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    May 01, 2023 - Section 3: Teaching the Key Concepts and Tools Module 2: Team Leadership Module 3: SituationMonitoring Module 4: Mutual Support Implementation of TeamSTEPPS 3.0 Diagnosis … Opportunity to ask questions and review: Handoffs are a good time to have a new pair of eyes evaluate the situation … Is the same handoff method used in every situation, or do they vary?
    October 01, 2014 - did not have leadership, support or resources to make sure there was back-up support to leave; the situation … The physician recommended additional monitoring. … Another nurse on the floor suggested calling the RRT, which she heard had helped with this type of situation … The family can play a role in monitoring the status of the patient; the nurse could have huddled with … Discussion points might include: What could the Responders do if they run into this situation?
  3. Module-4-Slides (pdf file)
    August 19, 2021 - Informs the implementation of a workable automatic referral system as well as the structuring and monitoring … Who will handle monitoring and reporting?  How will you fill the roles? … If no success, revisit the process workflows, adjust and try again 23 Story From The Field: Situation … Rehab program will accommodate the forthcoming growth. 24 Story From the Field: Diagnosing the Situation … 27 PARTICIPANTSEVIDENCE-BASED APPROACH MONITORING • Track measures over time • Create a measure dashboard
    May 01, 2017 - Selected TeamSTEPPS Tools2 Leadership Situation Monitoring Mutual Support Communication Brief STEP … out the care plan Identifies each team member’s role and responsibilities Heightens awareness of the situation … Describe the specific situation Express your concerns about the action Suggest other alternatives Consensus … Provides a framework for effective communication between team members for the following information— Situation―What … to ask questions, clarify, and confirm Tool used: I PASS the BATON Introduction Patient Assessment Situation
    May 01, 2023 - Introduction to Curriculum Module 1: Communication Module 2: Team Leadership Module 3: SituationMonitoring Module 4: Mutual Support Implementation of TeamSTEPPS 3.0 Implementation … Implementation continues with additional training, coaching and monitoring, and effective use of change
    March 01, 2014 - For the real-life situation in question 4 above, a nurse in the same circumstances, but NOT confident … He plans to introduce himself, identify the patient and describe: Situation, Background, Assessment … An action of cross monitoring that makes teamwork safer. … E Two-Challenge rule CUS (Concerned-Patient Safety) Error reduction strategy Maybe cross-monitoring … time-out" policy on behalf of patient safety Anyone can call for clarification 14 C Cross-monitoring
    January 01, 2008 - The nonverbal cues from the nurse's face might communicate the urgency of the situation and the need … SBAR stands for Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation, an easy to remember mechanism … In phrasing a conversation with another member of the team, you should consider the following: Situation … Handoffs are a good time to review and have a new pair of eyes evaluate the situation for both safety … Module 3: Communication ‹#› Communication skills interact directly with leadership, situation monitoring
    April 01, 2017 - Situation Monitoring Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 13. … Monitoring patients provides an important contribution to effective team performance.        
    December 01, 2015 - Situation Monitoring Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 13. … Monitoring patients provides an important contribution to effective team performance.        
    February 01, 2024 - Two-Day Training Half-Day Training Mini-Session Training Module 3: SituationMonitoring Module 4: Mutual Support Implementation of TeamSTEPPS 3.0 Diagnosis … Properly structured patient care teams facilitate effective communication, leadership, situation monitoring … to a care plan that is already in place ( Slide 31, “Monitoring and Modifying the Plan: Huddle ”). … that information is being shared, all team members have the resources they need to do their job, the situation
    September 01, 2015 - Quick, reactive, touch-base meetings to regain situation awareness. … It is an important tool for monitoring and updating the team. … Situation awareness. Mutual support. Communication. … X Situation awareness maintained? X Workload distribution? … Can you think of another way the situation could have been resolved?
    May 01, 2023 - of Key Concepts and Tools Section 3: Teaching the Key Concepts and Tools Module 3: SituationMonitoring Module 4: Mutual Support Implementation of TeamSTEPPS 3.0 Diagnosis … Monitoring and Modifying the Plan Huddle — Ad hoc meeting to ensure continual progression of care to
    March 01, 2017 - Fatigue Workload Misinterpretation of Cues Lack of Role Clarity Brief Huddle Debrief STEP Cross-MonitoringSituation awareness maintained? Workload distribution equitable? … /CAUTI Long-Term Care Safety Modules Teamwork and Communication | ‹#› 15 Practicing SBAR3 Situation … curriculum-tools/teamstepps/longtermcare/video/11cus_sa/index.html 20 DESC Describe the specific situation … or behavior; provide concrete data Express how the situation makes you feel/what your concerns are Suggest
    July 01, 2018 - Communication SBAR Call-Out Check-Back Handoff Leading Teams Brief Huddle Debrief SituationMonitoring STEP I'M SAFE Mutual Support Task Assistance Feedback Assertive Statement Two-Challenge … Can be used to address barriers to team effectiveness in a given situation.
    September 01, 2017 - improving the use of antibiotics for urinary tract infections (UTIs) in nursing home residents based on the Situation … It includes a readiness assessment, timeline, policies and procedures, and monitoring tools specific
    May 01, 2017 - Cross-monitoring: A harm error reduction strategy that involves monitoring actions of other team members … SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation and Request): A technique for communicating … Shared mental model: Results from each team member maintaining situation awareness and ensures that … Situation awareness: The state of “knowing what’s going on around you.” … Situation monitoring: The process of continually scanning and assessing a situation to gain and maintain
    May 01, 2017 - Cross-monitoring: A harm error reduction strategy that involves monitoring actions of other team members … SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation and Request): A technique for communicating … Shared mental model: Results from each team member maintaining situation awareness and ensures that … Situation awareness: The state of “knowing what’s going on around you.” … Situation monitoring: The process of continually scanning and assessing a situation to gain and maintain
    September 01, 2020 - The recommendations provided here represent the ideal situation in which these issues can be addressed … Systems for identifying, reporting, and monitoring errors across diverse populations, and strategies … and easy integration with other reporting systems for quality of care monitoring purposes. … Findings Our research revealed a significant need for improvement in the area of monitoring safety … The TeamSTEPPS LEP Module provides additional resources on evaluation metrics for monitoring patient
    August 08, 2013 - aspects of teamwork that must be targeted in training include: team leadership, mutual performance monitoring … (i.e., situation monitoring), backup behavior (i.e., mutual support), and communication. … Evidence Base: Introduction – B-1-28 TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Introduction Mutual Performance Monitoring … (aka Situation Monitoring) The ability to develop a common understanding of the team environment
    June 01, 2023 - Introduction to Curriculum Module 1: Communication Module 2: Team Leadership Module 3: SituationMonitoring Module 4: Mutual Support Section 1: Overview of Mutual Support Key Concepts and … If you have time, have a participant share a situation they experienced where the team did a great job

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