
Total Results: 357 records

Showing results for "situation monitoring".

  1. 13-MDM347013 30..38 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 - these negative effects may extend into the longer term.11 A randomized trial of blood glucose self-monitoring … However, patients randomized to self-monitoring had significantly higher depression scores (by 6 points … but the authors call for the need to further investigate the potential psychological harms of self-monitoring … Efficacy of self monitoring of blood glucose in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes (ESMON … Psychological aspects of monitoring high risk women for breast cancer.
    March 03, 2010 - be needed to fully consider the regulatory, technical, and scientific issues that can occur in this situation … Periodic monitoring of pregnancy status? Please clarify. … We removed the original sentence and replaced it with the following sentences: "In this situation, … We removed the original sentence and replaced it with the following sentences: "In this situation,
    January 01, 2013 - priority setting, strategies and implementation of research priorities, research utilization, research monitoring … The PICO may be important in a situation where there is high SoE for one population group, but low or
    February 27, 2019 - opioid management plans, (2) patient education, (3) urine drug screening, (4) use of prescription drug monitoring … program data, (5) use of monitoring instruments, (6) more frequent monitoring intervals, (7) pill counts … program data, (5) use of monitoring instruments, (6) more frequent monitoring intervals, (7) pill counts … or 13 14 or 15 Patient Compliance/ Health Services Misuse/ Substance Abuse Detection/ Drug Monitoring … or 13 14 or 15 Patient Compliance/ Health Services Misuse/ Substance Abuse Detection/ Drug Monitoring
  5. Dyspnea DEcIDE (pdf file)
    April 01, 2010 - These assessments may be sufficiently sensitive for initially monitoring the dyspnea experience and
    August 06, 2021 - necessary care. 17 These included using videoconferences to replace in-person visits, implementing at-home monitoring … or other specialists Care specific to high-risk conditions (e.g., home glucose or blood pressure monitoring … interactions between patients and providers Exclude : Exclusions listed for KQ 1 Telemedicine monitoring … The telemedicine interventions may include home monitoring but must incorporate patient-clinician interactions … outcome, time, and setting details for systematic review search PRAMS Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring
    April 01, 2012 - Diagnostic accuracy of a questionnaire and simple home monitoring device in detecting obstructive sleep … agents/ sleep apnea, obstructive/th *tonsillectomy/ or/30-42 exp Polysonography/ exp Oximetry exp Monitoring … exp Monitoring, Ambulatory/ peripheral aterial
    December 07, 2009 - This situation presents many challenges not only to patients and families, but also to health policy … Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders — Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, Six
    August 18, 2016 - Monitoring Strategies with Intermediate Outcomes: After a child is diagnosed with ADHD and an initial … Repeat monitoring allows intervention (e.g., change in treatment) before the final outcomes associated … There are variations in the frequency of monitoring, often based on the age of the child, the specific … Individuals who are initially misdiagnosed or who have inadequate monitoring may be overtreated. … However, the optimal strategy for monitoring or treatment is unclear.
    June 01, 2010 - While recognizing the inherent difficulties involved in rigorously evaluating these clinical situation … emphasize this mismatch and caution against generalizing from studies involving earlier use of rFVIIa to situation
    October 01, 2013 - In that situation, the paper-based record would be considered the reference standard for diagnoses … Time Period and Duration of Followup In an ideal situation, researchers have easy access to low-cost … In this situation, common protocols, data definitions, and programming are developed for several data
    March 15, 2016 - we could not judge the SoE for monitoring as anything other than insufficient. … Without monitoring of serum urate, ULT dose cannot be adjusted. … Our evidence report does not conclude that monitoring does not improve outcomes. … we are making cross-study observational comparison and could only reach a SoE of moderate in this situation … The need for monitoring when off ULT is stated in the text and the summary.
    May 24, 2017 - Others self-identify as eclectic in orientation, using whichever techniques work best in any given situation … Cost effectiveness of virtual reality graded exposure therapy with physiological monitoring for the treatment
    December 19, 2018 - program data, (5) use of monitoring instruments, (6) more frequent monitoring intervals, (7) pill counts … management plans, (2) patient education, (3) urine drug screening, (4) use of prescription drug monitoring … program data, (5) use of monitoring instruments, (6) more frequent monitoring intervals, (7) pill … Drug Monitoring/ 21. (urine adj7 (screen$ or test$ or detect$)).ti,ab,kf. 22. Contracts/ 23. … Drug Monitoring/ 21. (urine adj7 (screen$ or test$ or detect$)).ti,ab,kf. 22.
    February 01, 2018 - A plan for ongoing monitoring of the data is an essential tool for identifying and addressing missing … Another way to think about the latter situation is that missingness was caused by the outcome (among … Indeed, some single imputation approaches may introduce bias even if data are MCAR: consider a situation … However, since scenario-based analyses are by their nature specific to the data and situation under
    February 01, 2018 - A plan for ongoing monitoring of the data is an essential tool for identifying and addressing missing … Another way to think about the latter situation is that missingness was caused by the outcome (among … Indeed, some single imputation approaches may introduce bias even if data are MCAR: consider a situation … However, since scenario-based analyses are by their nature specific to the data and situation under
    July 29, 2014 - Care plans must reflect the person’s situation and goals, and thus their quality in the individual case … sustaining treatments, identification of the caregiver(s), important goals and priorities, living situation … planning process, learning to evaluate care plans over time and settings, and using care plans in system monitoring
    January 01, 2020 - care schedules that vary by number or timing of visits for pregnancies requiring routine care and monitoring … or other specialists • Care specific to high-risk conditions (e.g., home glucose or blood pressure monitoring … interactions between patients and providers Exclude: • Exclusions listed for KQ 1 • Telemedicine monitoring … The telemedicine interventions may include home monitoring but must incorporate patient-clinician interactions … outcome, time, and setting details for systematic review search PRAMS Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring
    January 01, 2020 - care schedules that vary by number or timing of visits for pregnancies requiring routine care and monitoring … or other specialists • Care specific to high-risk conditions (e.g., home glucose or blood pressure monitoring … interactions between patients and providers Exclude: • Exclusions listed for KQ 1 • Telemedicine monitoring … The telemedicine interventions may include home monitoring but must incorporate patient-clinician interactions … outcome, time, and setting details for systematic review search PRAMS Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring
    January 01, 2013 - However, the same iron status tests can be used for the purposes of diagnosis and monitoring without … In the opinions of the stakeholders, there are currently no reliable markers for monitoring iron overload … In contrast, to evaluate the test performance of a monitoring test, it is ideal to recruit consecutive … Another common bias arising in this situation is incorporation bias, which occurs when the index test … Evaluation of RBC ferritin and reticulocyte measurements in monitoring response to intravenous iron

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