December 01, 2010 - functioning, encounters with legal system, sexual function/dysfunction, functional capacity, and living situation … functioning, encounters with legal system, sexual function/dysfunction, functional capacity, living situation
December 01, 2023 - Surveys, tasks video
recorded, and coded
by undergraduate
students, fidelity
monitoring for
coders … Low
monitoring noted
for experimental
group. Fidelity
was noted as
excellent. … was
voluntary, so those
that participated may
have been more
likely to benefit Low
monitoring … Data-driven incident monitoring and feedback
2. Leadership and administrative support
3. … Progress monitoring and quality assurance
9. Financing
10. Evaluation
CAPRA standards:
September 01, 2012 - educational intervention about error avoidance
through real-time bedside charting, and 12 weeks of monitoring … PMID: 14720244 [PubMed—indexed for MEDLINE]
Continuous monitoring of adverse … Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA. raabss@upmc.edu
CONTEXT: The effectiveness of the long-term monitoring … CONCLUSIONS: Long-term
monitoring of frozen-permanent section correlation is associated with sustained … referral and information system through simple practical tools; (3) the
NTP adequately supervising and monitoring
July 07, 2017 - intracranial hemorrhage. 20-23 These drugs are easier to use as there is no need for periodic laboratory monitoring … those with comorbidities, event rates much higher or lower than observed in population-based studies, monitoring
January 01, 2013 - management programs and
others that had elements of case management (e.g.,
coordination, medical monitoring … of CM include planning and
assessment, coordination of services, patient
education, and clinical monitoring
March 01, 2014 - citations, and devising a way to assess
the degree of dissemination and uptake in clinical practice by monitoring … Monitoring
August 10, 2022 - Monitoring the response of bone metastases to
treatment with Magnetic Resonance Imaging and nuclear
December 07, 2023 - critical elements of HCBS is a challenging task when there is no one-
size-fits-all model for each situation … attrition is frequent, and
it is hard to find enough DCWs to meet increasing needs for HCBS services, a situation
January 01, 2018 - Atypical antipsychotic use among Medicaid-insured children
and adolescents: duration, safety, and monitoring … So, not clear what longitudinal
cohort would bring to the situation.
We agree. … TEP Reviewer #6 Discussion/
K2: Much more attention to adverse drug monitoring beyond … Funding for user friendly rating scales for parent monitoring is
needed with dosing information and … TEP Reviewer #6 Discussion/
K3: Is the only acceptable study design to assess ADHD
June 27, 2011 - Promotion of self-management (workshops and materials such as blood pressure or glucose monitoring devices
July 01, 2012 - setting of interest (whether the test will be used for screening, diagnosis, treatment
guidance, patient monitoring
June 27, 2011 - – Promotion of self-management (workshops and materials such as blood pressure or
glucose monitoring
February 07, 2018 - best avoided by those with specific conditions, or used with caution, at
lower doses, or with careful monitoring
September 23, 2016 - Improvements in social and occupational functioning
• Enhanced level of independent or stable living situation … Physical health monitoring of patients with
schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry. 2004;161(8):1334-49.
December 06, 2016 - taken the lead in developing treatment plans,
communicating with patients, improving adherence,
monitoring … to the Facilitators and
Barriers section noting that pharmacists could
play a role in dispensing, monitoring … We utilize a full diversion
control protocol – monitoring drug tests for nor-
buprenorphine levels, … random call backs, random pill
counts and drug tests, checking not only the state’s
Prescription Drug Monitoring … come in contact with,
how much time they spend with each provider, how
long between providers, any monitoring
June 01, 2012 - It also:
Clarifies the setting of interest
Screening, diagnosis, treatment guidance, patient monitoring … interest, that is, whether the test will be used for screening, diagnosis, treatment guidance, patient monitoring … of 2)
Practice Question 2 (2 of 2)
Generally speaking, modeling is especially useful in which situation
June 01, 2012 - It also:
Clarifies the setting of interest
Screening, diagnosis, treatment guidance, patient monitoring … interest, that is, whether the test will be used for screening, diagnosis, treatment guidance, patient monitoring … of 2)
Practice Question 2 (2 of 2)
Generally speaking, modeling is especially useful in which situation
July 28, 2009 - The Toolkit includes software services and libraries for resource monitoring, discovery, and management
December 01, 2010 - functioning, encounters with legal system,
sexual function/dysfunction, functional capacity, and living situation … functioning, encounters with legal system, sexual
function/dysfunction, functional capacity, living situation
March 01, 2014 - 1
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 100
Assessment and Management
of Chronic Cough
Executive Summary
In the United States, cough is the most
common complaint for which patients
seek medical attention and is the second
most common reason for a general
medical examination, accounting for