January 01, 2011 - Another respondent felt that most of the employment and caregiver
questions did not apply to his situation … He pointed out that he was not working and he was not aware of
the situation his parents had in regards … because her doctor told
her "I am still treating you" in regard to her 6-month follow-up visits and
monitoring … then marked "no" at all questions about the specific employment changes
because their caregivers’ situation … Another respondent
had a similar situation where he had no medical debt because his insurance
January 01, 2017 - from the specified
network of physicians and hospitals to receive coverage except in an emergency situation … SPECIALTY DRUGS - Prescription medications that require special handling, administration
or monitoring … telecommunications to a patient
from a provider who is at a remote location, including video chat and remote monitoring … coverage; there is no coverage for
care received from a non-network provider except in an emergency situation
January 01, 2019 - from the specified network of physicians and hospitals to receive
coverage except in an emergency situation … SPECIALTY DRUGS -
Prescription medications that require special handling, administration or monitoring … telecommunications to a patient from a provider
who is at a remote location, including video chat and remote monitoring … there is no coverage for care received from a
non-network provider except in an emergency situation
January 01, 2022 - FLAT FEE –
A situation where the person is charged a ‘lump sum’ for a variety of services or a series … An intensive care unit (ICU) is a specialized department used in many hospitals that provides close monitoring … They are characterized by continuous nursing and medical supervision and by the use of sophisticated monitoring … BILL SENT DIRECTLY TO OTHER SOURCE –
This situation normally applies where the provider or the person … FLAT FEE) –
This normally applies to a ‘flat fee’ situation where the person is charged a ‘lump sum
December 31, 2020 - Included with Other Charges: This normally applies to a ‘global fee’ situation where the
person is charged … Their duties may also include monitoring the patient’s
physiological responses to therapy, such as vital
December 31, 2020 - Included with Other Charges: This
normally applies to a ‘global fee’ situation … Their duties may also include monitoring the
patient’s physiological responses to therapy
June 01, 2024 - Some examples of this situation are an office visit with an OB/GYN followed closely by a mammogram; an
June 01, 2024 - Some
examples of this situation are an office visit with an OB/GYN followed closely by a