February 01, 2012 - For
example, cognitive behavioral therapy (e.g., focusing on coping skills or environmental
April 01, 2020 - statistically significant moderators
included lifetime suicidality, race, prior MDD
episodes, and coping skills
April 01, 2020 - statistically significant moderators
included lifetime suicidality, race, prior MDD
episodes, and coping skills
January 01, 2020 - Disabilities http://ClinicalTrials.gov/show/NCT00164489 Recently
Weight Management and Coping Skills
August 18, 2023 - Cognitive: memory skills
group and speech language
pathology or referral to
2. … visits to develop a
lifestyle-based integrative health
plan addressing
nutrition, adaptive coping skills
July 01, 2014 - percentile according to sex and age
– Learning (e.g., linguistic, cognitive, and social-
emotional skills
April 01, 2016 - materials to
cultural or social aspects of the worker population
(e.g., to workers with low literacy skills
April 18, 2013 - No everyone has the time, skills
and resources to find, appraise and interpret
this evidence and to
May 14, 2019 - CER 217 Disposition of Comments: Management of Infertility
Comparative Effectiveness Review Disposition of Comments Report
Research Review Title: Management of Infertility
Draft review available for public comment from April 3, 2018, to May 1, 2018.
Research Review Citation: Myers ER, Eaton JL, …
May 14, 2019 - CER 217 Disposition of Comments: Management of Infertility
Comparative Effectiveness Review Disposition of Comments Report
Research Review Title: Management of Infertility
Draft review available for public comment from April 3, 2018, to May 1, 2018.
Research Review Citation: Myers ER, Eaton JL, McElligott KA, M…
March 09, 2012 - Current Page Topic Timeline Nov. 8, 2010 Topic Suggestion Mar. 9, 2012 Research Protocol Apr. 9, 2013 Systematic Review Feb. 1, 2017 Disposition of Comments Report Efficacy and Safety of Screening for Postpartum Depression
Research Protocol March 9, 2012 Download Main Document PDF 640.9 KB
Background …
November 20, 2013 - Disposition of Comments for Use of Natriuretic Peptide Measurement in the Management of Heart Failure
Comparative Effectiveness Review Disposition of Comments Report
Research Review Title: Use of Natriuretic Peptide Measurement in the Management of Heart
Draft review available for public comme…
February 16, 2016 - Disposition of Comments for CER 164 Home-Based Primary Care Interventions
Comparative Effectiveness Review Disposition of Comments Report
Research Review Title: Home-Based Primary Care Interventions
Draft review available for public comment from April 27 to May 25, 2015.
Research Review Citation: Totten AM, Whi…
January 01, 2010 - demineralization in adults.11 Furthermore, some antihistamines cause sedation and may impair motor skills
January 01, 2012 - determine the type of assistive devices that could
help them become more independent with daily living skills … determine
what type of assistive devices could help patients become more independent with daily living
January 27, 2016 - include the study by Cals BMJ 2009 (ref 105)
as this study compared both POCT CRP and
communication skills … multifaceted interventions but was also able
to do a head-to-head comparison of CRP and
communication skills
February 01, 2023 - incorporate
patient education, appointment reminders, adherence to medication and care plans, behavioral
January 01, 2020 - For example, see The Four Skills of
Cultural Diversity Competence by Mikel Hogan.
January 01, 2020 - Train all health care staff in skills necessary to implement this policy.
October 01, 2016 - Cost-effective communication skills
training for state hospital employees.