January 01, 2023 - In this situation parameter estimates are unaffected when record pairs with missing
data are excluded … A vision for the systematic monitoring and improvement
of the quality of electronic health data.
June 01, 2009 - The MSeHA is in a unique situation because at the time of the
RHIO’s formation Vanderbilt University … underwriters
has been challenging; a few years ago, one RHIO had only one choice for an underwriter, a situation … devices
currently protecting the Applicant organization’s Network (e.g. content firewalls,
other monitoring
June 01, 2009 - The MSeHA is in a unique situation because at the time of the
RHIO’s formation Vanderbilt University … underwriters
has been challenging; a few years ago, one RHIO had only one choice for an underwriter, a situation … devices
currently protecting the Applicant organization’s Network (e.g. content firewalls,
other monitoring
June 01, 2009 - The MSeHA is in a unique situation because at the time of the
RHIO’s formation Vanderbilt University … underwriters
has been challenging; a few years ago, one RHIO had only one choice for an underwriter, a situation … devices
currently protecting the Applicant organization’s Network (e.g. content firewalls,
other monitoring
April 03, 2008 - Ken Mandl who is an expert on real time population health monitoring
and has published several off-the-groundbreaking … The outcomes we were monitoring were
hemoglobin A1C, cholesterol, blood pressure to see if those changed … unauthorized access to their
account, maybe they’re going through a divorce or maybe there’s some kind of situation
January 01, 2008 - the hazard was
acknowledged or whether any actions were taken to mitigate risk, such as heightened monitoring … interaction 71.8 (62.7) 38.5 (16.7)
6 Refills 26.2 (16.6) 34.5 (10.1)
Scenario five presented a situation
January 01, 2014 - Following the release of the Repository, ongoing activities have included the following:
• Monitoring … • Monitoring other resources available on the NRC to prevent unnecessary overlap. … • Monitoring other resources available on the NRC to prevent unnecessary overlap. … This situation was remedied in years 2 and 3 by purchasing
consulting services from BEA/Oracle and working … • Monitoring consumer satisfaction by TA modality.
January 01, 2011 - review focusing on medication management technologies found overall
improvements in prescribing and monitoring … is distributed across
disciplines as the separate steps of prescribing, dispensing, administering, monitoring
January 01, 2013 - patient adherence to guidelines or protocol-based care,
improving quality of care through clinical monitoring … increased
cardiovascular risk and they were taking at least one medication requiring periodic blood test
February 01, 2011 - Because of the current demographic and socioeconomic situation, cost growth has
become a concern, with … the implementation of EVS, the DHV was in charge of collecting
information regarding the technical situation … efficient planning and implementation of the NPfIT (and hence
EPS) a number of decision-making and monitoring … clinical advise and building consensus
Health IT provides an important source of EMRs enable performance monitoring
January 01, 2005 - the
statewide Genetics Coordinating Committee (SGCC) a multidisciplinary committee, involved in
the monitoring … results to the health department, and the incorporation of ICF, SNOMED, and
ICD-10 diagnostic, follow-up monitoring … Children’s Care to analyze the TennCare and
other databases in TN-CHP with reference to Child Find and monitoring … Commentary: Monitoring expanded health insurance
for children: Challenges and opportunities.
January 01, 2021 - McCullough
Message from the conference chairs
Over the past few weeks, we have been closely monitoring … and evaluating the situation around COVID-19 to
ensure we are taking the necessary measures to protect
January 01, 2014 - The HHAs experience difficulties with
monitoring and managing the reassessment requirements. … The correct timing for a reassessment
depends on the type of care needed which requires monitoring;
March 01, 2017 - site information to help them making an informed decision as to the
most appropriate method for their situation … The Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) is an ongoing surveillance
system, conducted … interconception
health status of women who recently gave birth to a
live-born infant—Pregnancy Risk Assessment
April 01, 2008 - “Not dispensed” events could also be insufficient for adherence monitoring
because the time before a … However, most indicated that their adherence
monitoring activities were limited to the patient visit … text
question that prescribers could use for open-ended comments on the patient’s particular clinical situation
January 01, 1993 - Therapeutic Guidance
Assessment, Risk
Therapeutic Response
January 01, 2007 - complex clinical processes that involve a wide
variety of patient types and an individual patient's situation … Thus, we took advantage of the situation that nine Trinity
Health hospitals have implemented EHR over
March 01, 2003 - via CPOE.28 Queens Medical Center in Hawaii demonstrated improved
adherence to recommendations for monitoring … In addition, network management
capabilities are required to support load balancing and network monitoring … An organization in this specific situation may be
able to drastically reduce the capital costs of the
January 01, 2024 - recording: Evaluation of electronic patient reported
outcome measures (e-PROMs) system for remote monitoring
January 01, 2014 - Using Health Information Technology to Support Population-Based Clinical Practice - Final Report
Team Members