January 01, 2008 - Medication use process
The medication use process is complex and often
situation- and patient-dependent … a linear
progression from ordering, transcription, preparation,
dispensing, administration, and monitoring … For
example, pharmacists may be involved in monitoring the use
of certain medications and communicating … medication use process activities and information
flow vary based on the type of medication and patient
situation … The nurse, pharmacist, technician, and
unit clerk all may become involved in remedying the situation
March 01, 2009 - Percentage of Verbal Orders
Percentage of Verbal
Monitoring the percentage of verbal orders … Such monitoring is also recommended by
the Joint Commission on Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations
January 01, 2019 - distinct self-care decision-making personas—Rule-Following, Researching, and
Disengaging—represent situation-specific … naturalistic decision making for self-care; and (c) use-case
scenarios in which a decision-making situation … A situation-specific theory of heart failure self-care. … Remote monitoring and follow-up of pacemakers and implantable cardioverter
defibrillators. … Patient satisfaction and
suggestions for improvement of remote ICD monitoring.
January 01, 2023 - complicated home and outpatient care needs well into the first year of life, including home oxygen and monitoring … like themselves online; for instance, mothers looked for blogs written by other mothers in the same situation
January 01, 2015 - Implications for Decision Support Current and future innovative informatics tools such as patient
monitoring … Patient monitoring tools such as therapeutic antibiotic monitors and adverse drug event monitors
embedded … For example, tele-
consultation and monitoring models, such as the ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare … Outcomes)
program in New Mexico, include remote patient monitoring features that may guard against … This approach provides a shared sense of situation
awareness among team members.
January 01, 2011 - Control Program, integrates electronic medical records (EMRs) and personal health records (PHRs) with monitoring … Additionally, the team integrated a home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) device into the PHR.
May 07, 2015 - area
Adults over 18 years old Children 7–18 years old
Three-Phase Methodology
Phase 1, Aim 1
Situation … Results:
Rationale for Tracking
Being active participant
Being in the know
Monitoring … asthma
Kendall L, AMIA Proceedings 2014
Mitigating Failure
Monitoring … Problem
Patients as Safeguards
Population and Setting
Three-Phase Methodology
Phase 1, Aim 1 Situation
January 01, 2015 - We focused on anticoagulation monitoring for a number or reasons. … patients but also the lack of a mechanism for identifying patients overdue for monitoring. … or more rescheduled appointments (or their first two
appointments in the ACC), as this would be the situation … a standardized script to
remind the patient of the monitoring need and upcoming appointment. … Warfarin therapeutic monitoring: is 70% time in the
therapeutic range the best we can do?
January 01, 2020 - Instead, they search prior experience for
patterns to recognize a situation (pattern matching) and … In addition, we are monitoring the use of the electronic CDS tool
on the PICU at JHH and categorizing … (Ideal situation) Did antibiotics result in no sepsis
developed or did CDS tool and clinician
misdiagnose … CDS √
Clinician √
(Ideal situation) Why did sepsis develop after the
administration of antibiotics … Indicating other sources
of patient information
patient with
change of
• Monitoring
January 01, 2004 - Heedful Interrelating
Nurse to Nurse Communication in Report
S-ituation What is the patient’s situation … support for the care planning process
An “external memory” of the patient’s care plan that allows easy monitoring
June 01, 2010 - There is a lack of EHR-specific standards and best practices in
relation to design, testing and monitoring … in other settings with similar challenges
(aviation, nuclear power plant operation, White
House situation
January 01, 2004 - Heedful Interrelating
Nurse to Nurse Communication in Report
S-ituation What is the patient’s situation … support for the care planning process
An “external memory” of the patient’s care plan that allows easy monitoring
January 01, 2012 - Control Program, integrated electronic medical records (EMRs) and personal health records (PHRs) with monitoring … Additionally, the team integrated a home BP monitoring (HBPM) device into the PHR.
January 01, 2003 - reduce underuse" by encouraging ordering of prophylactic medications, vaccinations, and compliance with monitoring
May 25, 2016 - One is warfarin is a drug that requires careful dosing and
monitoring. … And
there were a couple of aspects of the situation that we thought lent itself more thoroughly
to … Basically to establish a correct dose for a patient in this situation, you need information
on creatinine … In this situation we
actually looked at the appropriateness of ordering for nursing home residents … Just real quickly, we also did an analysis of the cost related to these events and in this
January 01, 2009 - decision support systems were used in a variety of ways by nurses, including recording information, monitoring … "In case site 2 (spinal assessment) and case site 4 (remote monitoring) the CDSS were designed to assist … "In case site 4 (routine monitoring), the CDSS monitored patients' responses to a series of questions … "In case site 4 (remote monitoring) nurses described difficulties in interpreting patient data when displayed
October 16, 2014 -
b. who can get information from you to
help them understand a situation? …
b. who gives you information to help you
understand a situation? … Accepted the situation.
g. … Changed something about
yourself so you could deal with
the situation better.
January 01, 2012 - (Ongoing)
Develop visualizations for increasing situation awareness and supporting decisionmaking.
January 01, 2018 - AHRQ-Funded Research Supports Clinicians’ Work
Research funded by AHRQ aims to support clinicians and other healthcare professionals in providing health services. The projects highlighted below share the goal of improving the experience of health professionals who use health IT. The fe…
January 01, 2012 - ) 0.2774
needed continued in-patient care 236 (75.40) 219 (69.97) 0.1273
inadequate home situation … , the prevalence of monitoring is highly variable. … One barrier to appropriate
monitoring is lack of standardized monitoring guidelines. … One barrier to appropriate monitoring is lack of
standardized monitoring guidelines. … , prevalence of monitoring is highly variable.