ability and intelligence; communication and language skills … ; social competence; daily living skills; problem behavior; academic placement/achievement; child quality
September 01, 2014 - Counseling can help people
develop skills to reduce the chances of getting an STI. … These skills include using condoms correctly and consistently, talking with partners
about safe sex, … They’ll also help you develop skills to
reduce your chances of getting an STI. … These skills include using condoms correctly and consistently, talking with partners about safe sex,
November 15, 2013 - Interventions result in either improved speech and language (KQ 5) or improved nonspeech and language skills … language
General developmental instruments with a separate component for speech and/or language skills … developmental screening instruments that do not have a separate component for speech and/or language skills … and/or pragmatics
Improvements in other types of functioning, such as emergent academic skills
November 15, 2013 - Interventions result in either improved speech and language (KQ 5) or improved nonspeech and language skills … language
General developmental instruments with a separate component for speech and/or language skills … developmental screening instruments that do not have a separate component for speech and/or language skills … and/or pragmatics
Improvements in other types of functioning, such as emergent academic skills
February 15, 2006 - suggests that interventions can improve the results of short-term assessments of speech and language skills … in grade school, poor verbal and spelling skills, behavior problems, and impaired psychosocial adjustment … These instruments assess areas such as auditory expressive and receptive skills, vocabulary, and other … language skills. … of age. 26 Five fair-quality studies reported significant improvements in the speech and language skills
February 15, 2006 - suggests that interventions can improve the results of short-term assessments of speech and language skills … in grade school, poor verbal and spelling skills, behavior problems, and impaired psychosocial adjustment … These instruments assess areas such as auditory expressive and receptive skills, vocabulary, and other … language skills. … of age. 26 Five fair-quality studies reported significant improvements in the speech and language skills
February 01, 2006 - suggests that interventions can improve the
results of short-term assessments of speech and language skills … in grade school, poor verbal and spelling skills, behavior
problems, and impaired psychosocial adjustment … These instruments assess
areas such as auditory expressive and receptive skills, vocabulary, and other … language
skills. … of age.26 Five fair-quality studies reported significant improvements in the
speech and language skills
May 15, 2013 - intervention involving behavioral counseling to prevent or reduce STI/HIV (i.e., some provision of education, skills … technology-based interventions (e.g., text messages), HIV counseling and testing, case management, and skills … barrier methods, chemical barriers, or other changes in sexual behavior])
Sexual negotiation skills … intercourse, participation in AIDS-related community activities, perceived powerlessness), sexual negotiation skills
November 01, 2013 - Has the requisite skills and self-confidence to make a change.
December 02, 2023 - Three studies assessing
parent-reported tools for expressive language skills found consistently high … Some parent-reported screening tools for expressive language skills had
reasonable accuracy for detecting … for speech delay that provided at least 11 parental training sessions improved expressive
language skills … (all emerging expressive lan-
guage skills) were fairly consistent and high (median sensitivity, 91% … Effects of
treatment on linguistic and social skills in toddlers
with delayed language development.
July 01, 2017 - Study providers: The degree to which the providers in the study have the skills and expertise likely … Expertise or skill to implement the intervention: providers in the study have expertise and/or skills
July 01, 2017 - Study providers: The degree to which the providers in the study have the skills and expertise likely … Expertise or skill to implement the intervention: providers in the study have expertise and/or skills
November 20, 2018 - increase the
use of positive discipline strategies, and psychotherapy to improve caregivers’ coping skills
January 16, 2025 - Interventions involving behavioral counseling to prevent or reduce STIs (i.e., some provision of education, skills … behaviors
Perception of STI risk in self or partners
Perceived relationship power
Sexual negotiation skills
February 01, 2009 - patients with risk factors, skin inspection is sometimes done routinely by physicians with special skills