
Total Results: 546 records

Showing results for "skills".

    January 05, 2017 - Stakeholders and Stakeholder Engagement § Module III: Points of Engagement in the EHC Program § Module IV: Skills … Involving stakeholders at each point § Describe AHRQ’s goals for stakeholder involvement Slide 6 Skills
    June 01, 2014 - McGee Presentation Controller: Paul Vineyard 25 The Secret of Our Success Diversity of Knowledge and Skills … clinic setting requires the advanced practice nurse to demonstrate high clinical proficiency, leadership skills
    November 12, 2015 - For many years it was an  individual’s problem, something to do with  their lack of skills, their … So this is the skills and knowledge and  ability that an  individual brings to a certain  situation
    May 20, 2024 - functioning (e.g., SDQ, SSIS, CGI-I, CGAS), including behavior problems (e.g., ECBI, CBCL, SDQ), coping skills … Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; SLSS = Students' Life Satisfaction Scale; SSIS = Social Skills … outcomes by modifying behavior and/or ways of thinking (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy, coping skills … Do mindfulness-based programmes improve the cognitive skills, behaviour and mental health of children … difference; SNRI = serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; SOE = strength of evidence; SSIS = Social Skills
    August 06, 2014 - extended timeframes commonly displayed substantial improvement in cognitive functioning and language skills … The same goes for the conclusions about the reviewed studies on parent training, social skills interventions … in people with ASD who are over the age of 7 or have substantial delays in cognitive and language skills … General Page 27: ESDM description: As above, need to provide a sentence that describes the kinds of skills … In some cases (e.g., p. 33 categorization of interventions such as social skills) behavioral intervention
  6. EBC-webinar-slides (pdf file)
    June 01, 2014 -   Slide  26   The  Secret  of  Our  Success   • Diversity  of  Knowledge  and  Skills … advanced   practice  nurse  to  demonstrate  high  clinical  proficiency,  leadership  skills
    October 23, 2012 - Current Page Topic Timeline Jun. 27, 2011 Topic Initiated Nov. 2, 2011 Research Protocol Oct. 23, 2012 Systematic Review Dec. 10, 2012 Disposition of Comments Report Comparison of Characteristics of Nursing Homes and Other Residential Long- Term Care Settings for People With Dementia Systematic Review Archived Oct…
    August 01, 2012 - Bundled Payment: Effects on Health Care Spending and Quality Evidence-Based Practice Evidence-based Practice Program The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), through its Evidence- based Practice Centers (EPCs), sponsors the development of evidence reports and technology assessments to assist pub…
    September 02, 2013 - Searching for Relevant Studies Interactive Quiz Searching for Relevant Studies Interactive Quiz Prepared for: The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Training Modules for Systematic Reviews Methods Guide Searching for Relevant Studies Interactive Quiz This interactive quiz augments the mo…
    June 01, 2011 - Stakeholders and Stakeholder Engagement § Module III: Points of Engagement in the EHC Program § Module IV: Skills … § Types of stakeholders in the EHC Program § The roles of stakeholders in EHC Program research § Skills … stakeholder engagement within the context of the EHC Program § Identify differences and similarities between skills
    April 19, 2012 - sense of self efficacy or empowerment, improving community relationships, improving communication skills … is not, you know, a simple task, necessarily, that we all come to a meeting like this with those skills … So by learning how to deliberate, I’m referring to developing the skills that are needed to be able … else that that’s a more realistic time frame to aim for, so that people can learn and apply these skills … You might need to consider whether facilitators sort of need general facilitation skills or whether
    December 19, 2017 - Selection of Facilitator With Strong Communication Skills 1. … Select a facilitator who has “really good communication skills.” … Effective facilitation requires a certain set of skills and not everyone has those skills, although … • “I mean these were great researchers, but their communication skills were really flat lining.” … The facilitator must have strong communication skills, take an active role in managing the discussion
  13. Untitled (pdf file)
    December 11, 2015 - strategies to increase people’s ability to use and apply the evidence (e.g., additional resources, skills … 1. mental health symptoms, syndromes, or disorders 2. comorbidity 3. mortality 4. socialization skills … satisfaction with or acceptability of approach, protocol adherence/program model fidelity, competence, skills … Outcomes Mental health symptoms, syndromes, or disorders; comorbidity; mortality; socialization skills … use problems, developmental disorders, other mental health problems • Mortality • Socialization skills
    May 17, 2018 - and agreed that they should be kept with the stress inoculation therapy studies in the CBT-coping skills … The prior review categorized relaxation as CBT-coping skills and, in part because this is an update … review, we agree that relaxation studies should remain in the CBT-coping skills section. … None of these are CBT or are considered to be coping skills training—especially hypnosis. … Come to think of it, I doubt the developer of MBSR would consider it to be CBT coping skills training
  15. S116 (pdf file)
    October 01, 2007 - ORIGINAL ARTICLE Evaluating the Validity of an Instrumental Variable Study of Neuroleptics Can Between-Physician Differences in Prescribing Patterns Be Used to Estimate Treatment Effects? M. Alan Brookhart, PhD, Jeremy A. Rassen, MS, Philip S. Wang, MD, DrPH, Colin Dormuth, ScD, Helen Mogun, MS, and Sebastian Schnee…
    November 01, 2020 - Education, Research, or Health Policy ........................ 45 Provider Training, Expertise, and Skills … and the potential for success depend on the severity of the patient’s condition, the training and skills … This is important and reassuring in that the skill level for acquisition and retention of these skills … ETI should be available, but requirements for continued skills maintenance and cost of equipment may … Research is also needed to identify optimal methods to acquire and maintain airway management skills
    November 01, 2020 - Education, Research, or Health Policy ........................ 45 Provider Training, Expertise, and Skills … and the potential for success depend on the severity of the patient’s condition, the training and skills … This is important and reassuring in that the skill level for acquisition and retention of these skills … ETI should be available, but requirements for continued skills maintenance and cost of equipment may … Research is also needed to identify optimal methods to acquire and maintain airway management skills
  18. SAMHSA (pdf file)
    January 06, 2017 - And they gain skills that can promote their recovery.
    November 01, 2016 - activity; behavior change (including goal setting, problem-solving, motivational interviewing, coping skills
    September 22, 2014 - patients), improved shared decision making regarding the use of antibiotics, and improved clinician skills … Communication skills, particularly around topics where patient and clinician may have differing views … Measuring improvement in such skills, however, may be difficult. … 19 aimed at patients or parents need to be combined with training in improved communication skills … satisfaction) KQ 5: Intermediate outcomes (improved knowledge, communication or shared decision making skills

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