August 20, 2018 - described the use of a broad simulation curriculum to ensure clinicians had technical and procedural skills … November 1, 2017
Decision making in trauma settings: simulation to improve diagnostic skills
June 17, 2015 - Reviewing various ways to assess surgical skill such as video review and how nontechnical skills … June 28, 2013
The impact of nontechnical skills on technical performance in surgery:
September 29, 2017 - failures, coordination during teamwork , effects of hierarchy, impact on patient safety, and nontechnical skills … June 9, 2011
Development of a rating system for surgeons' non-technical skills.
April 24, 2017 - Learning through experience: influence of formal and informal training on medical error disclosure skills … June 30, 2011
A human factors analysis of technical and team skills among surgical trainees … December 17, 2010
Analysis of errors enacted by surgical trainees during skills training
February 08, 2017 - December 30, 2014
Didactic and simulation nontechnical skills team training to improve … September 3, 2011
Surgical team training: promoting high reliability with nontechnical skills … processes from the Air Carrier Advanced Qualification Program to identify and train critical teamwork skills
March 03, 2011 - January 4, 2010
Teamwork and error in the operating room: analysis of skills and roles … March 3, 2011
The effects of aviation-style non-technical skills training on technical … March 17, 2011
Development of a rating system for surgeons' non-technical skills.
October 31, 2023 - rise of online health information1 and use of telehealth services2 requires a population with
the skills … Digital health literacy requires personal health literacy skills. … technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both
cognitive and technical skills … Functional: Sufficient basic skills in reading and writing to be able to function effectively in everyday
November 06, 2019 - September 28, 2022
Exploring nurses' attitudes, skills, and beliefs of medication safety … November 24, 2021
Developing critical thinking skills for delivering optimal care
March 09, 2009 - The authors present the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that physicians need in order to be effective … January 5, 2017
Using the Communication and Teamwork Skills (CATS) assessment to measure
January 07, 2011 - The authors describe the importance of specific teamwork and communication skills training, while also … emphasizing the need to evaluate those skills in practice and demonstrate clinical leadership.
March 09, 2009 - article describes how simulation can be used to promote patient safety by helping trainees develop skills … October 19, 2011
Surgical team training: promoting high reliability with nontechnical skills
December 23, 2011 - This study evaluated the effect of a crew resource management training intervention on the teamwork skills … Both subjective impression of teamwork and objectively measured teamwork skills improved after the intervention
March 25, 2009 - training program for labor and delivery suites was well received but yielded only limited changes in skills … November 13, 2011
Didactic and simulation nontechnical skills team training to improve
December 21, 2014 - intervention for senior medical students based on the TeamSTEPPS framework resulted in improved teamwork skills … February 13, 2014
A human factors analysis of technical and team skills among surgical
October 29, 2017 - Discussing how to improve leadership skills in maxillofacial surgery, this review describes key attributes … June 9, 2011
Development of a rating system for surgeons' non-technical skills.
March 21, 2017 - provides information on a multi-modal educational program designed to enhance teamwork and technical skills … November 13, 2011
Didactic and simulation nontechnical skills team training to improve
December 18, 2019 - November 14, 2011
Defining the technical skills of teamwork in surgery. … March 28, 2011
Surgical crisis management skills training and assessment: a stimulation-based
August 21, 2024 - the Same Author(s)
Crowdsourced feedback to improve resident physician error disclosure skills … August 21, 2024
Video-based communication assessment of physician error disclosure skills
September 22, 2021 - Prior medical education or training in diversity and
bias-related skills was associated with higher
July 05, 2013 - for reproducibly measuring the effects of interventions to improve emotional climate, indices of team skills … July 5, 2013
Using the Communication and Teamwork Skills (CATS) assessment to measure … for reproducibly measuring the effects of interventions to improve emotional climate, indices of team skills