September 08, 2022 - may be to improve the efficacy of the MVP, to more completely localize the MVP to the
setting and situation
July 28, 2016 - behavioral, and social service resources in the community
that could provide timely posthospital followup, monitoring … ]
Durable medical equipment [same-day delivery; 30-day transitional care monitoring, education … residency, proof of income and
Social Security cards for all family members, and confirm changes in situation … Care plan date
Date care plan created: _________________
Date(s) modified: _________________
Situation … medication]
• [Consider non-narcotic medications such as xxx]
• [Check the State prescription drug monitoring
May 01, 2016 - In focus groups to solicit feedback about various TeamSTEPPS tools and
strategies such as situation-background-assessment-recommendation … Evaluating and monitoring system use and resulting clinical care improvements
were a significant focus … that they never
asked patients about suicidal ideation when patients were dealing with a difficult situation
January 01, 2013 - Considering the specific patient situation, ask yourself and your team:
How often should the assessment … example, a neurology unit may have a high proportion of cognitively impaired patients requiring closer monitoring
May 01, 2023 - Improving Workplace Safety in Hospitals: A Resource List for Users of the AHRQ Workplace Safety Supplemental Item Set
SOPS Workplace Safety for Hospitals Supplemental Item Set Resource List 1
Improving Workplace Safety in Hospitals:
A Resource List for Users of the AHRQ Workplace
Safety Supplemental Item Set
October 01, 2016 - New Models of Primary Care Workforce and Financing - Case Example #2: The Health Center
New Models of Primary Care
Workforce and Financing
Example The Health Center
New Models of Primary Care Workforce
and Financing
Case Example #2: The Health Center
Prepared for:
April 01, 2021 - The protocol for this situation will depend somewhat on the data
collection schedule.