June 01, 2023 - Section 3: Teaching the Key Concepts and Tools
Module 2: Team Leadership
Module 3: Situation … Monitoring
Module 4: Mutual Support
Implementation of TeamSTEPPS 3.0
June 01, 2023 - Introduction to Curriculum
Module 1: Communication
Module 2: Team Leadership
Module 3: Situation … Monitoring
Module 4: Mutual Support
Section 1: Overview of Mutual Support Key Concepts and
March 01, 2019 - : Communication (PowerPoint, 4.74 MB)
Module 4: Leading Teams (PowerPoint, 3.88 MB)
Module 5: Situation … Monitoring (PowerPoint, 5.16 MB)
Module 6: Mutual Support (PowerPoint, 3.9 MB)
Module 7: Pulling
July 01, 2023 - Introductory Material
Module 1: Communication
Module 2: Team Leadership
Module 3: Situation … Monitoring
Module 4: Mutual Support
Implementation of TeamSTEPPS 3.0
June 01, 2023 - Situation Monitoring Unit (goes with module 3 curriculum ).
March 01, 2014 - aspects of teamwork that must be targeted in training include: team leadership, mutual performance monitoring … (i.e., situation monitoring), backup behavior (i.e., mutual support), and communication. … 2011 12 ; Woodhead, 2011 13 ; Collins & Holton, 2004 14 ; DeRue, et al., 2011 15
Mutual Performance Monitoring … (aka., Situation Monitoring)
The ability to develop a common understanding of the team environment
November 01, 2018 - Good Teamwork: Situation Monitoring Video ( Download compressed video , 56 MB).
September 01, 2019 - Module 3: Communication (PowerPoint, 2 MB)
Module 4: Leading Teams (PowerPoint, 2.24 MB)
Module 5: Situation … Monitoring (PowerPoint, 1.85 MB)
Module 6: Mutual Support (PowerPoint, 2.31 MB)
Module 7: Putting
May 01, 2017 - , high-dose)2,8,9,10,11
Use of a calibrated infusion pump
Uniform parameters for maternal and fetal monitoring … and during infusion
Use of standard NICHD* nomenclature to document and communicate electronic fetal monitoring … appropriateness of patient medication use by staff other than the ordering provider
Maternal and fetal monitoring … This scenario reinforces teamwork and communication related to—
situational awareness
parameters for monitoring … line from the intravenous port when therapy is discontinued
Uniform parameters for maternal and fetal monitoring
December 01, 2005 - monitoring, and mutual support modules that will follow. … Avoid delays in relaying information that could compromise a patient's situation. … What is the situation, or what is happening with the patient? … And that could be important down the road on that code situation. … Communication skills interact directly with leadership, situation monitoring, and mutual support.
July 01, 2023 - Cognitive aids (e.g., checklists, protocols, algorithms, dosing guides, electronic fetal monitoring nomenclature … Multidisciplinary responders offer built-in redundancy and another "set of eyes" on the situation.
May 01, 2017 - checklist or references or links to available checklists and other cognitive aids are provided for each situation … In this presentation, the six principles are presented by focusing first on situation-specific elements … approach to debriefing events based on the seriousness of the event, expertise available, and data monitoring … Using SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation), callouts, huddles, and closed-loop
July 01, 2023 - Errors and slips in medication administration, fetal and maternal monitoring, and delays in responding … Uniform parameters for maternal and fetal monitoring and provider notification prior to initiation of … Use of standard NICHD* nomenclature to document and communicate electronic fetal monitoring findings … Maternal and fetal monitoring using uniform parameters at regular intervals. … Parameters for monitoring and provider notification.
Introduction to Curriculum
Module 1: Communication
Module 2: Team Leadership
Module 3: Situation … Monitoring
Module 4: Mutual Support
Implementation of TeamSTEPPS 3.0
May 01, 2017 - checklist or references or
links to available checklists and other
cognitive aids are provided for each
situation … In this
presentation, the six principles are presented
by focusing first on situation-specific elements … approach to
debriefing events based on the
seriousness of the event,
expertise available, and data
monitoring … • Using SBAR (Situation, Background,
Assessment, and Recommendation),
callouts, huddles, and closed-loop
July 01, 2023 - Section 3: Teaching the Key Concepts and Tools
Module 2: Team Leadership
Module 3: Situation … Monitoring
Module 4: Mutual Support
Implementation of TeamSTEPPS 3.0
January 01, 2024 - worksheet allows a member to observe and rate adherence to team structure, communication, leadership, and situation … monitoring.
May 01, 2023 - Introduction to Curriculum
Module 1: Communication
Module 2: Team Leadership
Module 3: Situation … Monitoring
Module 4: Mutual Support
Section 1: Overview of Mutual Support Key Concepts and
May 01, 2017 - for Perinatal Care
L&D Unit Safety
SPPC Key Perinatal Safety Elements
for L&D Unit Safety
Situation … The 2008 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development workshop report on electronic fetal monitoring … The 2008 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development workshop report on electronic fetal monitoring
February 09, 2006 - structured patient care team is an enabler for and the result of effective communication, leadership, situation … monitoring, and mutual support. … They are responsible for monitoring and reporting changes in a timely manner, just like we're responsible … Core teams should be small enough to ensure that situation monitoring, the development of situational … As you watch the video, consider how the lack of team structure plays a role in the situation shown.